Your labor experience compared with your mothers
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LIF Adolescent
Member since 5/05 751 total posts
Name: Cari
Your labor experience compared with your mothers
I was hoping to know how your labor with your first born compared to your mothers first born- what you felt, how you dilated, the progression rate....I am kind of bummed right now. I was so excited because the dr said I was going to go into labor this weekend- I was 90% effaced and 2 cm dilated. I called my mother and she told me she was 2 cm dilated with me (her first born) for one whole week before she had me! I was born two days after my due date. Based on what she said, my baby is poised to do the same. Sept 10. Can you ladies please share? Thanks so much! 
Message edited 9/4/2005 9:36:33 AM.
Posted 9/4/05 9:33 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05 6247 total posts
Name: Jennifer
Re: Your labor experience compared with your mothers
I can understand your frustration. My mom was two weeks early the first time around (with me). I am now 4 days from my due I am not sure our mothers experiences apply to us!
Posted 9/4/05 9:45 AM |
Re: Your labor experience compared with your mothers
I am the oldest of 5 childlren and I came two weeks early. My brotehrs and sisters on the other hand were all about 3 days late. I am still in my first trimester but so far my mother didn't have any pregnancy symptons and neither do I and I would be exstaic(spelling) if I went two weeks early because that means I dont have to deal with April 15th madness, I am an officer manager for an accounting firm!
Posted 9/4/05 10:22 AM |
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Member since 6/05 10228 total posts
Re: Your labor experience compared with your mothers
My mom had a 2 day labor, mine 4 hours. I dont think 1 has anything to do with the other.
Good luck!!
Posted 9/4/05 11:12 AM |
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