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Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

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Member since 8/05

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Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

Help me out here! I have gone back to work and each morning is a crapshoot of what is going to happen. My DH goes to work at 5AM and the boys usually get up anywhere between 4 and 6 AM to feed. I need to be out of the house by 7:30AM and the babysitter will start coming around that time. I guess i should feed them when they wake, put them back in their cribs and get ready.

Just wondering how you all do it. What is your routine to feed the baby, get ready and out of the house in the morning. And how old are your children.


Posted 11/29/06 9:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Re: Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

Jake is 16 months old and here is our routine in the morning:

6:30am -6:45am - I get up, shower, get dressed, make coffee and walk the dog - Jake is usually still sleeping. If he gets up during this time, I let him hang out in his crib playing until I'm ready for him.

7:15am -7:45am - Get Jake dressed, give him breakfast

7:45 - 8:00am - I finish getting ready (hair, makeup, etc). Jake is usually running around playing during this time, but DH is around so we are both keeping an eye out while getting ready. If he gets too mischieveous, we close the bedroom door and turn on Noggin and give him a toy so we can finish getting ready.

8am - DH leaves with Jake to drop him off at the sitter. Although by this point I should technically be ready, I never am. That's because there is usually alot of playing with Jake going on during the getting ready process.

Once they are gone, I finish up and am usually out the door by 8:15am.

When Jake used to wake up earlier I would get him ready first. But this new method (getting up before him) works better for me. I don't have to worry about what to do with him when I'm in the shower, if he's going to cry, etc.

I recommend getting up 1/2 hr before them if you can. That gives you some peaceful time to yourself. Also, you don't have to immediately go in and get them the second they wake up. Jake sometimes needs a little time to "wake up" and he even gets cranky on the days he sleeps in and I go in and get him immediately.

Posted 11/29/06 9:31 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

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Re: Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

DS goes to the sitter twice a week. The other days he stays with DH...

This is our typical morning routine
DS is a sleeper (6 months), so I normally wake up at 7:30 shower and get myself together by 8:15. I warm a bottle and prepare his cereal and fruit for the sitter to feed him. At that point I wake DS and get him dressed. We are out the door by 8:30 and drop him off at the sitter by 8:31 (she lives right next door).

Posted 11/29/06 9:59 AM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

DH and both leave at the same time we have to be out of the house by 7am to bring DD to daycare

5:45 am DH gets up and showers, 6:00am I get up and get DD changed and dressed
6:15 DH takes DD downstairs and feeds her, while i get showered and dressed
7:00am we are out the door!

We get EVERYTHING together the night before-her things for daycare, food, even her am clothes, so all we have to do is grab and go.

Message edited 11/29/2006 10:02:45 AM.

Posted 11/29/06 10:02 AM

My Girls!

Member since 5/05

2688 total posts


Re: Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

I get up at 5:00/5:30, shower, get ready.

Wake the girls up at 6:15, dress then and take them to Tutor Time. They are both fed when they get there.

If they get up before hand, I usually just bring them down with me while I'm getting ready.

I also have everything laid out the night before and bags are packed and put in the fridge the night before so I just grab & go.

Message edited 11/29/2006 10:42:24 AM.

Posted 11/29/06 10:41 AM

My Little Yankee Fans

Member since 1/06

4018 total posts


Re: Working Moms - What is Your Routine in the Morning?

Dh goes to work at 4 am, so I am left by myself.

When I frist went back to work, the boys would wake at 6 - 6:30 and I would feed them, lay them back down in the same crib and jump in the shower.

Then depending on it they slept or not, I would bring them downstairs and prepare the bottles they needed and get them set up downstiars. Then the sitter would get there at 8:30.

After a while they slept longer, and I would be able to wake up at 7:00 and get dressed and ready before they even woke up, or at least hold off them eating until 8:30 when the sitter got there. So I would only have to change them and entertain them, which I would do by running back and forth from my room to their room.

Now it is a breeze. They wake at 7:30 and I can leave them in their cribs until 8:30, since they play with the toys in the crib, throw them out, and talk to each other. Sometimes I put them in the same crib, but if they see me they want out.

Another option that might work, is having the sitter get there at 7:00 so you can finihs getting ready with no interuptions?

Posted 11/29/06 11:07 AM

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