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only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Are people kidding me??????? We told the familys this weekend and of course everyone asked if we had names. If its a we will be naming it after our fathers if its a the MIDDLE name is going to be after my 2 grandmas who passed away.
Some one said "oh that sounds like a nun's name" another said well then you should also have <dh> grandmothers name in there as well. Yea NO.
The reason behind my grandmothers names are that I feel like my grandmothers are watching this baby, my first sonogram took place on the 24th anniversary of my paternal grandmas passing, and this baby is due around the time my maternal grandma passed away 11 years ago. To me is like they are saying "we are taking care of this baby" . Needless to say the negative comments all came from his side.
Uggggh so dont need this now
Posted 3/19/08 12:07 PM |
Long Island Weddings
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look who's freshly baked!

Member since 12/07 7364 total posts
Name: aka marriedinportjeff
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
we're not going to tell anyone until it's 'too late' (already on the birth certificate)
no family can avoid commenting on names..... just ignore them.
Posted 3/19/08 12:09 PM |
Mommy's Girls! ♥

Member since 11/07 10116 total posts
Name: Gabi
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Don't you love how people give their two cents when it's not asked for?!! Sorry that you are dealing with this!! I would tell anyone who asks, from now on, that it is a surprise!!
Posted 3/19/08 12:09 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
which is why we are keeping all of our names secret
i am sorry you are dealing with this... people just don't know when to S T F U!!!
Posted 3/19/08 12:10 PM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
That is why ours are staying a secret. We just don't want to hear it, and when the baby is in their arms and they are hold him/her they won't be able to do anything but love the name we picked.
Posted 3/19/08 12:11 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
I feel your pain!!!!
I was discussing our names with my in laws last week. For a it will be Lindsay. For a , well we're not quite sure. But one of our top choices is Aidan.
Well... my MIL proceeded to tell me that Aidan sounds like a terrorists name!!!! WHAT??? She's nuts so i didn't take any offense to it!
But of all things to say!
Posted 3/19/08 12:12 PM |
LIF O2 Vendor

Member since 12/07 16202 total posts
Name: Deanna
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
i also hate some of the comments we get.. its sooooo not nice to hear..
dont let anyone get to you.. the names have special meaning and if you and DH are happy with it and love it ... than its perfect!! dont care what ANYONE else thinks!
Posted 3/19/08 12:19 PM |
my two loves

Member since 10/06 5133 total posts
Name: Megan
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Yeah whenever anyone asks if we have names picked out, I just say we are working on it. We have told some people, but at this point I don't want opinions as to what they like or don't like. I think we will save our final decision until the day of to let everyone know.
Posted 3/19/08 12:20 PM |
Member since 5/06 4794 total posts
Message edited 10/30/2009 10:05:25 AM.
Posted 3/19/08 12:43 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 1/06 97 total posts
Name: E and P
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
you are learning the hard way why we kept our names secret!
Posted 3/19/08 12:44 PM |
life is a carousel

Member since 7/07 14956 total posts
Name: M
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Next time tell them you don't have any names yet! or simply that you're NOT sharing!
So sorry!
Posted 3/19/08 12:46 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Anyone who asks we say "Since we told everyone the sex of the baby we are not telling the name we have chosen".
We are doing this specifically because we don't want to hear any wise response or other peoples opinions. Most of the time people mean well, but it's not their child and they don't get a say in the name chosen.
Posted 3/19/08 12:46 PM |
Love my family

Member since 6/06 4546 total posts
Name: SNV
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
this is the reason why i dont tell anyone the name until my child is born b/c everyone has a comment or their opinion.
Posted 3/19/08 12:56 PM |
Expecting #3 in Sept!

Member since 8/07 2174 total posts
Name: Jen LIW: jenafee
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
That's so annoying. Tell people to mind their own business.
DH always says, if they weren't part of the BDing, they don't have a say in anything with our baby!
It's true!
Posted 3/19/08 12:57 PM |

Member since 10/06 5304 total posts
Name: Karyn
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
I'm sorry. I hate when people bug about names. It's your baby, so who cares if other people don't like the names? When they have kids they can choose the names.
That is why we aren't telling names until the baby is born! (Except maybe on here, of course!)
Posted 3/19/08 1:05 PM |
s'il vous plaît

Member since 6/07 42079 total posts
Name: LB
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Posted by jennyb
DH always says, if they weren't part of the BDing, they don't have a say in anything with our baby!
that's awesome... i am going to use that
Posted 3/19/08 1:07 PM |
Mommy's little YouTube Star!

