You are my I love you
Member since 7/09 18802 total posts
Name: DiamondMama
Diamondbaby's Birthstory!!!!!
I want to write this now because I have the memory of a goldfish and if I don't I will totally forget everything
Two weeks prior to the day I went into labor I thought I lost my mucus plug. After an internal I had what I thought was a blood/mucus show. That night I had mild contractions that I kept waiting to turn into real labor...no dice. Throughout the next two weeks I had many different signs of labor such as diaherrra, contractions (though they never get painful or lasted for an hour 5 minutes apart). My doctor hooked me up to the contraction monitor and I was in fact contracting, but this can happen and labor can still be a ways off. Since I was 80% dialated though my doctor was pretty confident I would NOT make it to my DD...
My due date came and went and I was scheduled for an induction 5 days after my DD, I was 3cm dilated and 90% effaced. Two days later I went in for an appointment--still 3 cm and 90% effaced and my doctor stripped my membranes (though she did not exactly tell me that she just said she would try to work my cervix--whatever that means )
Immediatley after leaving the doctors appointment I feel off. Pains in my legs, cramping--but now I think I'm just imagining everything bc of all my symptons that amounted to nothing over the last two weeks. Plus I was JUST at the doctor on the contraction monitor and NOTHING was happening.
Go to lunch with mom...on the way home @ 3:00pm I am feeling contractions every 5 minutes, not too painful though. My mom is saying this probably it..half of me thought it was, the other half thought it was another fake out.
Well what they tell you is absolutely true--when you are really in labor you KNOW!!! At @ 5:30pm I get a STRONG contraction--5 minutes later another, 4 minutes later another. This was after two hours of mild but consistent contractions. I call the doctor after a half hour of this and he tells me to come to the office to determine whether I should go to the hospital.
I get to the doctor @ a little after 6pm and now the contractions are painful and powerful @ 4 minutes apart. They put me on the monitor and of course I am contracting. Doc checks me and I am 3-4cm dilated, bulging water and he says "are you ready to have this baby tonight" ...off to the hosptial I go.
By the time we get into the room I think it is between 8-8:30pm. The contractions really are god awful, I mean just excruciating pain like I have never felt and I'm not really a wimp how people go without an epi boggles me but god bless them because I could NEVER.
So from the second I get in the room I am just begging for an epi seems like forever (but really probably about an hour later) I get the epi and the pain subsides...feel good. Couple hours later I dilate to 5cm. The epi wears off somewhat and I do feel some pain, they top it off I feel some pain but it is tolerable. They check me again @ I guess 11pm ( maybe a little later) and I am 8cm dilated.
My doctor arrives at 12:30am and checks me I am 10cm dilated. I did not have any drugs or anything to help me dilate so with the exception of the epi I had a natural birth.
I was just topped off with more epi right before this so I am not feeling any pressure or anything so doctor tells me he will be back in an half hour for me to push, he breaks my water which I don't even feel.
At @ 1:15am I start pushing..for the first 20 minutes I really can't feel much pressure and so it is hard to push hard enough. Once I can feel the pressure (as the epi wears off I guess) my pushes get better and at 2:13am (one hour of pushing) our beautiful son is born weighing 8lbs 7 oz, 20 inches.
Pushing him out did not hurt at all, it was tiresome but not painful for me. For some reason it hurt a lot while the residents were getting my placenta out--they were pressing on my stomach for what seemed like a long time and it was just painful.
They did not need to cut me or anything but I did have a 2nd degree tear and got stitches.
After labor I felt no pain. I assumed it was because of the epi but as it wore off I still felt fine, I mean some discomfort but honestly not even as bad as having AF cramps! Some minor stinging while urinating but that is it!! I was shocked because I was dreading the soreness afterwards. I took two motrin a day while in the hospital for slight pain but more because I had terrible heachaches, probably from lack of sleep. So recovery has been a breeze. The whole thing really was not so bad...again the contractions are a b!tch, but since I had an epi it really was only bad for a couple hours.
North Shore was awesome. The rooms are gorgeous, the bathrooms are like at a resort! They supplied with whatever I needed or wanted, the nurses were all so nice and helpful.
And now we are home and get to enjoy our DS.
I'm a mommy :)
Member since 1/06 7322 total posts
Name: ~Jess~
Re: Diamondbaby's Birthstory!!!!!
Congrats!!!!! Welcome to the world Diamondbaby
And I agree, contractions hurt like a b!tch... Epidural is my friend