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How often do you go grocery shopping

Forum Opinion Poll
Once a month (usually) 1 3.23%
Once every 2 weeks (usually) 7 22.58%
Once a week (usually) 20 64.52%
Twice a week (usually) 2 6.45%
3-4x a week (usually) 0 0.00%
Daily (usually) 1 3.23%

How often do you go grocery shopping?

Posted By Message

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/07

574 total posts


How often do you go grocery shopping?

My law school roommate used to run to the store just about every day, depending on what she wanted to cook for dinner.

DH and I usually do one big shopping trip each week, although today he's picking up half-and-half for a recipe I decided to make. Usually we are able to plan ahead and only go once a week


Message edited 10/20/2008 5:10:00 PM.

Posted 10/20/08 5:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/08

595 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

oh god i HATE the grocery store! I also try to go just once a week, but usually end up running back one or two more times per week for things we forgot or for a recipe. Ick i cant stand it!!

Posted 10/20/08 5:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/07

574 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

I'm lazy too... there is a grocery store 2 minutes from my apartment but it's pretty crappy and the checkout lines take forever and they dont have the same selection.

There's another grocery store maybe 10-15 minutes away (depending on traffic) that's huge, really nice, and has great selection.

Sometimes if I'm lazy I just go to the crappy one (unless I'm buying fresh produce) but the time it takes me on checkout lines it would probably be faster to go to the nice one. Whenever I go with DH we always go to the nicer one.

Posted 10/20/08 5:13 PM

Candy Girl
Candy girl- you are so sweet!

Member since 11/07

6349 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

I order form fresh direct once a week and then run out for last minute items once or twice per week.

Posted 10/20/08 5:14 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

I go once a week now, because I have to. But when I prefer to shop in a more European fashion, going to my local green grocer, bakery, fishmonger or butcher everyday to get whats freshhest. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't have time for it.

Posted 10/20/08 5:16 PM


Member since 11/07

2027 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

We go every other week, so 2x a month. We both HATE food shopping, but force ourselves because we can get more/better options at the store than online

Posted 10/20/08 5:19 PM

The Key to your new home....

Member since 2/06

24849 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

major shopping every 2 weeks

fill in when needed

Posted 10/20/08 5:21 PM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

Every day, but we're in the city so it's not like we take a car for a weekly shopping trip. The store is right outside the train when I get out, i get whatever I'm making that night for dinner at the store, the vegetable stand, the bakery, etc and then walk the couple blocks home. I can't carry much more than 2 bags so one meail at a time is usually what I get....unless there's a big sale. Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/08 5:25 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/07

574 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

Posted by racheeeee

I go once a week now, because I have to. But when I prefer to shop in a more European fashion, going to my local green grocer, bakery, fishmonger or butcher everyday to get whats freshhest. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't have time for it.

im sorry, i know it's correct but the word "fishmonger" just makes me crack up Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/08 5:26 PM

I'll be there soon!

Member since 1/08

6549 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

i go once a week after I make my weekly meal plan.

Posted 10/20/08 5:31 PM

Happy Days!

Member since 8/05

18208 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

Posted by bluegreen08

Posted by racheeeee

I go once a week now, because I have to. But when I prefer to shop in a more European fashion, going to my local green grocer, bakery, fishmonger or butcher everyday to get whats freshhest. Unfortunately, at the moment I don't have time for it.

im sorry, i know it's correct but the word "fishmonger" just makes me crack up Chat Icon

You should see my fishmonger! But seriously, Fishmongers have a long tradition of sexual do butchers.

Fancy a bit of tail, love? How do you like your breasts? that kind of thing.

Posted 10/20/08 5:41 PM


Member since 10/07

2910 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

I seem to be running there sometimes 3 - 4 times a week. That is too much for two people. I have to get more organized and plan ahead w/meals, so I don't waste so much $.

Posted 10/20/08 6:28 PM

Back home!

Member since 5/08

1858 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

We go once a week. We try and go on Thursday nights, because I HATE shopping on the weekend. I might run someone over with the cart if we shopped every weekend.

Posted 10/20/08 7:59 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/08

575 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

I usually go once per week in the mornings before work. ( i have to be at work at 1130). I used to love food shopping, but i find that it has become such a chore. Trying to plan meals and not spend a ton of money brngs nothing but more stress into my very stressful life. I get tired of making the same thing each week and since i have three kids, i usually wind up forgetting something someone wanted me to get them even though i wrote a list LOL. Since I do forget certain things sometimes, i wind up running to the local store on Sunday morning for only a few things, and that part isn't so bad since i wind up being able to get onto the express lane Chat Icon

Posted 10/20/08 9:21 PM


Member since 5/05

26975 total posts


Re: How often do you go grocery shopping?

Every 10 days to 2 weeks. I buy a lot and freeze a lot! Plus we do Costco trips in between, and I am in Target weekly do I pick up food there on occassion.

Posted 10/20/08 10:48 PM

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