A couple of weeks ago I was in the hospital for chest pains (I posted about it on the Parenting board). The doctor (who was not my regular cardiologist b/c he doesnt work out of South Nassau) released me even though I told him I was still having chest pains. I went for a 2nd opinion at my cardiologist out of St. Francis. He thinks I had pericarditis which is a inflammation in the lining of the heart. He ran some blood work and found that I had higher than normal cholestrol (I've never had a problem with my cholestrol ever ). Anyway, I have had mitral valve prolapse and a heart murmur since I was a teenager. To be safe he wanted me to go for a stress test. Well I went Saturday and he didnt even let me finish b/c the EKG was so abnormal . I have to go back this week to do another one hooked up to the EKG and a echo at the same time b/c he wants to see my heart while I'm doing the test. He said not to worry but I can't help to. I am 27. I should not be having these problems. I have always had bad panic attacks and am wondering if my panic attacks all these years was really a problem with my heart that they missed b/c they didnt do these tests b/c I was so young. I've always had echo's and EKG's that were always normal...but now those tests are coming back abnormal.