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My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Does anyone have this stroller? Have anyone seen it in a store to try out?
Message edited 8/15/2007 1:13:29 PM.
Posted 8/15/07 1:13 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
I couldn't find a store that carried it even though on Zooper's website it says that BBB has it. I went to the one in Huntington and Westbury and they don't have it. I was going to buy it without even tring it but then I decided on a jogger. I loved that it held an infant carrier
Posted 8/15/07 1:18 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by Seles81
I couldn't find a store that carried it even though on Zooper's website it says that BBB has it. I went to the one in Huntington and Westbury and they don't have it. I was going to buy it without even tring it but then I decided on a jogger. I loved that it held an infant carrier
Thanks Adrianna... Does your jogger hold an infant seat?
Posted 8/15/07 1:19 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by Seles81
I couldn't find a store that carried it even though on Zooper's website it says that BBB has it. I went to the one in Huntington and Westbury and they don't have it. I was going to buy it without even tring it but then I decided on a jogger. I loved that it held an infant carrier
I searched high and low just like adrianna here in CT for that stroller, no one had it, even high end boutique type baby stores.
I did tons of research with my stroller buddy adrianna and I found out by talking to moms and asking tons of store associates that with 2 kids of different weights/ages, if you get a stroller like that, you NEED to have 3 wheels-one in the middle, if you don't it will start to sag in the middle.
I too decided on a double jogger, I bought the Baby Jogger City Series Double, as of yet (they are coming out with it soon, but they are having issues with balancing-adrianna found that out) it doesn't hold a carseat, but I prop DD's head with head support in it.
I swear i did more research on double strollers than with my car or house!
ETA: Adrianna's does hold an infant seat, she has the Urban Moutain Double Jogger. The URban can accomodate Graco's and Peg's infant seats with an adapter.
Message edited 8/15/2007 1:28:02 PM.
Posted 8/15/07 1:24 PM |
My munchkins

Member since 5/05 5010 total posts
Name: corinne
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
i have a zooper swing and love it. i had to travel to the bbb in manhattan 2 years ago to try it out. the quality is great. very sturdy. i would search a store that has the regular zooper an just image another one attached?
mine had an attachement for the graco infant seat too. was rated a+++ in baby bargins and thats why i got it. i know pottery barn kids sells zoopers too but not sure if they have any in their stores.
good luck
Message edited 8/15/2007 1:31:31 PM.
Posted 8/15/07 1:28 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Thanks for the info Michele... I had no idea that a side by side would sag, that is ludicrous! And I looked up the double jogger and I think my DH would have a heart attack if I told him how much it was! I really want something that holds the infant carrier though... So freaking confused now!
Posted 8/15/07 1:30 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by Corinne
i have a regular zooper and love it. i had to travel to the bbb in manhattan 2 years ago to try it out. the quality is great. very sturdy. i would search a store that has the regular zooper an just image another one attached?
I feel like a double stroller would be so different than a single though... I really don't want to travel to the city to test it out...
Posted 8/15/07 1:31 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by ckdk
Thanks for the info Michele... I had no idea that a side by side would sag, that is ludicrous! And I looked up the double jogger and I think my DH would have a heart attack if I told him how much it was! I really want something that holds the infant carrier though... So freaking confused now!
In the beginning os my search my DH did have a heart attack with the price! I have 3 other singles he didn't want to shell out more$$$ , but i involved him in the search and kept reminding him i need to be happy! It took me a good 6 months of research and looking and bugging moms i saw and sales associates :)
After I dragged him to store after store, he just told me to get whatever and finally saw how frustrating finding a stroller is!
I bought mine from online, no shipping or tax and you could even pick them up 100-150 bucks off if you buy last years model. Both have closeout sections.
Good luck in your search!
Posted 8/15/07 1:35 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Oh it also depends what you will use the stroller for, mine will be used primarily for walks since I am home all day without a car and long errands like the mall. These joggers are def not meant for lugging in out of a car for errands to cvs or quick errands.
I totally rationalize it like if i buy a cheaper stroller say like the Aria or Combi, then wind up HATING it, I didn't want to waste $$ buying something I wasn't 150% happy with just to spend MORE money on something else that the total price would be even or just as much as the joggers i loved. That DH would kill me for!
Just something to think about!
Posted 8/15/07 1:38 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
I have a car and really can't walk many places besides the local food market which is still like a 15 minute walk... that's the problem, I need something I can put in and out of the car without getting a hernia... I wonder how long it would take for the Zooper to sag in the middle, by that time maybe I can see getting a big jogger...
Posted 8/15/07 1:43 PM |
My munchkins

Member since 5/05 5010 total posts
Name: corinne
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
how do you know they all sag? maybe its the brand that someone bought? did you check baby bargins to see how others rated? when you see the construction of the zooper you will be impressed. i cannot understand how the zooper tango can sag.
Message edited 8/15/2007 1:53:10 PM.
Posted 8/15/07 1:50 PM |
My munchkins

Member since 5/05 5010 total posts
Name: corinne
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
you can also ask bbb to order it and once you get it in if you dont like it return it. they do order certain items and have a 30 day return.
Posted 8/15/07 1:55 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by Corinne
you can also ask bbb to order it and once you get it in if you dont like it return it. they do order certain items and have a 30 day return.
Good idea, I will call them... I don't have baby bargains...
Posted 8/15/07 2:02 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/06 3014 total posts
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
We just saw this at babies r us in Westbury. It's really nice.
Posted 8/15/07 2:04 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by Corinne
how do you know they all sag? maybe its the brand that someone bought? did you check baby bargins to see how others rated? when you see the construction of the zooper you will be impressed. i cannot understand how the zooper tango can sag.
I don't know if they all sag, I am just repeating what I was told by a couple sales associates at BBB, BRU and a store here up in CT.
I spoke to a mom who had two kids 16 months apart who had an infant carrier in the aria and absolutely loved it, but the aria doesn't get that good of a rating.
I loved the look of the zooper double, i almost bought it sight unseen, but it's an expensive stroller too. I didn't feel comfy spending that much money without being able to try it out. I did also speak to someone at BBB about ordering it and they said they couldn't do it.
OP-Def take a look at, they have a stroller rating section.
Posted 8/15/07 2:05 PM |
My girls

Member since 5/05 7027 total posts
Name: Cheryl
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
I was on baby-gaga today and they don't review that one of course...
Glad to hear it's at Babies R Us in Westbury, I will definitely check it out, thanks!
Posted 8/15/07 2:09 PM |

Member since 5/05 11165 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by ckdk
I was on baby-gaga today and they don't review that one of course...
Glad to hear it's at Babies R Us in Westbury, I will definitely check it out, thanks!
If you see it & test it, I am soo curious to hear a review on it and how you liked it or not!! Let me know!
Def plop DD in it too!
ETA: has a some websites that have reviews on it if you do a search
Message edited 8/15/2007 2:16:43 PM.
Posted 8/15/07 2:10 PM |
Member since 12/06 16001 total posts
Name: *
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
Posted by Corinne
you can also ask bbb to order it and once you get it in if you dont like it return it. they do order certain items and have a 30 day return.
BBB will let you return it if it was used? I was in the Huntington store and they have a sign near the strollers that basically says if you put it together and use it and don't like it, you can't return it. That's why I didn't buy anything.
I wish BRU would get a better selection of strollers since they let you return anything basically.
Posted 8/15/07 2:26 PM |
Member since 6/05 3273 total posts
Re: Zooper Tango Double Stroller...
I have this double stroller and love it. It folds flat and then in half which makes putting it in the car easy and it isn't terribly heavy. Combi
Posted 8/15/07 2:57 PM |