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Mariah Carey Sleeps in a Steam Room

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Mariah Carey Sleeps in a Steam Room

Mariah Carey sleeps in a steam room to protect her voice.

The 'Hero' singer has revealed her bedroom is a humidified chamber which
keeps her vocal chords in the best possible condition.

Mariah told V magazine: "Literally, I'll have twenty humidifiers around the
bed. Basically, it's like sleeping in a steam room. The bed is all
terry-cloth, the ceiling is pitched so the water can't fall on my head, and
it drips down to my side, and the TV is behind glass."

The singer also confessed she feels under pressure to look sexy, and that
she can't help it when her image appears over the top.

She said: "I think that a lot of women are just trying to live up to the
stereotypes and to the standard that's set on TV and in magazines, which is
airbrushed women who weigh 3 pounds.

"And it's not fair. It's not easy. But everybody gets really protective of
me. They're, like, 'Be less sexy.'"

"If I look too sexy it's not intentional - if you film my body a certain
way, it's gonna look like a certain way. But honestly, I've been the same
way since I was a little kid. Like, I'm just emulating whatever's on a

Her "humidifier bedroom" has mist-jets set into the ceiling pitched to collect the condensation "because who can sleep with water drops falling on their face?" Mariah asked Marie Claire on a previous interview.

On eating in bed:

"I'll have, like, a bib on. I am just like, whatever, nobody is looking at me for once."

She adds:

"That's why I don't really like to eat in public. When people say, 'Mariah never eats in public,'I'm like, You're right."

On her home:

Her bathroom is decorated with all things Hello Kitty.

Posted 1/8/07 12:33 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Member since 5/05

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Re: Mariah Carey Sleeps in a Steam Room

I've heard that before about her humidifiers and all that.

But her excuse for dressing over the top Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/07 12:38 PM


Member since 5/05

22351 total posts


Re: Mariah Carey Sleeps in a Steam Room

Posted by MrsQiana
"If I look too sexy it's not intentional - if you film my body a certain
way, it's gonna look like a certain way. But honestly, I've been the same
way since I was a little kid. Like, I'm just emulating whatever's on a

you don't look sexy. you look like a cheap whore that got dressed in a dark closet! Chat Icon Chat Icon

and *if* you need that much of a science experiment in your bedroom to make your voice 'work'... maybe it ain't working Chat Icon

Posted 1/8/07 10:53 PM

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