I posted the other day about going to the doctor and seeing 2 sacs but nothing in them. Well, I had a repeat HCG test yesterday to see if my levels have gone up and I have to call the doctor this afternoon for the results. With my m/c history I am really nervous. Please if you can send some prayers that everything be ok, I would really appreciate it. TIA!
UPDATE: So my HCG level was 10,000 on Tues and 20,000 on Thursday. It doubled which is good. He said to stay optimistic...but, with numbers like this we need to see a heartbeat on Tuesday. My only concern is with a number so high (10,000) why didn't we see a heartbeat on Tuesday? Could it be that the 2 sacs produced that much of the HCG hormone and now the embryo implanted? I know, I should have asked but I was so nervous that I was just glad to hear my numbers were good that I didn't even think of it.