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X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

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I'm going to be a big brother!

Member since 6/07

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X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be


Posted 1/12/08 12:49 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 10/06

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Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Real waste: Wipes Warmer. Neither of my kids cared wether or not the wipes were warm or cold.

Can't live without: Diaper Champ. I would seriously be running outside to toss a diaper in the trash every hour.

For me, the changing table was a necessity. But my SIL who has 4 kids has changed all 4 of her kids on trhe floor on blankets. But I thnk it is so much easier to have a cushion to lay them on , and have all of your supplies(diapers, wipes, rash cream, etc.) handy.

Posted 1/12/08 3:44 AM

wow time is going fast.

Member since 9/07

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Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

changing table i used alot when newborn, now at almost 4m old, not so much. my dh uses all the time, im on short side, so its easier for me to change her on floor on blanket.

Posted 1/12/08 6:23 AM

I'm going to be a big brother!

Member since 6/07

1860 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Thanks for the info!! Chat Icon

bumping for the day posters

Posted 1/12/08 8:44 AM

Where it all began....

Member since 5/05

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Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

I use my changing table everyday and did for my son too, so for me it was needed.

Posted 1/12/08 9:23 AM

Someday, Somehow

Member since 6/05

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Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

My DS is 21 months old and get changed/dressed everytime on his changing table when we are home. I find it easier to just have everything in one spot, I absolutely couldn't live w/o it

Posted 1/12/08 9:43 AM

Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05

12165 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Must have for me:
Snap and Go stroller frame!!
Boppy (if you're BF)
Bouncy chair...where else are you going to put them Chat Icon
Bundle Me if you're having a fall/winter baby.

I can't say I registered for anything that was a waste, but here are the things I don't get...
Diaper Genie (if you live in a house, like I do)
Wipes warmer
Oh, I did buy a bottle warmer in the thought that I would use it to FF overnight and NEVER used waste for me. I ended up mostly BF anyway, but when we did FF, I just brought up a bottle of room temp water and mixed it with formula when the baby woke up.

In the nursery, I have a dresser that has a changing pad on top which I NEVER use. I always use the changing table on the pack and, my answer is yes and no on that! Chat Icon

Posted 1/12/08 9:51 AM

Big Sister to Be!

Member since 5/05

3644 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

I still use my changing table every day and DD is 5 months old.

-wipe warmer-never used it-returned it.
-Bumbo Seat (we got ours free from my bro,so in that case it was ok but I'm glad I didn't pay for one)
-Swaddle Me Blankets (DD used to bust out of them-we found it best to swaddle her with an large stretchy thermal blanket that someone got us from Kohls-it was by far the best thing)

-Diaper Champ (I liked it better than the Genie b/c you can use any kind of bag-I use grocery store bags)
-Boppy (I EBF but have also found many other uses for it)
-Video Monitor
-Papasan Swing (LIFESAVER)
-Snap & Go Stroller (best thing ever invented)
-Halo Sleep Sack
-Tons of bibs (I thought I had too many but now that DD is on solids and teethin (drooling)I don't have enough!
-Tons of cloth diapers for burp cloths etc

ETA: Bundle Me -I didn't register for one but just got one recently-best thing!

Wanted to add one more thing-I hadn't planned on a changing table but got one a few weeks before DD was born b/c we had the room. My SIL kept saying changer her on the bed/floor etc but I wound up with an unexpected c-section and there is no way I would've been able to change her on the floor or even on our bed for the first few weeks.

Message edited 1/12/2008 4:25:45 PM.

Posted 1/12/08 9:52 AM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Wastes: Bottle Sterilizer (a dishwasher or warm soapy water are just fine)
Blankets (I got so many of these, but I don't them)
Two Piece Outfits (maybe when he's older, but right now PJs and playsuits are easier IMO)
Jumbo Packs of Diapers (or wipes or formula). Try out small packages first--I have a huge package of Huggies that just do not work for him--they leak every time

T-shirts that button down the front (I was terrified to pull onesies over his head the first few weeks)
Snap N Go Stroller Frame
Pack N Play
Classical Music (it soothes him better than any other kind of music)
Playsuits and PJs
Sheet Savers

Posted 1/12/08 4:01 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Oh, the changing table. I have one, but I think you could get away without it also. Just make sure you have a mat or something to put down wherever you plan to change.

Posted 1/12/08 4:01 PM

Almost there!

Member since 7/06

7376 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

wipe warmer - never used it and didn't miss it

Bumbo Seat- I don't believe in making kids sit before they are physically ready to.

Swaddle Me Blankets - Receiving blankets and the stretchy thermal blankets worked great.

Diaper Champ/Genie - We didn't have a lot of spare floor space for that stuff. We use biodegradable bags (from BRU/BBB) to tie the diaper up in and dispose of in the garbage.

Jumperoo - never used it. We had an exersaucer. I think one or the other is fine. (Our exersaucer had an short life. She only used it for about 2 months, after she had a good grasp on sitting and before she wanted to be out crawling.)


Boppy - I used it for BF-ing and we used it for tummy time and as a ring around her when she was still a wobbly sitter.

Graco Carseat adapter for the Bugaboo

Washclothes - lots of them. In one day, we may use two in the bath, one for cleaning her up after meals, and one for her to suck on when she's teething.

Bundle Me - Very handy

Activity Gym - DD loved it. We used it from birth to 6 months.

Bottle warmer - lot faster than using hot tap water and safer than a microwave (ETA: This got the most use for making bottles with refrigerated/frozen breast milk)

Bouncer seat - DD used it until about a month ago! She loved lounging in it while having a bottle. We replaced the bouncer with a Elmo couch now.

Changing table - I still use my changing table every day and DD is a year old. I didn't spend much on it - $100. I def. wouldn't spend hundreds on one.

Message edited 1/12/2008 5:18:25 PM.

Posted 1/12/08 5:15 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

DD is 19 mos old and we still use our diaper changing table every day and still use our diaper champ every day. Never bought a wipes warmer. Couldn't have lived w/o our swing. HTH

Posted 1/12/08 7:30 PM

Growing up fast!

Member since 4/07

12683 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Everyone is different but I never used a special diaper pail for DD's diapers. I didn't see the need for one.

Sterilizer- no need....just boiled bottles & binkies

Bottle warmer- no need...just put bottle in a vat of warm water for a few minutes before feeding

And contrary to other people's opinions.....I've always used my wipe warmer. I think it just takes the edge off of cold wipes, especially in the Winter. I even have a travel one.Chat Icon

Bundle me- necessary for Fall or Winter

Gowns and one piece play wear- easy to use

Changing table- still use it and DD is 15 months

Posted 1/12/08 7:56 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/06

583 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

Must haves:
-Miracle Blanket , Miracle Blanket, Miracle Blanket !!!! Swaddle Mes don't work well, but the MB changed our lives. I'm not kidding. Also read Happiest baby on the Block, or get the DVD

Waste: A 'travel system' . Too bulky. Get a car seat and one of those Snap and Gos, then when DC is older get a bigger car seat and a different stroller. DO NOT WATSE YOUR MONEY ON THIS, they are so bulky and heavy and useless, IMO. Everyone told me that , but I *had* to have mine.

Posted 1/12/08 8:40 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

3014 total posts


Re: X Post: Question for the parents from a mommy to be

I definately used the changing table. We have the dresser with the ability to put the changing pad on top.

Wipe Warmer - I wish that I did have because DS, almost two, still hates the cold wipes but will the next one - who knows.

We were not fans of the swaddle me blankets but again - maybe the next one will like them.

Some things depend on the child. Some babies love swing -- others hate them.

Posted 1/12/08 10:13 PM

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