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Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

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Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

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Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Why are contractions so confusing??????????
Is 2 cm dilated and 50-60% effaced not really that far along?

Well I thought I was having contractions last night.... consistent contractions about 5 min apart for 3hrs. They were extremely intense period like cramps that would then also go into my back. Went to L& D and they monitored the contractions...but of course they ended up getting further apart to every 10 mins...and not all were even registering. (which they say back labor may not show up) so they sent me home after a few hrs.

Went home at 5 am, then to my OBGYn for a 9am appt this morning. I am 2 cm dilated and about 50-60% effaced. The Doctor also stripped my membranes to move things along. Let's hope that works. I still feel contractions about 10-15 mins apart.

Otherwise, he wants to schedule induction for next Monday.

Let's hope I go into labor before then!!!!!!!!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Thanks for listening to me ramble

Posted 12/20/10 11:08 AM
Long Island Weddings
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Mommy of 2! Ty God

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Sounds like good progress to me Rach!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I bet you will go before Monday. Ill be praying that you do but at least you only have 1 more week to go at the most!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 11:16 AM

Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

It sounds like something is going on! And 2 cm and 50-60% effaced is certainly progress!
I'm completely clueless about contractions. I've had cramping, but no pattern whatsoever. But it does sound like you're on your way!

Posted 12/20/10 11:16 AM

Big sister to be!

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Hopefully, the progress and contractions are a good sign!

I have my Csection scheduled for 12/27 we may have our babies on the same day!Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 11:22 AM

<3 <3 <3

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

it sounds promising. let hope u continue to progress wellChat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 11:27 AM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Posted by Lisa982006

Sounds like good progress to me Rach!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I bet you will go before Monday. Ill be praying that you do but at least you only have 1 more week to go at the most!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

I hope so!!! How are you doing, any progress?

Posted 12/20/10 11:33 AM

Thank you St. G for my boy PJ!

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Sending you some labor vibes!

Posted 12/20/10 11:34 AM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Posted by octoberbride

Hopefully, the progress and contractions are a good sign!

I have my Csection scheduled for 12/27 we may have our babies on the same day!Chat Icon

Goodluck to you too!! We could both have our LO's next monday. It's nice to know there is an end in sight...I just hope I can go before then. Either way in a week we will be holding our babies.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 11:35 AM

Baby brother coming soon!

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

yay!! Your getting so close!! Any day now!!Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 11:36 AM

Naterade is Thirstade!

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Progress is still progress! Who knows, you might have your LO sooner than you think!

Posted 12/20/10 11:37 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/09

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Sounds exciting! Good Luck!

Posted 12/20/10 11:39 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

The same thing happened to my friend. Her water broke the next day. Good luck!!

Posted 12/20/10 12:05 PM

Mommy to 3!

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Jesss, duh.

Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

With my first I had a 38 week appt, I was like 90% effaced and 3cm dilated. 4 days later I swore I was in labor. Contractions every 5 minutes lasting 1-2 minutes each. I went to my NST (non stress test) and they saw the contractions but were a little further apart. I went to the bathroom and my water broke (around 10am Monday). DS was born 3:25am Tuesday.

I'd say you are moving right along and could be at the "any moment" point!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Lots of easy labor vibes/dust Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 12:12 PM

In love with my little man!!

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Sounds promising - Good Luck to you!!!

Posted 12/20/10 12:31 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Don't discount tonight's full moon!!!!

Sending labor vibes (and progress vibes) your way! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 12:33 PM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Posted by springsandra

Don't discount tonight's full moon!!!!

Sending labor vibes (and progress vibes) your way! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh Def still counting on the FULL MOON!!

Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 12:50 PM

Baby no. 3 coming soon!

Member since 6/09

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Posted by bride07

Posted by springsandra

Don't discount tonight's full moon!!!!

Sending labor vibes (and progress vibes) your way! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh Def still counting on the FULL MOON!!

Chat Icon

A solar eclipse, winter solstice AND a full moon. It has to bring something onChat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 1:21 PM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Still having contractions. A little stronger than last night and about 7 mins apart. Maybe the Dr stripping my membranes worked!! Just have to wait I guess to see if they get more intense and more frequent.

Hope this is it!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 12/20/10 4:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/10

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Hope this is it for you too!!

Posted 12/20/10 4:50 PM

Baby girl has a baby brother!

Member since 11/09

7155 total posts


Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Posted by bride07

Still having contractions. A little stronger than last night and about 7 mins apart. Maybe the Dr stripping my membranes worked!! Just have to wait I guess to see if they get more intense and more frequent.

Hope this is it!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

So exciting!!! Who is your text buddy? Are your bags all packed???

We bought our baby book today at B&N -- DH picked a great one so I'm excited! I'm all ready to go lol... but I don't think it's happening yet. I'm so excited for you though!!!

Posted 12/20/10 4:53 PM

Love my crazy life!

Member since 1/10

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

sooo exciting! hope it is soon for you!

Posted 12/20/10 5:03 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/06

921 total posts


Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

My doctor told me when you have real contractions you will not be able to look someone in the eyes and he was right!

Posted 12/20/10 5:18 PM

Ava Rose you are an angel!!!

Member since 3/09

6115 total posts


Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

Posted by springsandra

Posted by bride07

Still having contractions. A little stronger than last night and about 7 mins apart. Maybe the Dr stripping my membranes worked!! Just have to wait I guess to see if they get more intense and more frequent.

Hope this is it!

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

So exciting!!! Who is your text buddy? Are your bags all packed???

We bought our baby book today at B&N -- DH picked a great one so I'm excited! I'm all ready to go lol... but I don't think it's happening yet. I'm so excited for you though!!!

Bags are all ready to go!!! I think I got them ready 2 months ago..Chat Icon Chat Icon

You never know could be any day now. You have had some progress at your things could happen with this Full moon.

I may need a text buddy. Lisa was mine and she just texted me right now- she is going to the hospital to be induced!!!! So excited for her...what a perfect B-day Gift!!!!

Posted 12/20/10 5:30 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/10

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Re: Just back from my appt 39wks & 7 days...Maybe some progress but so confused?

seems like we had a similar night Chat Icon I got home at 3 am and went back at 9 to get checked again.

At least you're having contractions and there's an end in sight Chat Icon I'm sure with the internals it will speed up the process

Posted 12/20/10 5:45 PM

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