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Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
and for the record, it is insulting and plian old rude to say that having an epi is the "easy way out". that is the most riduculous thing I have EVER heard
Posted 2/26/08 10:30 AM |
Long Island Weddings
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I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by sfp0701
Posted by wannabemom
well, it was more than just sanitary conditions.... many women died becuase they either bled to death, or the labor was so long and difficult that the baby's head swelled (due to bruising), and got stuck in the birth canal.
I just bring this up becuase sometimes, you do need meds to get the contractions stronger, or you do legitiamtely need a cessarian.
IMO I think a proper balance must be struck between the use of meds and procedures when it is necessary, and the acceptance that birth is a natural process that frequently can proceed with minimal intervention....
I don't think that anyone here was saying that they would NEVER use meds or get a c-section if thier babies lives or thier lives are in danger. I think they prefer to go no meds and if an EMERGENCY should arise medical intervention would be allowed. I don't think anyone here would let thier baby die or let themselves bleed to death just to avoid meds or a c-section. That is a little insulting. Maybe I interpreting what you said wrong?
ITA. Although I don't think the OP was trying to be rude. I feel like there is this false argument set-up against natural childbirth that assumes that natural childbirth means the refusal of life-saving interventions when needed -- that's certainly not the case.
I think most natural childbirthers are highly educated on the process and willing to accept any interventions that are legitimately needed -- they just understand that when unnecessary interventions are introduced it can be harmful to them or the baby -- that's what they are trying to avoid.
Posted 2/26/08 10:43 AM |
My Everything

Member since 5/05 20541 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
For me I wanted to experience birth 100%. That is not a judgement on anyone who does it differently it was just the right decision for me and I am so glad I did it that way. It was the best experience of my life and so empowering.
Posted 2/26/08 11:47 AM |
Feeling Blessed
Member since 6/07 2963 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by stephanief
and for the record, it is insulting and plian old rude to say that having an epi is the "easy way out". that is the most riduculous thing I have EVER heard
I hope this post makes sense!
I agree with the PPs who indicate that women are made to give birth and this is one of the most wonderful (if not THE most wonderful) and important thing we can do with our bodies. I am hoping for a natural, vaginal birth because I want to feel the experience and be aware of what's going on. (I'm also a realist and hope to be very open-minded that if I need pain meds and/or a C-section, I won' be too disappointed with myself)
For me, I think it might actually be a more difficult labor when you have an epidural and/or other pain medications/interventions. If I am expecting pain to be terrible, awful, excruciating - I can prepare for it. If I have an epidural, I might be inclined to think I won't feel any pain or discomfort and every little twinge or amount of pressure might scare me and make the think the pain will get worse and I'll worry the epi is not working. I've read that the recovery for a natural birth is very easy and simple - while with the epidural there is no guarantee you will not have pain and you could have some complications from it for days afterwards. Also, the newborn could be groggy from the epidural and be less successful with BF-ing and/or be less able to help with the birthing process. I've read about the birthing reflex that allows the baby to help kick himself out of the uterus - when the uterus contracts, the baby has a reflex which encourages him/her to push against the wall of the uterus to help himself out into the world. I want my body and his body to work as they have been designed naturally to get him out and into the world. If I have an epi, it could interfere with this.
For example, we learned in our Bradley course that many women will easily reach the 4-5cm dilation mark and then hit a little bit of a slow-down in dilation. At this point, many medical professionals consider this "failure to progress" and push pitocin or other meds on the laboring woman. While it might be a "failure to progress", chances are that your body is simply not ready to give birth yet. Your body is doing an internal checklist to make sure your colustrum is ready, the baby's head is or almost is engaged, your digestive system is in check, etc. Doctors seem less inclined to let the checklist be completed before they push you to have interventions. I don't want to interrupt my body's natural abilities just so that the baby could come out a little sooner. I'm waiting more than 9 months for this baby to get ready, and I'm going to rush him now?
Posted 2/26/08 12:00 PM |
Feeling Blessed
Member since 6/07 2963 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
EASING LABOR PAIN by Adrienne Lieberman
A really interesting part of this book is an article regarding the "cycle of intervention" which outlines that once you start with an epidural, the door is open. You'll be hooked up to an IV to minotir your fluid levels, then you'll have your blood pressure monitored frequently. They'll encourage you to lie on your left side (to help circulation) which will limit your ability to move around. This could then make your labor slow, and then they might give you Pitocin (hey - you've already got an IV in), etc....
Posted 2/26/08 12:07 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by bdmom
For me, I think it might actually be a more difficult labor when you have an epidural and/or other pain medications/interventions.
I feel the same way that an epidural could actually lead to a more difficult labor. I like to let my body do what it needs to do unencumbered.
Best of luck with your birth!
Posted 2/26/08 12:10 PM |

