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What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

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Love my Family!

Member since 7/05

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

IL's gave us:

1. New Dyson vaccume
2. They got us the zoom lens for our Nikon D50.
3. $$$
4. A bag full of stocking stuffer gifts.

My parents:

1. Gift basket full of cute stuff.
2. Gift certificate to Jimmy Hays (steak house).

Posted 12/26/06 8:17 PM
Long Island Weddings
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just hangin' around...

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

my parents gave us a down comforter, an xmas ornament, paper and ink for our photo printer, 4 of our crystal wine goblets, gift cards to fridays and $2grand!
Chat Icon
gave him tshirts and socks, gift cards to dunkin donuts, blockbuster and best buy.
gave me gift cards to starbucks, my hair/nail salon, and tanning salon; and a bottle of perfume.

DH's parents gave him a new jacket for work, $$$ and a gift card for gamestop.
gave us a throw for our living room.
gave me a bottle of perfume, gift card for macys, a candle - and they're paying for skis and ski boots for me.
we done good this xmas!

Posted 12/26/06 8:24 PM

Our Family is Complete

Member since 5/05

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

fil gave me a maternity fleece from oldnavy, slippers, and a foot bath (returning)

MIL gave me $150 cash, a maternity outfit, pillowcases i wanted, socks,

my parents gave me a beautiful foyer table from target, pajamas and slipper for when i give birth, 2 maternity shirts, cash, and a home depot gift crtificate

Posted 12/26/06 8:42 PM

I love the summer

Member since 1/06

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

My mom gave me $500, sweaters, a watch, pj's and a few books. She gave DH $500, pj's, leather gloves and a laptop case.
My dad gave us $200.
My IL's gave DH a sony vaio laptop and me a food processor to make baby food and a nice gc to Ny &Co.
The baby gifts were crazy too, we are spoiled, but we got them really nice gifts too.

Posted 12/26/06 9:00 PM

Love my boys...

Member since 5/05

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

My parents gave us...

2 Rocking chairs for our porch
$300 Amex gift cards
then a couple of things more for me
Chat Icon pajamas, a book, cookie cutters, silpat baking mat, I think that's everything

DH's parents gave us...
$400 each
and then paid for DS's first month of daycare Chat Icon (it's $1200)

Posted 12/26/06 9:08 PM

I miss you grandma

Member since 8/05

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

inlaws gave me burbury perfume and body butters. I love them all

my mom gave me money and the most cozy, comfy bathrobe ever with slippers. I'm in heaven Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 9:25 PM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

7396 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

wow everyone 's parents are so generous!!!Chat Icon
my parents a gift certificate to outback steakhouse
my inlaws uggs slippers and a beautiful ornament for the tree

Posted 12/26/06 9:34 PM

Family is Complete!

Member since 5/05

5913 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

My parents to me: A Dooney and Bourke bag, a Sephora bath set, a Philosophy facial set, some books, some pj's, GC for a manicure, a GC for Dunkin Donuts (I go there often), socks.

My parents to us: GC to Bertucci's, a box set of jams and pancake mix and biscuit mix (yummy), a holiday throw blanket and matching pillows.

My parents to DH: a dress shirt from LLBean (they finally had a new stripe he doesn't have), two X-Box games, an X-Box accessory, socks, handkerchiefs.

IL's to DH: an iPod
IL's and BIL (and a little bit of money from DH) to me: an iPod

Posted 12/26/06 10:12 PM


Member since 10/05

4796 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

MIL: Not a damn thing. Not a damn thing for her SON and not a damn thing for her ONLY grandsons. Chat Icon Seriously, is a card too much to ask for!? Chat Icon

My mom: Winter coat, slippers, 2 shirts, pjs, ornament and a Hallmark musical penguins/snowman thingy. Chat Icon Aside from being extremely generous to all of her kids (she treats all 8 of us equally) she just rocks!!!! I love my mom!!! Chat Icon

Posted 12/26/06 10:13 PM

I'm a PANK!!!

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

MIL: I got a down comforter for our bed and Dh got a bathrobe....Chat Icon Chat Icon which is really funny since he never wears one!!

Mom & Dad: I got a sweater and a lounge set and Dh got a few sweaters and a shirt

Posted 12/26/06 10:17 PM

This is gonna be a good year!

Member since 2/06

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

IL's gave us cash money...Chat Icon ! Which is always appreciated!!!

My parents got us a new mattress set which we really needed!!!

Posted 12/26/06 10:36 PM

Turning a new page

Member since 5/05

9731 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

me from parents:
ugg boots
30 gig iPod
new coffee maker
baby keepsake frame that you can put foot/hand imprint into
sephora giftcard

DH from my parents:
nike sneakers
gift card to iTunes
bottle of wine (nice bottle)

me from inlaws
$100 from FIL
2 silver bracelets from MIL

DH from his parents
$100 from FIL
$150 from mother.

Posted 12/26/06 10:41 PM

Nike. Just do it.

Member since 5/05

3303 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

Message edited 5/25/2007 7:52:37 PM.

Posted 12/27/06 8:25 AM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

My parents to me: 2 maternity shirts
$100 gc to the gap
books I wanted
lip balm and lotion
a day planner
I know there is more that i am forgetting

My parents to DH:
$100 gc to Best Buy
a sweater
a giant thing of batteries
an FDNY ornament
a beagle calendar
and a few more things

My parents to Us:
a gc to Chili's
$250 cash
some Christmas decorations

My parents to the baby(who is still in utero):
$100 gc to Babies R Us
a set of matching china to my parent's Xmas dishes
a bunch of stuffed animals and toys

My parents to the DOG:
A Coach dog collarChat Icon
a $25 gc to Petco

MIL to us:
A digital picture frame
A webcam so she can see the baby when he is born (she lives in FLA)
a $50 gc to gap for me
a $50 gc to CJ Pony Parts for DH
a bear that reads "The Night before Christmas"

MIL to the baby:
a bear
Baby Einstein stuff

SMIL to Us:
The attachement that makes ice cream to our KitchenAid MixerChat Icon
A fleece for DH
A shirt for me

SMIL to the Baby:

Posted 12/27/06 8:59 AM

Baby Delicious!

Member since 8/06

4156 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

My ILs gave me some sweaters and skirts and a picture of themselves from our wedding in OctoberChat Icon

My parents gave us the $ to our entertainment center

Posted 12/27/06 9:23 AM

2 Girls For Me!

Member since 5/05

4377 total posts


Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

Wow - everyone paren'ts have been so generous!

My parents have been generous as well - they gave us money and a bottle of wine - but i can't get over that everyone got multiple gifts like gift cards, money, clothes, etc. - amazing.

My in-laws don't celebrate Christmas - but they always give us gifts on the side - just not the actual day of Christmas.

DH - got a leather jacket
I got a cashmere scarf from them.

Posted 12/27/06 9:33 AM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

my dad - paid for our tickets to FL
and cash $$$$$

inlaws- cash and a box of assorted stuff like cookies, socks for Jake, and a bunch of other stuff we don't need

I love getting money- but now I kind of wish we got presents- it sound like fun!

Posted 12/27/06 10:14 AM

Waste not, want not

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Re: What did you get from the In laws? And..what did your parents give to you?

My parents got us a lot of clothes. My mom goes overboard every year. We both had a huge stack to open. DH also got some tools from my parents.

His parents gave us money.

Posted 12/27/06 10:21 AM
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