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Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

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Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

They told me last time we went in on the 3rd that I had an 8 lb gain since the last visit, but they weren't too concerned since it was the holidays. I go in yesterday and they tell me I've gained 9 lbs since my last visit on 1/3! Yikes! 22 lbs total and I'm only at 26 weeks. Now I'm completely panicked b/c they told me I can't continue like this. Now that I'm over half way through the Dr. tells me I shouldn't be having fruit juice, no pizza, no bagels. Ugh! Are you kidding me? The stupid what to expect book said I should have juice so I've been having it regularly. I can't believe they tell me these nutritional things at the outset. I would not have been drinking fruit juice otherwise. It's not like that was really part of my pre-preggo diet. I thought I was being pretty good. I mean we haven't dieted or anything, but I don't feel like I've been totally gluttenous(sp?) either. It left me so depressed. I feel like one of the fun aspects of pregnancy was being able to not worry about weight and here I am worrying about my weight. They've taken the fun out of it for me. Chat Icon Sorry so long, I just had to vent. I am so disappointed.Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 11:35 AM
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Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

What about light juices?? That's what I drink. Bagels are a definite weight adder...I learned prepregnancy to stay away from them. I still try to watch my carbs and eat "reduced" foods. But at 34.5 weeks I am still up 30 lbs so I have gained too. Don't get too crazy about it, just make smart choices and you will be fine......

Posted 2/1/06 11:50 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

I hate when Doctors make you feel bad about your weight gain - the simple truth is that most of the weight gain is genetic. I ate SOOOOO healthy during my pregnancy - no meat, all lean fish, no fatty foods, lots of whole grains, etc. I also walked about 2 miles a day up until about 2 weeks before I delivered. And, yet, somehow, I ended up gaining 45lbs!! Chat Icon My doctor told me not to worry about it (thankfully), and you know what? Within 10 weeks post-partum I lost all the weight. I'm convinced that there is nothing you can do to prevent the weight gain, unless of course, you're eating a bag of cookies everyday Chat Icon BUt if you're generally eating OK, then try not to worry too much. I know a woman who gained close to 60lbs in her pregnancy and she lost all the weight after as well Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 12:00 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

Thanks guys. As far as light juices are concerned I'd just as soon stop drinking juice if the Dr. is saying there is no real nutritional value to be gained. I just wish they'd told me that right b/c that's something I could easily eliminate.

Posted 2/1/06 12:06 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

have you been tested for Gestational Diabetics?
That could be the problem. I would want to be retested.

Juice is one of the worst things for almost anyone to drink..full of sugar. There is really no value in it. Have an orange, over Orange Juice. Sounds like you need a lot more protein in your diet.

Posted 2/1/06 12:35 PM

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Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

everyone will have an opinion when it comes to weight. i am currently trying to ignore my mother as best as i can because she's worried i'll gain "too much".

as far as the what to expect book goes, my dr. said right off the bat to follow the guidelines, but to ignore the suggested intake amounts. she said if one follows it to a T, one will explode Chat Icon ...

Posted 2/1/06 1:27 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

Posted by Bxgell2

I hate when Doctors make you feel bad about your weight gain - the simple truth is that most of the weight gain is genetic. I ate SOOOOO healthy during my pregnancy - no meat, all lean fish, no fatty foods, lots of whole grains, etc. I also walked about 2 miles a day up until about 2 weeks before I delivered. And, yet, somehow, I ended up gaining 45lbs!! Chat Icon My doctor told me not to worry about it (thankfully), and you know what? Within 10 weeks post-partum I lost all the weight. I'm convinced that there is nothing you can do to prevent the weight gain, unless of course, you're eating a bag of cookies everyday Chat Icon BUt if you're generally eating OK, then try not to worry too much. I know a woman who gained close to 60lbs in her pregnancy and she lost all the weight after as well Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I totally agree with Everthing Beth said! I am 26 weeks and been eating well, i don't really eat sweets, ice cream chips or empty calories and I already gained 26 lbs.

Posted 2/1/06 1:43 PM

Holiday 2011 photo

Member since 8/05

8088 total posts


Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

Posted by michele31

have you been tested for Gestational Diabetics?
That could be the problem. I would want to be retested.

Just had the test yesterday at my visit. They have to send the results out so I won't know for a while. Does that cause increased weight gain?

Posted 2/1/06 1:52 PM

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Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

I dont have any additional advice but wanted to give you a Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 1:55 PM


Member since 5/05

4317 total posts


Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

I had gestational diabetes but didn't gain much weight. When I was diagnosed with GD, I had only gained about 18 pounds and once they put me on that diet I lost about 5 pounds before giving birth.

Posted 2/1/06 2:11 PM


Member since 1/06

4593 total posts


Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

I feel so bad when DR's make ladies feel bad about their pregnancy weight gain Chat Icon I haven't been eating that much different than pre pregnancy and have gained close to 30 lbs. It happens.... How about diluting the juice with some water or plain seltzer water? Hang in there I am sure you are doing fine Chat Icon

Posted 2/1/06 2:17 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: Yikes- so discouraged after yesterday's dr. appt.

I had very normal 2-3lb weight gains during my pregnancy and then out of no place I had an 8lb gain one month..the same week I was diagnosed with GD. That is why I asked.
For now, watch your carb intake, eat more protein.
For instance instead of cereal for breakfast have a frozen Go Lean waffle with peanut butter on it. That is much healthier for you. No more juice, but do eat fruit.

Posted 2/1/06 2:29 PM

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