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My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Xpost: Not TTC, but... (No, I'm not PG!)
why would I get a line on an Ovulation Predictor stick when "I think" my period is late??? When I was using OPK's to get PG with both my son's I NEVER got even the faintest line on one until I was close to ovulating? I know women have used them to detect being PG, but I don't think I am since I don't have symptoms. I've felt like my period was coming for days now, but so far nothing. I believe I ovulated about 1.5 -2 weeks ago. Any thoughts? Of course we're not TTC, I'm only 10.5 weeks PP, but I'm now on the minipill so my DH is not careful at all any more and I haven't been taking the pill at the same time everyday. With both my son's I got my period by 7 weeks postpartum so I'm pretty sure it's due right around now or a few days ago. I was just wondering why I would get a line on one? I was just playing around and there was a line. I also used to chart so I took my temp just playing around and it was really low. Well, compared to what it is when I am PG. It wasn't at waking time though and it was when I was doing things right before. It's just that when I was PG my temp would be high no matter when or what I was doing. Anyway... I don't know if me taking the minipill or BF'ing or being 10.5 PP would have anything to do with it or not. I just wanted to ask because I was curious! Thanks ladies!
Posted 11/25/06 12:02 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Xpost: Not TTC, but... (No, I'm not PG!)
I would be really careful with the mini pill. The rate of pregnancy with it is ridiculously high if you don't take the pill at the exact same time everyday. Which is why I decided to not bother with it. Is it possible that your body is thrown off still from being pregnant that you are ovulating at a different time now?
Posted 11/25/06 12:47 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Xpost: Not TTC, but... (No, I'm not PG!)
Last time I got a nice line on an ovulation predictor test I was pregnantwith Lauren! It was my big clue to take a HPT, not an ovulation predictor test.
I was on the mini pill after Andrew and hated it. I now have the Mirena IUD and really love it.
Posted 11/25/06 12:49 PM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Xpost: Not TTC, but... (No, I'm not PG!)
I don't think it's thrown off? Even with my other son my period and ovulating was back to normal right away.
I thought you didn't even ovulate with the minipill? I keep hearing different things though.
I could be wrong though? Thanks!
Posted 11/25/06 12:51 PM |
Chase is one!
Member since 5/05 27530 total posts
Name: me
Re: Xpost: Not TTC, but... (No, I'm not PG!)
Yes, you do ovulate on the minipill. It just makes your cervical mucus thicker to "block" sperm. That didn't seem like enough protection for me!
Posted 11/25/06 12:58 PM |
My 3 Miracles!

Member since 5/05 5777 total posts
Name: Melissa
Re: Xpost: Not TTC, but... (No, I'm not PG!)
If you do ovulate then I'm wondering why my doctor prescribed it to control the Endometriosis while I'm BF'ing??? It's suppose to suppress what makes the Endo grow? How would it control it then if I do ovulate? Because if I'm ovulating then I'm producing the hormone that caused the Endo to grow... I think? I'm so confused! When I'm done BF'ing she prescribed a low Estrogen pill for me to take instead.
I really thought you didn't ovulate and then if you miss a pill or not take it at the same time then it could cause you to ovulate. I guess not!
Posted 11/25/06 2:02 PM |