Member since 4/07 2080 total posts
Name: Summer
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by stephanief
and for the record, it is insulting and plian old rude to say that having an epi is the "easy way out". that is the most riduculous thing I have EVER heard
since i am the one that said that, let me clarify....
i dont mean that women take the easy way out....i meant more the doctors take the easy way out....a woman comes in (like me, perfectly fine, dilating fine, in good labor, and yes its painful, but why sit there and try to convince me to get an epi? what is that all about)...and same with other women- they may get into the hospital, their dr is there, and just because she is taking a long time to dilate, they think- lets get some pitocin going to kick things up a bit- i dont think a dr really wants to stand around waiting for u to be ready to push u know?....
i just have a negative attitude, i wont lie, about doctors and hospitals and giving birth...
i was lucky enough to have a sister who had had 6 kids and informed me well throughout my pregnancy about giving birth, and dont go to the hospital too early, bc u will just end up laying there, u cant wat, u cant drink, you end up getting exhuasted, possibly with ineffetive pushing, making the dr want to interfere more....etc etc....her best advice to me was to stay home until u absolutely cannot walk...
so i did...and i think it helped the best for me....i stayed home, took a bath, took a shower, ate some toast, ate some yogurt, layed on my bed, let me contractions go and go, and then i couldnt walk or talk thru a contraction, and we went to the i said, i was 7 cm, and it only took me another hour to get to 10, and then i think bc i was able to stay home and eat and get some juice and stuff, i was strong and had effective pushes, pushing hannah out in only 10 minutes....
so im sorry if i offended anyone about the easy way out- again, i didnt mean the woman in labor, i meant the dr....
Posted 2/26/08 12:25 PM |

Member since 5/05 20997 total posts
Name: Mommy
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by BunnyBaby
I always wonder why women chose to go this route. Besides being afraid of the epidural needle, why would one chose to go through all that pain when there are options?
I didnt choose it.... It just happened for me that way. But I guess I wouldnt of changed it because it happened pretty quickly!
Posted 2/26/08 12:40 PM |
Our 3 angels

Member since 7/07 4824 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
I'm planning on taking advantage of every kind of med out there.
I'm a wimp!
Posted 2/26/08 12:41 PM |
Best friends!

Member since 12/06 23090 total posts
Name: C
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
I had a not-so-great experience while delivering. I was a scheduled induction, and was having contractions I wasn't feeling when I got to the hospital, and I was progressing. I was fine, uncomfortable, but not in severe pain. The nurse asked me if I wanted something for the pain while I was on my way into the bathroom to puke...I shrugged her off, she kept saying "I can give you a little something". I swear to god, I don't remember consenting, I probably was just shrugging her off to go puke. Anyway, I came out, and the Demerol was already in my IV (I know, obviously I must have consented for her to do it, I know they can't just run it w/o 'consent'). It made me OUT OF IT! Completely. I would pass out, wake up to a contraction, pass back out. Same thing when it came time to push...push when I needed to, pass back out. I didn't know the pain I was still feeling was not 'normal', so I never even considered an epidural...I could have gotten one, but am glad I didn't have to make the choice.
I hated the demerol, hated it. I resent that aspect, I really do. But it did make it much more possible for me to deal with the pain, but I would never get it again personally.
Next time, I definitely want to try with no drugs at all.
Oh, and thankfully I was still able to have a natural delivery.
Message edited 2/26/2008 12:47:15 PM.
Posted 2/26/08 12:46 PM |
it's pretty precious

Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by sumlynmad so im sorry if i offended anyone about the easy way out- again, i didnt mean the woman in labor, i meant the dr....
Thanks for the clarification! This is actually one of my fears as well- especially after seeing how my Dr.s office rushes me through every appointment. I will stay at home as long as possible, then stall on the epi for as long as possible, because I'm scared of the doctor pushing for a C section just because he has a tee time to make.
Posted 2/26/08 12:55 PM |
Our family is complete, maybe

Member since 9/05 32436 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by sumlynmad
Posted by stephanief
and for the record, it is insulting and plian old rude to say that having an epi is the "easy way out". that is the most riduculous thing I have EVER heard
since i am the one that said that, let me clarify....
i dont mean that women take the easy way out....i meant more the doctors take the easy way out....a woman comes in (like me, perfectly fine, dilating fine, in good labor, and yes its painful, but why sit there and try to convince me to get an epi? what is that all about)...and same with other women- they may get into the hospital, their dr is there, and just because she is taking a long time to dilate, they think- lets get some pitocin going to kick things up a bit- i dont think a dr really wants to stand around waiting for u to be ready to push u know?....
i just have a negative attitude, i wont lie, about doctors and hospitals and giving birth...
i was lucky enough to have a sister who had had 6 kids and informed me well throughout my pregnancy about giving birth, and dont go to the hospital too early, bc u will just end up laying there, u cant wat, u cant drink, you end up getting exhuasted, possibly with ineffetive pushing, making the dr want to interfere more....etc etc....her best advice to me was to stay home until u absolutely cannot walk...
so i did...and i think it helped the best for me....i stayed home, took a bath, took a shower, ate some toast, ate some yogurt, layed on my bed, let me contractions go and go, and then i couldnt walk or talk thru a contraction, and we went to the i said, i was 7 cm, and it only took me another hour to get to 10, and then i think bc i was able to stay home and eat and get some juice and stuff, i was strong and had effective pushes, pushing hannah out in only 10 minutes....
so im sorry if i offended anyone about the easy way out- again, i didnt mean the woman in labor, i meant the dr....
thank you for clarifying
Posted 2/26/08 12:57 PM |

Member since 2/06 5285 total posts
Name: Lisa
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by sumlynmad
i dont mean that women take the easy way out....i meant more the doctors take the easy way out....a woman comes in (like me, perfectly fine, dilating fine, in good labor, and yes its painful, but why sit there and try to convince me to get an epi? what is that all about)...and same with other women- they may get into the hospital, their dr is there, and just because she is taking a long time to dilate, they think- lets get some pitocin going to kick things up a bit- i dont think a dr really wants to stand around waiting for u to be ready to push u know?.... ....
This happend with me. But first let me preface by saying that I always expecting that I would get an epi. And even with the epi I was not 100% comfortable. BUT, what you said above about the potocin is very true. I don't remember the exact times but I think I was 2-3 cm at like 9:30am in the doc's office and they sent me to the hospital to deliver and said they would give pitocin. I didn't ask the question like I should have but was definately because I seemed to be progressing fine naturally. By the time we got to the hosp. within the next hour I was already at 4 or 5. Then got the pitocin and dilated to 10 by about 4pm. My whole labor from start to delivery was 12 hours. I think I probably would have been quick without the pitocin but often wonder why they gave it to me. But in the end we had no side effects. I do agree that these drugs are pushed on you. For me it wasn't such a big deal because I was ready to marry the anesthesiologist by the time he first gave it to me. But for someone who really doesn't want it they should not push so hard.
Posted 2/26/08 12:58 PM |
Life is good.

