My line never got darker!! I tested for 4 days in a row and it never got darker! I did start testing before my missed period and up to the day it was due. It was faint all the days. The digital said pregnant though. and my first beta was 62 i think. it went up each time too.
Any as you know my baby girl is here so things worked out for sure!!
My first beta came back at 2. I have no clue how I got BFPs, but it was on the wondfos. Stay positive and just try to relax til your next beta.
believe me i searched your posts lol... but you were like 9DPO... its hopeful but idk i am in a daze right now lol
haha-- well, you could just have a late implanter. Try not to stress. Just keep taking different kinds of tests. I don't think my FRER lines got darker, but when I got the BFP on the digital-- I felt better. I had to wait over Memorial Day Weekend to go back in for another test-- so it was 4 or 5 days vs 2 to wait!!