I don't know, This past week For the last four days I have been getting headaches on and off, some cramping, back hurting alittle. Tired alittle becoming impatient at work. Alittle quizzy(maybe for a day or two and thats it)
I never get headaches this often when AF is approaching. My boobs don't hurt like they usually due when I am getting AF. I don't fall asleep until after 2 or 3 causing me to wake up late because of my work schedule.
Sorry TMI.
I am due for AF this saturday.
Part of me thinks I might and the other thinks I might not ( only from reading what everyone has been feeling)
I am always tired so If I was would I be able to tell the difference??????
Sorry for rambling
I tested on thursday and got a BFN. I am due tomorrow and my headaches haven't gone away. I am going to probably wait until saturday night after work or sunday. Please keep your fingers crossed for me
Even though I told myself not to get upset, I did. I know its our first month TTC. Thanks again ladies
I hate that AF symptoms and pregnancy symptoms are so similiar! It's unfair. I know both BFP I felt off, just different. Didn't feel exactly like myself. If that makes any sense!
You're more patient than I am. I always buy the tests that you can test 5 days before your missed period. I just can't take the waiting. I want you to Go test right now