Member since 1/07 9164 total posts
Name: Amanda
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
For me, I had every intention of delivering DS without meds. I was terrified of having a needle in my back and I honestly thought I could do it.
That being said, I always said I was going to reserve the right to change my mind.
Well, I got to 4 cm and decided that if I didn't need to feel the pain, I was going to get the meds. I was progressing slowly, and if I didn't speed up, they wanted to give me pitocin.
Long story short, I ended up having the epi, best decision I ever made. I went from 4 cm to 10 cm in an hour and a half. I ended up having a wonderful birth experience.
I say it is a personal choice and don't judge people one way or the other!
Posted 2/26/08 12:59 PM |
Nya nya nya

Member since 5/05 11618 total posts
Name: Amy
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
I was a scheduled induction- but wound up contracting and laboring on my own. I got the epi at around 3 cm and it was a wonderful thing.
I'll be honest though- I was doing fine breathing through the contractions. I *think* I could have handled an unmedicated birth. However, breathing through contractions is TIRING- especially for someone who is 9 months pregnant, not getting any sleep at night, and slightly overweight . I realized that I might be too tired to push, so I got the epi.
I was able to sleep until I got to 10cm- it was heavenly, and just the *power nap* I needed.
Posted 2/26/08 1:01 PM |
look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by Dragonfly75
Posted by sfp0701
Posted by wannabemom
well, it was more than just sanitary conditions.... many women died becuase they either bled to death, or the labor was so long and difficult that the baby's head swelled (due to bruising), and got stuck in the birth canal.
I just bring this up becuase sometimes, you do need meds to get the contractions stronger, or you do legitiamtely need a cessarian.
IMO I think a proper balance must be struck between the use of meds and procedures when it is necessary, and the acceptance that birth is a natural process that frequently can proceed with minimal intervention....
I don't think that anyone here was saying that they would NEVER use meds or get a c-section if thier babies lives or thier lives are in danger. I think they prefer to go no meds and if an EMERGENCY should arise medical intervention would be allowed. I don't think anyone here would let thier baby die or let themselves bleed to death just to avoid meds or a c-section. That is a little insulting. Maybe I interpreting what you said wrong?
ITA. Although I don't think the OP was trying to be rude. I feel like there is this false argument set-up against natural childbirth that assumes that natural childbirth means the refusal of life-saving interventions when needed -- that's certainly not the case.
I think most natural childbirthers are highly educated on the process and willing to accept any interventions that are legitimately needed -- they just understand that when unnecessary interventions are introduced it can be harmful to them or the baby -- that's what they are trying to avoid.
For the record, I was replying to the other posters comments stating that unsanitary conditions were the prime reason for things going wrong way back when.... the first paragraph of my post did not have to do with modern natural childbirth at all. Of course there are contigency plans for modern natural childbirth that include procedures and meds if things take a turn for the worse. I didn't intend for anyone to read my comments and think I was implying that moms would refuse procedures out of principle.
The intention of my posts was actually reasonably pro-natural childbirth.... I do think many procedures and meds are used when they occassionally are not yet truly needed.... and there seems to be some medical stats out there that shows that to be true... I was also attempting to be democratic and also mention the other side of the coin, where drugs/ procedures are actually genuinely necessary.... (my 2nd paragraph...)
I find this thread to be similar to a thread on religion.... it's way to easy to offend people unintentionally by merely stating a personal opinion.
hope that clears up my statements
Posted 2/26/08 1:38 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Even after reading all of these responses, I still don't understand why anyone would want to feel the pain of birth. I don't think pain adds a single thing to the birth. I don't think you feel more accomplished just because you went without meds and I don't think you feel any less of a participant in the birth just because you had meds. But I don't have to understand. Your delivery is yours, and mine is mine.
I felt all of the pain up until I hit 6 or 7 CM and then got my epi. I waited that long because I was afraid of the needle. However, at that point the pain of birth overcame my fear of the needle. Instant relief and a beautiful baby girl soon after. I would get the epi sooner next time.
Posted 2/26/08 1:42 PM |
I love Hypnobabies

