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LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
when they are watching TV? Sidney is 8.5 months and can't stand to be in her exersaucer for more than 10 minutes cause all she wants to do is crawl around and pull herself up on the couch. I wanna try some of our Baby Einstein DVDs and be able to get some work done. She's outgrown the bouncy and swing (she practically tips them over when I put her in them).
Posted 3/22/06 10:33 PM |
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Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
I watch with her. Sarah has no patience for the playpen anymore, she wants to be moving!
My laundry room is off my den, so I can do laundry while she's playing, but otherwise I get all the other work around the house done while she's napping/sleeping.
I will put her in the highchair and pull it into the doorway of the kitchen so she can watch me cook or put groceries away.
Posted 3/22/06 10:42 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
I put Julia in her pack and play with some toys and turn on a video for her to watch, while I get things done around the house. If shes not in that I put her in the jumper and she just hangs out and jumps around, she loves it. Shes out growing a lot of her stuff too, so its getting harder to find things to keep her occupied during the day.
Posted 3/22/06 10:43 PM |

Member since 5/05 23599 total posts
Name: Stefanie
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
I put Jared in his walker.
Posted 3/22/06 11:33 PM |
Member since 5/05 1854 total posts
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
Kevin sits in his Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker Seat or I'll pull the high chair into the living room.
Posted 3/23/06 6:53 AM |
Happy New Year

Member since 5/05 17334 total posts
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
I put Jake in his Jumperoo but it's rare that he watches TV for more than 15 mins when he's with us because I know that in daycare he watches plenty so I limit TV watching at home.
Posted 3/23/06 9:12 AM |
3 babies for me :)

Member since 5/05 6683 total posts
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
Alex has no interest in TV. I have tried Baby Einstein, Sesame Street, Noggin everything. I will put him in his pack & play and within 5 minutes of watching TV he has his back to it and plays with the toys in the P&P.
Posted 3/23/06 9:36 AM |
boy mamma

Member since 5/05 2975 total posts
Name: Antoinette
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
we have the fisher price infant to tolddler rocker- it can hold up to 30 lbs or I put him in the swing which he still fits in (barely). I usually give him a bottle at that time to feed himself with so he is fully entertained.
Posted 3/23/06 9:39 AM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
Kevin will only watch Baby Einstein and pretty much he will only watch it sitting on my lap cuddling. Cute - but you can't get anything don any more. He mostly uses the videos to fall alseep or when he is cranky to relax. He will watch them briefly while he plays. He won't watch much of any other tv besides BE videos.
Message edited 3/23/2006 10:00:11 AM.
Posted 3/23/06 10:00 AM |
LIF Infant

Member since 7/05 272 total posts
Name: Deb
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
angela stayed in the playpen till she was like 17 months old to watch her DVDs, that way she could stand up or sit or lie down - she never really minded it and used to ask to go in it to watch her program!
Posted 3/23/06 10:12 AM |
5 weeks till I'm a big sister

Member since 5/05 2642 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
I would put a gate up so my DD wouldn't be able to get out of the living room and she would just crawl and pull herself up. I live in an apartment so its all one floor so its pretty easy for me to keep an eye on her and now that she is 18 months she is pretty much independent. I still keep a close eye on her
Posted 3/23/06 10:58 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/05 1107 total posts
Name: Dree
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
Posted by iffer042373
I would put a gate up so my DD wouldn't be able to get out of the living room and she would just crawl and pull herself up. I live in an apartment so its all one floor so its pretty easy for me to keep an eye on her and now that she is 18 months she is pretty much independent. I still keep a close eye on her
Is there a type of gate that would protect her from climbing up on the entertainment center...she tries to touch the TV. If I could just get some type of gate that would block off the TV I'd be more comfortable letting her roam around.
Posted 3/23/06 9:54 PM |

Member since 5/05 19403 total posts
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
Posted by dree
Posted by iffer042373
I would put a gate up so my DD wouldn't be able to get out of the living room and she would just crawl and pull herself up. I live in an apartment so its all one floor so its pretty easy for me to keep an eye on her and now that she is 18 months she is pretty much independent. I still keep a close eye on her
Is there a type of gate that would protect her from climbing up on the entertainment center...she tries to touch the TV. If I could just get some type of gate that would block off the TV I'd be more comfortable letting her roam around.
There are a few systems for wide spaces. has a few, we got ours there but I didn't see it when I just looked real fast.
We put this system Evenflo Wide Spaces across our den (we needed a few extensions) and have our tv, stereo and computer blocked off. Just made me more comfortable with her moving around that way.
Posted 3/23/06 10:00 PM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Where do you put your baby...? (8-12 months)
I put Nate in his high chair when he watches TV. He only watches two things on TV Jack's Big Music Show (Noggin) and Seseame Street. For some reason he's not interested in Baby Einstein anymore.
Posted 3/23/06 11:58 PM |