You cannot even make this stuff up....
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LIF Adult

Member since 3/09 1259 total posts
Name: G
You cannot even make this stuff up....
Do not quote, thanks.
DH picked up SS for Thanksgiving today.
Back story -- SS is 5. BM is convinced that he is overweight (which he clearly is not, anyone can see that he looks like a normal and actually very athletic boy) and that he gets fats when he is with DH because DH feeds him too much (again, totally nuts.). The doctor cannot control her, she weights SS every day, etc. I could go on and on, but you get the idea. She is terrified of "fatness" despite whether someone actually looks totally healthy. DH knows this firsthand obviously. BM's mom is the exact same way. Ironically, they are two of the most unathletic and unhealthy people we know.
So back to today -- DH picks up SS, and he says in the car that BM's mom told him that if he weights the same amount after Thanksgiving as before then she will give him a piece of her apple pie. She implies that if SS gains even a pound while eating Thanksgiving then he has failed and therefore she won't give him pie, and that DH is "bad" if he gains weight because we must be trying to make him fat. We are just totally shocked. I am not kidding you.
First of all, why is she putting a 5 year old on the scale every day? Why is she recording the numbers? Why doesn't she realize a kid is going to gain weight and grow, not necessarily in proportion to each other? Why does she tie food rewards to a number on the scale???????? Why do I have to deal with a BM as nuts as this one???????????????????????? I just want to flip out sometimes. Tell me this kid isn't going to have some damage as he gets older when his BM and BM's mom weight him daily and tell him he is getting fat! OMG!
Don't quote. Will probably erase, because a custody fight is about to begin (was before today, the lawyer already has stuff going).
Posted 11/26/09 9:10 AM |
My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07 13625 total posts
Re: You cannot even make this stuff up....
That is dispicable
I really think your SS needs a law guardian...What she is doing to your SS is a form of child abuse IMO...Teaching healthy eating habits is one thing, but putting the stress she is putting on a 5 year old is appalling....
I am very sorry you, DH ( and he) are dealing with this...Sounds like she needs to be evaluated
Posted 11/26/09 9:35 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 5/08 1005 total posts
Name: Chris
Re: You cannot even make this stuff up....
wow I am speechless. What a nut!! I agree, this is a form of abuse. My nephew is 5 and I cannot even begin to imagine putting that sort of garbage in his head and giving him a complex about himself at 5, they are still babies (in my eyes). He is going to always have an issue with weight and food if she keeps this up - very unfair to your SS. I hope you and DH can try to put a stop to that, I feel bad for your poor SS.
Posted 11/26/09 7:16 PM |
Mrs. Ben
LIF Zygote
Member since 7/09 39 total posts
Name: Mrs.Ben
Re: You cannot even make this stuff up....
she's nuts..and that is not healthy at all. Poor SS.
Posted 11/27/09 10:47 AM |
Thank You St. Gerard.....

Member since 12/09 8306 total posts
Name: Kerri
Re: You cannot even make this stuff up....
Good Luck with the custody fight! I'm terribly sorry about all this. I would start recording some of the idocies she is saying and the things the kid says she told him. when you go to court against the mother you need to have proof that she is unfit. THis kid should not be raised by this disicable woman!! NO ONE should ever be!! She needs serious help and reading this story really disgusts me!!!!!!!!!!
I hope you win this battle!! Play it smart!
Posted 12/22/09 3:12 PM |
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