Is it crazy that I think of you and how you're doing everyday hoping that this is it for you?? lol
Any updates?? Are you waiting to test till after tomorrow??
LOL that is so sweet!!!
Im sorry Jeri, I cheated I tested this morning - BFN AF due tomorrow still nauseous still crampy
getting upset
You're not out until the jerk AF shows up! It's okay that you cheated, I still love you! I was actually thinking about waiting until Wednesday anyhow...
it was actually just a tiny bit of blood when i peed and wiped
i just got off the phone with my friend that is a nurse she said if my temp is still above my cover line, it cannot be AF and either very late implantation spotting or just spotting before BFP
it was actually just a tiny bit of blood when i peed and wiped
i just got off the phone with my friend that is a nurse she said if my temp is still above my cover line, it cannot be AF and either very late implantation spotting or just spotting before BFP