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Member since 5/05 5913 total posts
Name: Juliet
Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
I am not sure why but the past three days or so I have felt so down and out. I cried so much and have been abrupt with DD. I feel like a bad mommy and I don't know how to stop it. I am at work now and I miss her terribly but I know that when I get home I will be stressed if she doesn't go to sleep easily.
She has been eating and sleeping poorly and I just started back to my grad classes and I just feel overwhelmed like I did when she was first born.
I want her to be the happy baby she was before...
Posted 1/31/08 7:44 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 12/05 4648 total posts
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
you're not alone. try to take some mommy alone/relax time if possible.
Posted 1/31/08 7:46 PM |
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
You have alot on your plate, grad school is HUGE! You should be proud of yourself and cut yourself some slack. I'm sure your DD will get back on track and things will feel under control. Just take one day at a time. Try to sneak in any extra rest that you can, every bit counts.
Posted 1/31/08 7:46 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
it sounds like you are going through a rough will pass
when you feel yourself getting stressed out, take a breather, count to 10, walk away from dd if you have to
you are NOT a bad mom, you have alot on your plate and are stressed out, you are only human
fm me if you want to talk
Message edited 1/31/2008 7:47:26 PM.
Posted 1/31/08 7:47 PM |
My Loves!

Member since 5/05 46292 total posts
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
First, You are NOT a Bad Mom. You are working and going to Grad School. That's a lot right there. I give you and every mommy that does this soooo much credit.
I have been having a little trouble getting DS to sleep as well. DH has been working LONG hours. In on the go (SAHM) from 7AM until DS decides to close his eyes. Right now, I hear him crying over the monitor. For us, CIO pretty much works. It's hard doing it myself though.
Take it one day at a time. I think our DCs are the same age. FM me if you EVER need to talk.
Posted 1/31/08 7:51 PM |
Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05 5913 total posts
Name: Juliet
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
Posted by lvdolphins
First, You are NOT a Bad Mom. You are working and going to Grad School. That's a lot right there. I give you and every mommy that does this soooo much credit.
I have been having a little trouble getting DS to sleep as well. DH has been working LONG hours. In on the go (SAHM) from 7AM until DS decides to close his eyes. Right now, I hear him crying over the monitor. For us, CIO pretty much works. It's hard doing it myself though.
Take it one day at a time. I think our DCs are the same age. FM me if you EVER need to talk.
CIO never worked for us. She just screamed louder and was inconsolable after that. Besides, I know it is her teeth that hurt so I can't punish her for that.
I just wish I could make her pain go away so she could be happy again.
Posted 1/31/08 7:54 PM |
Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07 12683 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
I'm sure your DD is going through something right now that is making her a poor eater/ sleeper. It could be teething. I hope that it passes soon and she'll be back to her old self.
Give yourself a little leeway. As PP said, you are doing many things right now, not to mention all of the right things. You are working, going to grad school and taking care of DD. It's bound to feel overwhelming at times. Hang in there!
Posted 1/31/08 7:55 PM |
I <3 my boys!
Member since 12/06 1389 total posts
Name: Kelly
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
Really at this time I figure why bother trying to get him to bed! tonight we watched Jacks big Music show on demand and then he fell asleep. We will see for how long it goes. I actually called in sick to work today bc of how bad last night was. You are not a bad mom. You have a lot going on and it is normal to be down. Just remember sometimes you have to do some things for yourself!
Posted 1/31/08 9:25 PM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08 838 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
Hang in there. You are both just having a rough spot. Just remember she feels your stress just as much as you do. Breath. Like someone else said take a walk or sneak in a bath if your dh will let you. Just breath.
Message edited 1/31/2008 9:34:52 PM.
Posted 1/31/08 9:34 PM |
Almost there!

Member since 7/06 7376 total posts
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
I just had a bad patch too. DD was cutting four molars and was generally crabby from the minute we got home to the minute she went to bed. Then she would wake up every 2 hours at night. 
This too, shall pass. It will get better again.
Posted 1/31/08 9:58 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
It happens to the best of us. I was at my end today as well. I even started crying because I was so frustrated with myself and how I was acting.
You have a lot on your plate and at least you are aware that you have a short fuse. You'll have good days and bad. But, you are not alone.
Posted 1/31/08 10:52 PM |
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
I know - I go through days like that too - I think we just take on so much as mommies!!!
Posted 2/1/08 5:47 AM |
Ready for the sun!

Member since 5/05 30339 total posts
Name: Properly perfect™
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
Parenting has its ups and downs, your in a down period now but remember it will be followed by a beautiful up.....hang in there
Posted 2/1/08 6:04 AM |
Please St. Therese....

Member since 10/07 8494 total posts
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
Jules, you are a great mom!!! She is going through a rough patch right now, but will be back to her smiley self soon. You are doing so much right now, it's bound to get stressful. Take it one moment at a time and hang in there it will get better!
Connor also thinks you are a great Godmother We are here for you !!!!!
Posted 2/1/08 8:17 AM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Why do I feel so down? I feel as bad as I did after DD was born...
You have a lot going on...try to take sometime for yourself. Even if its to take a walk We are here for you!
Posted 2/1/08 8:51 AM |