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MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

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I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

What kind of car do you have? I have an Acura MDX right now that has a 3rd row seat but right now I have 2 car seats and in February there will be 3. Ms. Emma is almost big enough for me to be comfortable to be in a booster but the skinny little girl I have is only about 33lbs so I feel safer with her in her Marathon. I dont know how I am going to get Emma, Jeremy and baby #3 in the car. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH - HELP

Posted 6/22/06 2:34 PM
Long Island Weddings
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Sister love

Member since 2/06

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Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

This baby is going to be #3, and with both girls still in their Roundabouts I'll have to give DH my Cavalier and buy something different. I was looking into a Toyota Sienna, but since we're moving out of state next year I really don't want to buy a car just to sell it next year.

Posted 6/22/06 3:27 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

3372 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

I have a Pilot Karen with a 3rd row...but if you use it you have ZERO trunk space left. You may need a mini-Van

Posted 6/22/06 3:53 PM

My Everything

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Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

I don't have 3 but I know when we get ready for #2 I want a minivan. My friend has the Toyota Sienna and loves it.

Posted 6/22/06 7:35 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Oh, no, please, no... Im so scared of the dreaded minivanChat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 10:23 AM

Proud SAHM

Member since 5/05

1955 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

I have a 05 pathfinder with the 3rd row. I only put HALF the 3rd row up so I still have room for strollers.

Posted 6/23/06 10:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

4189 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Sounds like it is time to stop being cool and get a minivan! We did it and we are only on #2! Seriously, we got a Toyota Sienna and it is great! With three car seats you will still have room for 2 adults, plus the driver and using all the rows you still have a good sized trunk space that will easily fit a stroller or two

Message edited 6/23/2006 10:46:55 AM.

Posted 6/23/06 10:46 AM


Member since 5/05

12119 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by KPtoys

Oh, no, please, no... Im so scared of the dreaded minivanChat Icon

I am right there with you fighting it all the way! Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 10:47 AM

life moves fast

Member since 5/05

4225 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

My suburban works well, but Jordan is bigger, he'll be going in the 3rd row in his booster seat... luckily he can buckle himself in and all, the other 2 will be in their car seats in the 2nd row...makes it easy with the captains seatsChat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 12:36 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

i dont know if i can drive suburban bus

Posted 6/23/06 7:39 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by KPtoys

i dont know if i can drive suburban bus

I didn't think I could drive a Tahoe and it handles like a car! I test drove the Burban and I LOVED that too! Turning radius, pick up, smooth wasn't all that bad! Take a test drive!

Posted 6/23/06 8:35 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by ddunne2

Sounds like it is time to stop being cool and get a minivan! We did it and we are only on #2! Seriously, we got a Toyota Sienna and it is great! With three car seats you will still have room for 2 adults, plus the driver and using all the rows you still have a good sized trunk space that will easily fit a stroller or two

Sorry about your minivan phobia but I agree with this response. We also have a Toyota Sienna and I cant imagine doing it differently. Good lord though...what was I thinking when I picked "Long Island Gray" as the color (thats the name I gave it, not the actual color name) - does everyone on LI have a gray minivan?? I cant find the damn thing in a parking lot!

Posted 6/23/06 10:07 PM

boys will be boys =)

Member since 9/05

7205 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by ddunne2

Sounds like it is time to stop being cool and get a minivan! We did it and we are only on #2! Seriously, we got a Toyota Sienna and it is great! With three car seats you will still have room for 2 adults, plus the driver and using all the rows you still have a good sized trunk space that will easily fit a stroller or two

Sorry about your minivan phobia but I agree with this response. We also have a Toyota Sienna and I cant imagine doing it differently. Good lord though...what was I thinking when I picked "Long Island Gray" as the color (thats the name I gave it, not the actual color name) - does everyone on LI have a gray minivan?? I cant find the damn thing in a parking lot!

