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will travel agents match prices from online?

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/05

623 total posts


will travel agents match prices from online?

Dh and i are looking to go to aruba for our 2 year anniversary (probably our last trip for a while cause we will be TTC right after that) amd we a want to stay at the occidental grand aruba.... the place looks gorgeous but is on the pricey side for us --- i found a website online that will get us a week for about 3200 in the best room... almost 1000 less than most other sites...

dh is hesitant to book through online... do you think if i print out the quote from the webisite and bring to a travel a agent they will match it?

never done that beofre
any suggestions would be great.... - this is the resort - this is the website with the great price - seems legit right?


Posted 10/3/06 9:54 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: will travel agents match prices from online?

My ageny only price matches air and their are a lot of terms and conditions on that. Things like it has to be a bookable flight, domestic only and we need an actual screen shot (nothing where they can play around with the figures)

You can try but nothing is guaranteed until the final booking and ticketing.

Agencies have the access to various travel agent only websites where they can get packages but they are going to want to match apple for apple and some vendors may not offer the airline or hotel that you found.

They can look into it and may be able to find you a lower rate but matching apples for apples will require some research.

Posted 10/5/06 6:36 PM

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