I could not be happier right now! I FINALLY got a positive OPK today! My cycle is obviously still very messed up but at least I am not OUT!!!! WOO HOO!!!!
JaneDoe- How are you feeling??? I have been thinking about you too! So happy everything worked out...I am sure you are having lots of fun on the pregnancy board! Hopefully I will be joining you soon!!!
MrsDeVito- any updates on you? I am going to the doctor this week for a followup. I am going to asking her about this O'ing so late deal! Hopefully I will have some good info to share
MrsDeVito- any updates on you? I am going to the doctor this week for a followup. I am going to asking her about this O'ing so late deal! Hopefully I will have some good info to share
CD 30 and still no O! Thanks for checking up on me Cant wait to hear what your doc says. If I don't see AF or an O by Wed. I'm calling my doc too!
JaneDoe- How are you feeling??? I have been thinking about you too! So happy everything worked out...I am sure you are having lots of fun on the pregnancy board! Hopefully I will be joining you soon!!!
I am feeling good!!! Just exhausted!! Thanks for asking. I turned 8 weeks on Thursday--Thanksgiving. We had a doctors appointment on the 24th and we saw the heart beat (it was amazing!!) and told the entire family---they are so excited!!!! We are still waiting to tell friends--will probably tell them around christmas since I will be 12 weeks. It is still so unreal t times!
I wish you all the luck and in the world for this cycle. Cant wait to see you over on the pregnancy board!!!!!