LIF Zygote
Member since 11/10 14 total posts
Name: Megan
hi girls... so i was asked to post the funnies on lif. so here they are. 2*10*11
copying from liw.
(I like the following.. but the comment about the shoe made me lol) The rainbow trend continues! And in my opinion, it’s much more well-executed than the one we saw before. Here, you’ve got a real sunshine-y feel with the parasols and the bows and the matching fabrics and whatnot….I think I actually like the trend now. Although a couple of those girls may or may not be wearing questionable shoes. Yellow on the end…c’mon, girl, matching yellow shoes? This isn’t a Lucky Charms commercial.
HOLY SIHT becca!!! this was on pg 1 on memebase... the irony
just discovered the following from the same site:
parents shouldn't text:
Food Network Humor:
^this kid should be bumped up to the next grade!
Really Ghetto: wedding cake:
Epic W T Fs
WHY DID YOU BUY ME THAT!? ^ just weird....
Funny Receipts here's the rest
church signs
work lols: From Jenna: Hmmmm, I thought I scored when I found ketchup in my co-worker’s desk for my french fries. Ketchup isn’t supposed to be black….No, it’s not. UNLESS it is from 1986.
now onto our regularly scheduled lols..
FMLs -- Today, to prevent a fistfight at work, I had to mediate a contested debate between two coworkers on what was evidently a very touchy subject: Which is better, the orange creamsicle or the ice cream sandwich? I was the only one to get in trouble for wasting company time. FML -- Today, I was on the phone with an elderly customer at work. I had to spend 10 minutes listening to him describe how the underwear he bought was too tight and caused his bladder to leak. FML -- Today, I was walking in the park with my boyfriend of 3 years. He stopped and knelt down in front of me. I started to panic, then he told me to calm down, my shoe was untied. FML -- (319):
the guy in the stall next to me, came in, farted, laughed, and proceeded to give himself some sort of hillbilly pep talk that included the phrase "big *****". -- (916):
You're not invited to the wedding. They don't want you starting a "who's fuc ked the bride the most" contest. -- the end