Member since 3/06 2333 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by CrankyPants
Even after reading all of these responses, I still don't understand why anyone would want to feel the pain of birth. I don't think pain adds a single thing to the birth. I don't think you feel more accomplished just because you went without meds and I don't think you feel any less of a participant in the birth just because you had meds. .
I can only speak for myself, but I believe the desire to feel pain has nothing to do with the decision to have natural childbirth -- it is more the belief that your body knows what it's doing and that by messing with the natural process you are increasing the risks to you and your baby.
Most women choose natural childbirth because it is generally safer for them and the baby -- there is less chance of a c-section, they can change positions if the baby gets "stuck," etc.
As far as the feeling of accomplishment, that's very personal. I do feel very accomplished because I researched natural childbirth and felt it was best for me and my baby. I found a provider who supported it and I delivered my baby the way that I thought was best even though it went against "convetional thinking." Do I feel good about myself for doing all that? Heck yeah I do. Do I feel like that makes me better than someone else? Of course not, that's silly.
Posted 2/26/08 1:52 PM |
I'm cranky

Member since 7/06 18178 total posts
Name: Mama Cranky
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by Dragonfly75
Posted by CrankyPants
Even after reading all of these responses, I still don't understand why anyone would want to feel the pain of birth. I don't think pain adds a single thing to the birth. I don't think you feel more accomplished just because you went without meds and I don't think you feel any less of a participant in the birth just because you had meds. .
I can only speak for myself, but I believe the desire to feel pain has nothing to do with the decision to have natural childbirth -- it is more the belief that your body knows what it's doing and that by messing with the natural process you are increasing the risks to you and your baby.
Most women choose natural childbirth because it is generally safer for them and the baby -- there is less chance of a c-section, they can change positions if the baby gets "stuck," etc.
As far as the feeling of accomplishment, that's very personal. I do feel very accomplished because I researched natural childbirth and felt it was best for me and my baby. I found a provider who supported it and I delivered my baby the way that I thought was best even though it went against "convetional thinking." Do I feel good about myself for doing all that? Heck yeah I do. Do I feel like that makes me better than someone else? Of course not, that's silly.
I completely agree you should feel accomplished for choosing the best plan for you-we all should. It's the sense of accomplishment for going through the pain for the pain itself (which other posters alluded to) that confounds me.
Posted 2/26/08 1:57 PM |

Member since 8/06 2818 total posts
Name: Blessed
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by Dragonfly75
Posted by CrankyPants
Even after reading all of these responses, I still don't understand why anyone would want to feel the pain of birth. I don't think pain adds a single thing to the birth. I don't think you feel more accomplished just because you went without meds and I don't think you feel any less of a participant in the birth just because you had meds. .
I can only speak for myself, but I believe the desire to feel pain has nothing to do with the decision to have natural childbirth -- it is more the belief that your body knows what it's doing and that by messing with the natural process you are increasing the risks to you and your baby.
Most women choose natural childbirth because it is generally safer for them and the baby -- there is less chance of a c-section, they can change positions if the baby gets "stuck," etc.
As far as the feeling of accomplishment, that's very personal. I do feel very accomplished because I researched natural childbirth and felt it was best for me and my baby. I found a provider who supported it and I delivered my baby the way that I thought was best even though it went against "convetional thinking." Do I feel good about myself for doing all that? Heck yeah I do. Do I feel like that makes me better than someone else? Of course not, that's silly.
This is what I meant when I said I want to experience the pain that I was meant to experience....
but again....I would never put my baby or myself through any harm.
Posted 2/26/08 2:35 PM |
Happy Days!