Chat Icon Chat Icon cant find it in a parking lot Chat Icon Chat Icon that happens to me too, I guess I have the "Long island tan" color Chat Icon

Im SOOOO over (or never was into) the status and prestige thing with cars, status and prestige is my little monkeys yelling out of the back seat or waving to anyone within earshot Chat Icon I cant wait to fill every last spot with a carseat Chat Icon Chat Icon

Its like wearing the cute spiked heals or the comfy but still kinda cute shoes come on SUV moms Chat Icon
When I get a "hot car" it will be for ME and not the kids Chat Icon
and John and I SWEARRR that having a minivan saves us tickets many times Chat Icon
I wonder if cops do say "ahh, its a family in a minivan" when they see us whizzing by Chat Icon Chat Icon

the only minivan thats trying not to look like a minivan Chat Icon is the nissan quest, which i think is really cute, but I was about to test drive it a few years ago, and panicked because it felt SOOOO HUGEE Chat Icon and I learned to drive in a good ol station wagon at 16, I thought no big cars would ever scare me.

and lets face it, minivans have come a long way Chat Icon we got all the little extras, it aint all that bad Chat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 10:18 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

95 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

What about the Lexus G470 Truck? My friend has it and absolutely loves it... She has three children and all three have so much wiggle room.

Posted 6/23/06 10:36 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

I wish we could afford the LexusChat Icon I guess my Acura will have to do for now. My lease isnt up for another 2 years. Im sure we will work something out. Just no other passangers unless they want to hop into the 3rd row seat with the double strollerChat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 10:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/05

220 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

I only have 2 kids and I drive a Honda Pilot. I am trading it in to get a MiniVan :(! A Toyota Sienna AWD. The Pilot is just very uncomfortable for us now with the 2 car seats and the double stroller. We have the 3rd row in the Pilot but we're unable to access it because of the carseats. I NEVER thought I would drive a MiniVan, but here I am counting the days until my MommyVan is ready.

Posted 6/23/06 10:47 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by KPtoys

Oh, no, please, no... Im so scared of the dreaded minivanChat Icon

See Karen, we really are sisters (since we look alike)!!! The thought of a mini van frightens me tooChat Icon I could never get one, just not me, we just got the 2007 Yukon and I love it!! It drives like a car even though everyone says "how does 5'1'' you, drive a big truck like that?", but it is great, we will get the XLT when this lease is up.

Posted 6/23/06 10:54 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by ddunne2

Sounds like it is time to stop being cool and get a minivan! We did it and we are only on #2! Seriously, we got a Toyota Sienna and it is great! With three car seats you will still have room for 2 adults, plus the driver and using all the rows you still have a good sized trunk space that will easily fit a stroller or two

Sorry about your minivan phobia but I agree with this response. We also have a Toyota Sienna and I cant imagine doing it differently. Good lord though...what was I thinking when I picked "Long Island Gray" as the color (thats the name I gave it, not the actual color name) - does everyone on LI have a gray minivan?? I cant find the damn thing in a parking lot!

don't sacrafice your coolness Karen, if you are really opposed to a minivan don't do it, my friend always said no way to a minivan but got it and hates it because it just is not her taste

Posted 6/23/06 10:58 PM

I'm getting old

Member since 5/05

8688 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by emilain

Posted by Elizabeth

Posted by ddunne2

Sounds like it is time to stop being cool and get a minivan! We did it and we are only on #2! Seriously, we got a Toyota Sienna and it is great! With three car seats you will still have room for 2 adults, plus the driver and using all the rows you still have a good sized trunk space that will easily fit a stroller or two

Sorry about your minivan phobia but I agree with this response. We also have a Toyota Sienna and I cant imagine doing it differently. Good lord though...what was I thinking when I picked "Long Island Gray" as the color (thats the name I gave it, not the actual color name) - does everyone on LI have a gray minivan?? I cant find the damn thing in a parking lot!

don't sacrafice your coolness Karen, if you are really opposed to a minivan don't do it, my friend always said no way to a minivan but got it and hates it because it just is not her taste

Thanks, my DH would be in one in a heartbeat but I just can't do it. I dont know why. I would rather have an SUV. For me owning a minivan is so... finalChat Icon

Posted 6/23/06 11:06 PM


Member since 5/05

4457 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

Posted by KPtoys

Thanks, my DH would be in one in a heartbeat but I just can't do it. I dont know why. I would rather have an SUV. For me owning a minivan is so... finalChat Icon

My hubby said that too, but now he is sooo happy we didn't get one, he loves the Yukon.

Posted 6/23/06 11:15 PM


Member since 6/06

4563 total posts


Re: MOMMAS of 3 OR MORE (repost)

I like the new Infiniti suv QX56 with 3 rows.

Posted 6/23/06 11:48 PM

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