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Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
We want to invite about 20 people (and a few young kids) to DD's First B-day party. We're planning a more relaxed, casual home party. End of June.
Now, the decision:
Our house is small. Our backyard, while nice, is also small. Has a nice deck, but small, enough for maybe 10 people at tables/chairs. The rest is just grass lawn. So, the pros of our house: it's our house, I like that she'll have her first b-day party there, it's more convenient for us. has nice shade in the backyard. The negatives: would be cramped if we're outside, beyond cramped if it's raining and we're inside. Actually, I can't imagine how that many people would fit in my yard much less my house.
MIL's house is much larger, has a nice outside space, huge new patio, etc. Much more spacious (my baby shower was there also, with a lot of people, it was great). The pros of her house: it's much more spacious inside & out.The negatives: she has NO shade in her back yard, we sweltered for my baby shower. Plus, my MIL would try to do a lot more (in terms of preparations) than I would like, she tries to take control of things (it's true, really), even though she thinks she's helping I want to plan my DD's party. Plus, it's not DD's house, and that kind of takes away a little bit for me in terms of what I've always wanted for her first b-day.
Which would you do?
Message edited 4/17/2008 10:18:08 AM.
Posted 4/17/08 10:16 AM |
summer fun!

Member since 3/06 4962 total posts
Name: Jaime
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
Your house and make it would annoy me if MIL tried to step in (and i don't mean that rude)
Posted 4/17/08 10:18 AM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
Your house.
Posted 4/17/08 10:19 AM |
Little Brother Christopher

Member since 2/07 6815 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
I would say your house!!
Good luck!!
Posted 4/17/08 10:21 AM |
cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07 4407 total posts
Name: Candice
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
your house...i know all too well about a MIL that trys to take planning something over and make it their yourself that stress!
Posted 4/17/08 10:23 AM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
Depending on the relationship with your IL's i'd have it there.
I have a small space with not much a backyard area. I had my DD's 1st birhtday at IL's last year and will have my 2nd DD's 1st birthday there again. Honestly, i appreciated the help they gave and everyone was more comfy there and i didn't have to worry about 1/2 the stuff i would have to worry about having in my home.
Posted 4/17/08 10:26 AM |

Member since 2/07 2642 total posts
Name: Belladonna219
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
Your house, even if your relatonship with your MIL is great...who needs the extra stress!
Posted 4/17/08 10:28 AM |

Member since 7/05 9662 total posts
Name: Mrs. Honeybee
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
i had my dds first bday in my one bedroom apt in the middle of winter. we had 15 people. we made it work. no one was really cramped. my dd had all her toys there and stuff. i would have it at your home. plus some people will probably be inside and others outside. i think you will be fine.
Posted 4/17/08 10:31 AM |
Member since 5/05 1427 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
i say do it at your house - You can definitely make it work! Good Luck
Posted 4/17/08 10:34 AM |
Beyond Compare

Member since 5/05 17988 total posts
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
I say do it at your house. Can you set up some tables and chairs on the lawn to accomodate everyone? Use the deck for the buffet table.
Posted 4/17/08 10:35 AM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Which would you choose re: first b-day party?
For everyone who said to have it our house: do you think I should rent a tent for the backyard? It's only for about 20 people-- would that be a waste of $? Or should we just say, if it rains, we'll cram inside & make it work.
Posted 4/17/08 10:38 AM |