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What was the first...

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And then there were four...

Member since 6/09

2088 total posts


What was the first...

... trip you and your DH took together? And how long were you together at the time?

I was talking to my sister last night, who has been with her boyfriend for 3 and 1/2 years, and they are just going on their first vacation together next month! They have taken long weekends to go to weddings or visit family, but that doesn't count as a trip.

Ours was after 2 months of dating... we went to Atlantic City for a long weekend! We discovered our mutual love of the roulette table very early on. Chat Icon

Posted 7/24/09 12:48 PM

I'm wide awake

Member since 4/09

2697 total posts


Re: What was the first...

DH and I dated since we were 16 in high school Chat Icon so it's tough to remember that far back Chat Icon

I know we did a few mini weekend things (like go upstate to his family's house) but we never really took a serious vacation mostly b/c my parents were pretty strict about me "sleeping" out with my BF.

We took our first "real" vacation to Greece and I think I was about 20 years old then, so I guess it was about 4-5 years into our relationship.

Posted 7/26/09 6:30 AM

Mommy's Big Boy

Member since 3/09

2584 total posts


Re: What was the first...

we didn't go on our first real trip together until we were dating 3 years. my parents weren't too crazy about it and we didn't have a lot of money in the beginning of our relationship. so that's some of the reasons we waited.

ps- we went to disney world!

Message edited 7/26/2009 12:47:46 PM.

Posted 7/26/09 12:47 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 7/09

737 total posts


Re: What was the first...

we were dating about 8 months before we went on a vacation. we went to disney

Posted 7/26/09 8:13 PM


Member since 4/07

2665 total posts


Re: What was the first...

Myrtle Beach@9 months

Posted 7/26/09 8:48 PM


Member since 11/08

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Formally NYPD-Wife

Re: What was the first...

Ours was after 6 months of dating. We went to Vegas to visit my sister. Chat Icon

Posted 7/26/09 11:48 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/08

2702 total posts


Re: What was the first...

Dh took our first long weekend maybe about a year in to visit family in PA, but our first REAL trip like going on a plane and staying in a hotel was the weekend we got engaged which was a year before. LOL

Posted 7/27/09 9:51 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/09

436 total posts


Re: What was the first...

First small trip was Lancaster after 2 years almost. Big trip was shortly after by a couple of months to FL.

Posted 7/27/09 12:44 PM

2 girls 4 me!

Member since 8/08

7878 total posts

Mama mama mama....

Re: What was the first...

We flew out to AZ to see his parents when we'd been together about a year. Not sure if that counts, though. We went to Cancun after being together a year and a half.

Posted 7/27/09 4:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

1647 total posts


Re: What was the first...

Posted by ns1011

DH and I dated since we were 16 in high school Chat Icon so it's tough to remember that far back Chat Icon

I know we did a few mini weekend things (like go upstate to his family's house) but we never really took a serious vacation mostly b/c my parents were pretty strict about me "sleeping" out with my BF.

We took our first "real" vacation to Greece and I think I was about 20 years old then, so I guess it was about 4-5 years into our relationship.

We started then too! I was 15! Its crazy how quick time goes! We went to Fl with my parents and some friends so that doesn't really count.

Posted 7/27/09 5:00 PM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


Re: What was the first...

Vegas....4 months after we started dating.

Posted 7/27/09 5:06 PM

2 girls <3

Member since 6/08

3037 total posts


Re: What was the first...

our first trip was 7/28/07 (which is 2 yrs tomorrow) after 4 months of dating - it was a road trip to colorado, wyoming, south dakota,,,, with my parents and sisters and he proposed there!!!!

Posted 7/27/09 10:36 PM

love my sunshine..

Member since 11/08

1535 total posts


Re: What was the first...

we went to VA in Dec for a day - I was spooked because I didn't tell my parents.. and after that, it was a honeymoon..Chat Icon

Posted 7/28/09 10:02 AM

Let's Go Rangers!

Member since 1/07

14818 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We started dating at 15! When we were 19 we went to Wildwood for a weekend and my parents didn't talk to me for a month! So that was about 4 years.

We went to Aruba the next year, we had to pull the car into the driveway so I could put my bags in so the neighbors wouldnt see, my mother swore she would never get over the embarrassment! LOL

Posted 7/28/09 9:15 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/09

89 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We were just friends for soo long before we started dating so if that counts...we went to Disney with friends.

Then we went to the Bahamas with another couple and he asked me out there!

Posted 7/29/09 11:43 AM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

6765 total posts


Re: What was the first...

Puerto Rico and Atlantic City after 3 months Chat Icon

Posted 7/29/09 1:47 PM

Tigger the the Rescue!

Member since 8/08

5647 total posts


Re: What was the first...

well, we met in person when DH was on vacation LOL Then again on a very brief shared vacation... We had a few vacations with people, but we just went to WDW last week and realized that was the first vacation we had had alone, with just us and not hanging out all day w/other people Chat Icon We have taken a few weekend trips but no huge vacation

Posted 7/29/09 7:02 PM


Member since 5/08

9818 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Sandals Ocho Rios after about 8 months of dating.

Posted 7/29/09 9:49 PM

LIF Zygote

Member since 7/09

12 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Ocean City, it was in our 11th grade year of HS. Went with both our parents so we snuck out quite often. Id say we had been together about a year then....

Posted 7/30/09 10:25 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/08

99 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Cancun about 1 year after we started dating

Posted 8/4/09 10:49 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/08

296 total posts


Re: What was the first...

we went to montauk for a long weekend around 5 months after we started dating and then to the florida keys 3 months after that for a week.

Posted 8/4/09 4:22 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/09

1318 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Miami for 4 days about 3 months after we met. We went to Aruba about 7 months after we met & were engaged!

Posted 8/20/09 1:17 PM

Sweet cheeks

Member since 4/09

1696 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Philadelphia for a few days about 2 months after we got together. Our first real vacation was to Disney about 5 months into the relationship because DH's best friend got married. He actually brought it up on our first date!

Posted 8/23/09 10:09 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/09

730 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Paradise Island (Bahamas) for our one year dating anniversary. We were both 20 at the time. I remember my MIL/FIL freaking out about DH going lol.

Posted 8/24/09 12:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/08

1535 total posts


Re: What was the first...

We went to Baltimore, MD. We had been together just shy of 5 months.

Posted 8/25/09 5:02 PM
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