I'm really confused as to what.to do and I could really use some advice:

DH and I have been TTC for about 7-10 months (depending on how you define "trying"). We have just started the process of testing - I had CD3 bloodwork done and he went for an SA. We are still waiting on the results.
I am scheduled for an HSG this Wednesday morning - which would be CD 11.

I usually O on CD 12-14 so I figured we would still be able to get in some Chat Icon right after the HSG and still have a shot this month.

Well I just got a high reading on my CBEFM today at CD7 (usually don't get first high until CD10). I'm worried that I am going to peak and ovulate early and miss my shot bc of the HSG. I was told absolutely NO intercourse up until the procedure. I really don't want this month to be a total wash.

Should I cancel the HSG until next month and get to Chat Icon OR

Should I wait it out until Wednesday, have the HSG done, and hope and pray I haven't O'd yet and we still have a shot?

TIA for all of your help. I'm really stressing out over this.