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When your loved ones have babies..

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Texting king

Member since 10/05

5289 total posts


When your loved ones have babies..

Please help me to deal with this. Now that I know it will be somewhat of a challenge for us to get pg naturally, it's even harder to see those around me giving birth.

Three weeks ago my cousin's wife had a girl, yesterday another cousin of mine had a girl (23 lives at home and had an oops pg), and I am hosting a baby shower for my best friend on Saturday who is due in October.

I feel that my happiness is fake when I am in front of them and don't know how to deal with all of these emotions. I truly feel that I am happy for them, but when I'm with them I feel like I have to put on an "act" so that I don't look like a hater..

am I making any sense????

Posted 8/13/06 12:25 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 1/06

185 total posts


Re: When your loved ones have babies..

Its normal to feel this way....I do too. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/06 12:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/06

1018 total posts


Re: When your loved ones have babies..

I know excatly how you feel. My two best friends were pregnant at the same time. It can be very difficult, especially when they would complain about symptoms etc. The one just had a beautiful baby boy 7 days ago and the other is due in Nov. I have hosted baby showers and have given Oscar caliber performances. When asked how I was I would reply that I was "fine", "handling everything great", and "not stressed, but hopeful about my situation." When everyone left, I cried. Most likely it was from the sheer exhaustion of being fake. All I can say is our time will come and as for now, do your best to smile but it's OK to feel sad, we are human after all! Chat Icon

Posted 8/13/06 10:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/06

775 total posts


Re: When your loved ones have babies..

I can relate as well. I just found out my sister is pregnant. Only in her first trimester.
I am so happy for her but sadden for me and DH (ok, jealous too!) We have been trying longer! She doesn't know that we are TTC and she calls me all the time complaining about feeling sick, tired, etc.
It makes it hard. I just want to yell at her and tell her to deal with, and be thankful she was able to conceive.
I know it is going to get harder as the months move on.
But we have to be positive that our time will come!

Good Luck!

Posted 8/13/06 10:19 PM

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