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laid off last week

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Baby # 2 on the way

Member since 5/07

2244 total posts


laid off last week

As most of you know i was laid off last Tuesday. and i have been looking for a job, Well i was offered a job today.

I need your help on if i should take it our not.
Well i was getting paid 18.12 at my old job and it was 37.5 work week. With this new job ill be making 17.50 and it will be a 40hour work week.

Also ins is inculded but i have to pay half which is 117.50 per pay check and i wont get ins for 3 mths so ill be with out ins for 3mths. With my old job i paid $5per check.

Do i take the job and suffer paying for the ins for the year and then change over to my DH ins when we get married?

I dont know what i want to do? I still have to save for this wedding and after that it leaves me only with 350 after paying bills.
Help ladies!!!!!

Posted 4/23/08 10:48 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

Plan B is Now Plan A

Member since 7/05

32475 total posts


Re: laid off last week

if you are desperate to work then take it and keep looking seriously. The job market isn't that great. If you can afford to go a while without taking the job and keep looking, even better.

You can get on FH insurance if you are living together and can prove certain aspects of that. I'm not sure of the criteria but most health insurance honor domestic partner status. Just a thought.

Good luck.

Posted 4/24/08 12:37 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/07

148 total posts


Re: laid off last week

Insurance suggestion - my DH had decided to go back to school full time several months before our planned wedding and he needed health insurance because he was quitting his job. So we got married very quietly one weekend 4 months before our "wedding" by a justice of the peace and I added him to my insurance. We just didnt tell anyone we were doing it because we considered the whole getting married thing to be a technicality to get insurance so noone at our wedding was any the wiser.

Posted 4/28/08 6:59 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 6/07

839 total posts


Re: laid off last week

In my position I see the price of inusrance going up and being passed on to the employee. At my job we currently changed insurance carriers and most employees were not happy to be paying 5-25 more a week.

In my opnion the days of employer paid inusrance are soon to be history.

Posted 4/28/08 7:53 PM


Member since 8/06

4376 total posts


Re: laid off last week

if it were me, i'd take it. some $$$ is better than none. You can keep looking and quit this place when you find the job that you really want.

Posted 4/30/08 6:35 AM

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