We will need something around February....

We can't afford the broker fees - so I'm hoping maybe you guys knew of someone?

We can afford $2000 or less... maybe $2100 if utilities/oil were included....

We need at least 2 bedroom - DH has 2 kids, and we are having a baby early April. We need a bathtub in the bathroom, and washer/dryer.... Ideally 3 bedrooms because I always wanted to have a special room for the baby, but I have to be realistic with the amount of money we will have...

Is this impossible? We would take an apt, but I'm not sure if washer/dryer would be available with an apartment unless its in someones house... We rent a house now in Huntington, but for a steal and the landlord wants to move back in April (just around the time the baby is born!!!)

Can anyone please help? Let me know!!!
