Last night on my way home from work I saw a cat sitting in the street 3 doors down from where I live.
I stopped the car because I love all animals and I actually thought it was my neighbors cat, got out and called it. It meowed but it didn't come to me.
I drove to my house and the cat appeared at my garage! He was SO friendly - came right up to me, sat in my lap, purred - I thought he definitely must be my neighbor's! I called them and he isn't theirs.
Soooooo.... the cat is now in my basement w/ food, water and a litterbox. DH wants to KILL ME but I couldn't leave him outside!
DH and I put up signs in our neighborhood at 11pm! We live in a brand new community so I am thinking that if he got out that he might have been disoriented and unable to find his way back home!
DH is so mad at me BUT - I would hope that someday if anyone ever found MY cat that they would do the same thing! Pay it forward, right?
Anyway, PLEASE that someone calls soon b/c I don't want to take him to a shelter and can't keep him b/c I already have a CAT who is not happy about this whole situation!