Member since 8/05 18208 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
At the end of the day, whatever your choice is, its only one day out of your entire life! Your body doesn't let you remember pain, its programmed in your although at the time its excruitating, afterwards, you can't physically remember it.
One day...and you get a baby at the end! What a good deal!
Posted 2/26/08 4:06 PM |

Member since 2/07 15928 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Honestly I HAVE KNOW IDEA!!!!!
Ive never had one...4 deliveries...6 babies...never an epi or meds in site!!!!! Well I caved with my last 2 actually but went really quick to 10 cm and never received the darn thing....
The one good part is that when you dont have anything you feel like a million bucks afterwards...I was literally up and running back and forth to the nursery a little over an hour after giving birth.
Posted 2/26/08 4:59 PM |
Member since 5/07 1532 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
I am going to play it by ear. I am more afraid of the after effects of the drugs than the pain of childbirth. I have a tendency to get reactions to drugs.
But if I am in unbearable pain, I have no problem relieving myself of it.
Posted 2/26/08 7:52 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
Posted by wannabemom
Posted by Dragonfly75
Posted by sfp0701
Posted by wannabemom
well, it was more than just sanitary conditions.... many women died becuase they either bled to death, or the labor was so long and difficult that the baby's head swelled (due to bruising), and got stuck in the birth canal.
I just bring this up becuase sometimes, you do need meds to get the contractions stronger, or you do legitiamtely need a cessarian.
IMO I think a proper balance must be struck between the use of meds and procedures when it is necessary, and the acceptance that birth is a natural process that frequently can proceed with minimal intervention....
I don't think that anyone here was saying that they would NEVER use meds or get a c-section if thier babies lives or thier lives are in danger. I think they prefer to go no meds and if an EMERGENCY should arise medical intervention would be allowed. I don't think anyone here would let thier baby die or let themselves bleed to death just to avoid meds or a c-section. That is a little insulting. Maybe I interpreting what you said wrong?
ITA. Although I don't think the OP was trying to be rude. I feel like there is this false argument set-up against natural childbirth that assumes that natural childbirth means the refusal of life-saving interventions when needed -- that's certainly not the case.
I think most natural childbirthers are highly educated on the process and willing to accept any interventions that are legitimately needed -- they just understand that when unnecessary interventions are introduced it can be harmful to them or the baby -- that's what they are trying to avoid.
For the record, I was replying to the other posters comments stating that unsanitary conditions were the prime reason for things going wrong way back when.... the first paragraph of my post did not have to do with modern natural childbirth at all. Of course there are contigency plans for modern natural childbirth that include procedures and meds if things take a turn for the worse. I didn't intend for anyone to read my comments and think I was implying that moms would refuse procedures out of principle.
The intention of my posts was actually reasonably pro-natural childbirth.... I do think many procedures and meds are used when they occassionally are not yet truly needed.... and there seems to be some medical stats out there that shows that to be true... I was also attempting to be democratic and also mention the other side of the coin, where drugs/ procedures are actually genuinely necessary.... (my 2nd paragraph...)
I find this thread to be similar to a thread on religion.... it's way to easy to offend people unintentionally by merely stating a personal opinion.
hope that clears up my statements
Thanks for clearing that up. I didn't think that was what you meant but I wasn't sure. Thanks though.
Posted 2/26/08 8:41 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 1/08 19 total posts
Re: Giving birth naturally.. no epi, no meds... no ANYTHING.
I had DS naturally, but not by choice, my labor just went v. quickly (well, the dilating part anyway) and it was too late to get any meds when I hit 10cm and was ready to push. The ironic thing is that was the one birth scenario I had never thought of, and it took me totally by surprise.
The funny thing is I get such positive feedback from doing it "naturally" but siince it wasnt a personal choice I dont consider my birth any different than my friends who had c sections or epis.
I will say it was the most empowering thing I have ever done, and whenever I get scared of something I remind myself I delivered a baby (with 3 hours of pushing!!!) w. no drugs. It shows me I can do anything. I dont know if I would do it again, this time around I would probably get the epi if I needed it.
Posted 2/26/08 9:54 PM |
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