Gonna be a BIG Bro in April!

Member since 10/06 5913 total posts
Name: Denise
Never did post my birth story from June 26, 2009!
First baby in 12-14 hours my arse! Even though I had my baby in less than three hours total, I just cannot keep a short story short...
Thursday, June 25, 2009 - 10:30am: Had my 39 week internal exam. 90% effaced and dr. forced a finger. Told me to expect some bleeding. I will most likely not make my July 4th due date and "if I don't go soon", he'd be surprised. I was thinking "soon" meant a couple days.
After my dr. visit, I had a crazy mayhem day filled with last minute errands, Michael Jackson and Farrah's deaths, car trouble making me park in the grass and walk to the library for a ride home, painting our new bathroom and more!
Around 9:45pm, I asked DH to take my 39 week belly pic for my Belly Book pregnancy journal. Pack my hospital bag and finally sit down with DH to watch some tv at 11:00pm.
Not after a minute, I feel like I have to go to the bathroom... really bad. Turns out... this is the beginning of my contractions every 5 minutes for an hour bit! I had a feeling like "something" was going on but everyone thought we'd be doing this until Sunday! My mom was in the city and not coming home until Friday afternoon.
11:45pm - Contractions every five minutes. Sitting beside our bed on my yoga ball, on the phone with my sister, who tells me to get off the ball and in bed (but I learned I should sit on a ball I say!). I get up to go in bed... sploosh! My water broke! Called the dr. and had to go to the hospital as I needed antibiotics for Strep B. Within what seemed like 10 seconds, my sister was at our door. She and DH got our last minute things together and went to the hospital.
I remember filling in 12:06am on an admittance form. After initial exam, I was 3cm and admitted to a L&D room. I say, if this is 3cm, I think I'm going to want something. I had to wait for my dr. DH and sis are in the waiting room at this point until I'm asked "the questions". They tell him I'm 3cm, have to get to 10cm and it's about a cm an hour.
I have to go to the bathroom, I say. #1 and #2. I go. Get hooked back up to monitor. No dr. yet. I think I want something, I say. Please do not tell me it's too late to get anything was mentioned quite a few times to my awesome nurse, which she obliged and did not tell me as I would have freaked out! Contractions feel real strong and fast. Focal point my arse! I was two fisting the side rail of the bed all the while thinking I forgot my Clorox wipes! Can I have my husband yet? Nope, more questions. Ya see the questionaire took some time because my contractions were coming so fast I could barely answer! Mind you with all the pain, I was keeping as much of a sense of humor as I could and the nurses were cracking up at me!
ME: I have to go the bathroom again. #2. NURSE: Really? ME: Yeah. Really.
I'm sitting on the terlit when the nurse comes in...
NURSE: What are you doing? ME: Pooping! NURSE: No you're not! Get up, get up! I need to check you! ME: But I'm really pooping, I need to wipe myself! OTHER NURSE: I got it!
Holy heck they are so right when they say your pride goes out the window!
So I get back in bed and my nurse does and internal. I swear, she was swishing her hand around like she was making cotton candy and I said, What are you doing?! Jestfully of course because I happened to be on a contraction break. She said, looking for your cervix! And then says, call her dr. now and find out where she is, she's 10cm!
I say, can I have my effing husband now?! Ten seconds later my husband was there... and my mom walks in! Sight for sore eyes! I totally did not plan to have my mom in the delivery room but man did I need her and want her there then! She and DH were awesome! Taking turns holding my hand, getting a wet rag for my head and checking out the blond hair sticking out of my cooch!
There was a resident (Dr. O'Flannigan) all suited up and in position but for some reason, they wanted to wait for my dr. (Dr. O'Sullivan) to get there. At one point, I screamed "I don't want O'Sullivan, I want O'Flannigan! That got a big laugh from the crowd! 15 minutes, I held my son in, no pushing, crowning with strawberry blond hair on display! Oh and yes... way to late to get anything. But man did I hold out hope until the very end!
My dr. gets there, throws on a drape over her street clothes and with two contractions and about three pushes, Nolan Dennis was born at 1:51am on Friday, June 26, 2009!
And just like they say, the pain goes away instantly! And three months later, I can say it was a piece of cake!
He was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. It was my greatest moment in life. I loved him and knew him in an instant. He was mine. He was meant to be mine and I, his. I was a mommy, forever.
Nolan Dennis June 26, 2009 at 1:51am 6 pounds 11ounces . 20 1/2 inches
And now this is my angel boy...
Loving every minute of it!
Thanks for reading if you made it this far!!!