Member since 8/05 14470 total posts
Name: Veronica
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
I've had boy and girl name since BEFORE i was BFP
Some love the girl name.. others cringe. Frankly I don't care. I get "She'll be made fun of"
So what? I was made fun of cuz i have two different colored eyes (something you can't hide) and really i learned, kids will ALWAYS be cruel. Parents have stopped making them accountable. So might as well give her a name she can enjoy in her adulthood.
So feel free to quote my daughter's name if you want a 'reaction' hahaha and hide your name until it's too late
If I have a girl (and they're leaning that way) her name will be :
Jezabel Rose
Message edited 3/19/2008 1:16:39 PM.
Posted 3/19/08 1:16 PM |
Complete Happiness :)
Member since 5/05 27789 total posts
Name: LOVE being a Mommy!
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
My advice to you - when anyone (and I mean anyone) asks you - tell everyone you aren't sure.
I used to get soooo upset during my pregnancy about it - cause this one didn't like it, it reminded someone of someone that they didn't like - blah blah blah.
We got to the point we said we didn't know and that when the baby got here and we looked at him or her - we would know then.
Posted 3/19/08 1:25 PM |
mom of 3 boys

Member since 4/06 11426 total posts
Name: Ali
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Posted by Xelindrya
Some love the girl name.. others cringe. Frankly I don't care. I get "She'll be made fun of"
At least your MIL didn't tell you that the name you liked sounded like a terrorist!
I think i'd take that the kid would be made fun of over being a terrorist!
Posted 3/19/08 1:26 PM |
Mommy to 3!

Member since 10/05 20369 total posts
Name: Jesss, duh.
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Posted by aliwnec10
I think i'd take that the kid would be made fun of over being a terrorist!
Won't all kids be made fun of at some point in their life for something?
Kids are mean, if it's not a name, it's the clothes. If it's not the clothes, it's the hair. There will always be something!
Message edited 3/19/2008 1:35:20 PM.
Posted 3/19/08 1:30 PM |
Love my Family!

Member since 7/05 29064 total posts
Name: Mel
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
I don't care what anyone says! I had to hear it to from some people about the names we picked, but it didn't bother me at all, even if you keep the baby's name a secret up intil the end, someone will still have a comment for it.
Your the parents if you like the name don't worry about what others think! Its not there child.
Posted 3/19/08 1:35 PM |
All good things in 2016!!

Member since 8/05 20181 total posts
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Not sharing our names on purpose. We knew our name the first time around and threw it into the mix when we told people ideas but never pinpointed the name. No matter what people will always find something bad to say
Posted 3/19/08 1:50 PM |
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
What makes me laugh is its not even the babys first name, its her middle name!!!!!!!
Of course they (meaning his side) had no problem when our son was born, because he was named after dh.
Posted 3/19/08 2:10 PM |
Love my sailor

Member since 6/05 5793 total posts
Name: Christian
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
Don't answer the question anymore. Say you aren't sure. It's such a crappy thing for anyone to comment about.
Ps. We also named our DD after both our paternal grandmother (same first name) and I am so happy about it. I love the fact I honored them both.
Posted 3/19/08 2:41 PM |
Re: only 9 weeks and already getting $h*t about names
That is why we did not tell anyone the name until he was born... we did not want to deal with any of that!!!!
ETA - we were completely honest - when anyone asked us for the names, we owuld say we are not telling anyone. We really feel it would be most special to say it only when the baby is born...
And, it was.... I went as far as not even telling the nurse as she held me for my spinal - she was trying to take my mind off the spinal (I was having a c/s) and she asked me what the names would be. I still wouldn't say... Then he was born, and they asked us, "Whats his name?" And DH and I said at the same time, "Cailen."
I am tearing up just thinking about it!!!!
Message edited 3/19/2008 2:45:02 PM.
Posted 3/19/08 2:43 PM |
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