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Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
After we have the babies? DH and I were talking about this today...with all the stretching that goes on what will my stomach look like after I give birth?
I would like to be prepared for this!
Posted 5/27/07 9:24 PM |
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Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
It will look like your 5 months preggo instead of 9, at least thats what mine looked like after Julia came out.
Posted 5/27/07 9:27 PM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin? the beginning, right after giivng birth its all stretched looking - like baggy skin. But, it does go back to takes awhile, but it does. DD was born 11 1/2 mths ago and my tummy has finally started looking pretty much the way it used to.
Posted 5/27/07 9:28 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Posted by MelToddJulia
It will look like your 5 months preggo instead of 9, at least thats what mine looked like after Julia came out.
But will it be like flabby skin or still kind of tight?
Posted 5/27/07 9:28 PM |
Disney cruise bound!
Member since 5/05 8126 total posts
Name: D
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Kind of saggy and it tends to look darker since it's not stretched out anymore but it eventually returns to normal or some what normal at least.
Posted 5/27/07 9:29 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by MelToddJulia
It will look like your 5 months preggo instead of 9, at least thats what mine looked like after Julia came out.
But will it be like flabby skin or still kind of tight?
My skin wasn't flabby at all, it was tight, but it looked like I was 5-6 months pregnant still, it takes a few weeks for it to go down.
Posted 5/27/07 9:30 PM |
Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05 29450 total posts
Name: Diana
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Also, is it true that I should wear something tight afterwards? I have heard about girdles in the past - I was considering wearing my bella bands again to keep things nice and tight.
Posted 5/27/07 9:30 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Posted by Diana1215
Also, is it true that I should wear something tight afterwards? I have heard about girdles in the past - I was considering wearing my bella bands again to keep things nice and tight.
I would, it couldn't hurt.
Posted 5/27/07 9:32 PM |
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Member since 5/05 16353 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Posted by Diana1215
Also, is it true that I should wear something tight afterwards? I have heard about girdles in the past - I was considering wearing my bella bands again to keep things nice and tight.
If you can stand it, I guess you can do that.
I can't stand anything tight on my belly right now. It makes things feel all ookie.
I've been using a tightening/stretch mark reducing lotion on my belly and hip area every time I shower and it seems to be making it better.
Posted 5/27/07 9:34 PM |
They get so big, so fast :(

Member since 5/05 13848 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
I think the only thing that helps is time. Mine is slowly getting better almost 5 months and the massive amount of sit-ups helps too.
Posted 5/27/07 10:09 PM |
Big sister!!!!!!!!!!
Member since 12/05 17450 total posts
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Posted by MelToddJulia
Posted by Diana1215
Posted by MelToddJulia
It will look like your 5 months preggo instead of 9, at least thats what mine looked like after Julia came out.
But will it be like flabby skin or still kind of tight?
My skin wasn't flabby at all, it was tight, but it looked like I was 5-6 months pregnant still, it takes a few weeks for it to go down.
same here. My stomach wasnt flabby it was tight but preggo looking. I still have the ledge from the c-section. I am 6 months Post partum and still hoping that this will Poof be-gone!
Posted 5/27/07 10:12 PM |
Baby # 3 is here!!!

Member since 7/05 21138 total posts
Name: Genna
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
after Jacob was born, I looked like I was 4 months pg...after some time, it went back to its normal size
Posted 5/28/07 7:37 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/05 6870 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
I've always noticed people having one of 2 things happen
1) look a few months pg after, with tight skin
2)look like a deflated tire. Which is what happened to me!
I didn't look PG at ALL after having DS...I just had this soft, soft belly that felt so odd to touch.
It tightened up relatively soon (6 weeks after having him) but only now is it resembling my old belly (DS is 8 and a half months old).
Posted 5/28/07 7:53 AM |
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
I answered on the PG board but I wanted to add that I brought a girdle to the hospital and never wore it. I asked the nurses and they said I didn't need it. And honestly I don't think I would have made it to the bathroom in time if I had to take a girdle off everytime I had to pee if it was tight.
Posted 5/28/07 10:15 AM |
Me and the guys

Member since 5/05 4024 total posts
Name: Heidi
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
It's been 16 days since I gave birth and my stomach a little less firm then usual, but I just look like I have period bloat. I'm hoping that by doing a lot of crunches it will be back to normal in a month or 2.
Posted 5/28/07 11:27 AM |
Bella Bambini

Member since 5/05 9300 total posts
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
I was actually surprised with how my stomach looked after my c-section. I didnt look pregnant like people told me and my stomach wasnt as flabby/mushy either. It looked like I had a few to many beers
Posted 5/28/07 11:34 AM |
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
I was actually surprised with how my stomach looked after my c-section. I didnt look pregnant like people told me and my stomach wasnt as flabby/mushy either. It looked like I had a few to many beers
I had no problem at all with stretched skin - my abs just look a little flabby, as if I put on a few pounds, but I am starting to get soem defintiion back. Once I begin working out more regularly, I think it will all snap back into place...
Message edited 5/28/2007 12:44:40 PM.
Posted 5/28/07 12:43 PM |
Member since 8/05 3116 total posts
Re: Xpost from Pregnancy - What happens to our skin?
Okay from a mom who had a decently flat stomach and had twins.....
I tried cocoa butter every day when i was pregnant. I am a big fan of cocoa butter and I thought it was working. After i had the babies I developed stretch marks in the area below the belly that you can't see. However, I had a huge pouch of skin that was hanging down after giving birth.
It took about three months for me to start to feel normal again. My sister told me to wear those belly flattening stomach undies. They were my life saver at first. After that you use SPANX (aka God's gift to every woman who ever gave birth). Even if you have nothing to hide, with the extra skin it holds everything in place. Now 9 months post partum I feel back to normal. I can "almost" put back on my bikini. I still have a little extra skin, but it is not anything noticed by anyone but yourself. So if I can carry twins and be pretty average weight before hand...AND have minimal skin left over..I think you have nothing to worry about. Just get those underware and use them for a few months. You really start to feel like yourself again around 6 months (however it might be 3 months if you have a singleton!).
Posted 5/28/07 10:27 PM |