it's pretty precious
Member since 1/07 3839 total posts
Name: Lauren
Symphysis pubis dysfuction
Hey ladies- I haven't been around in awhile, but I have a very particular problem and I didn't know where else to go for some real advice. 2 days ago, out of nowhere came an excruciating pain that keeps me from walking. It's getting worse every day. So far sleeping is not an issue, and I actually feel better for a few minutes after waking up. I even tried walking with a cane today, and it didn't help at all. I'm embarassed, gimping around, as it's not a subtle limp, at all. There is simply no comfortable way to walk. and after about 20 steps, the pain is driving me to tears. I met with my OB yesterday, and we both agreed that SPD is the most likely culprit. I'm only 19 weeks pregnant, and I'm terrified that this will not get better. I have had to call out sick to my new part time jib for the past two days. Is it too early to think about disability? I know I'm eligible, because I have been there for 6 weeks, but the longer I delay, will that further delay my being compensated? This is a lot to worry about all at once, but like most people, I need the money my job brings in, and I need to worry about money. Any insight on either this condition or NYS disability details will be so much appreciated. TIA, Lauren
LIF Infant
Member since 4/10 175 total posts
Name: Ro
Re: Symphysis pubis dysfuction
I can't help with the disability issues, but I had the same thing as you and have had tremendous relief from my chiropractor. I was really in a lot of pain beginning around the same time as you and am now 31 weeks and not too bad. Just a thought. Good luck
different, not less
Member since 7/09 13160 total posts
Re: Symphysis pubis dysfuction
sorry you're in so much pain. I have had stabbing pain while walking before (but not consistent) and my doc told me i should wear a maternity belt... maybe the chiropractor will relieve some of the stress... good luck!
LIF Infant
Member since 4/10 175 total posts
Name: Ro
Re: Symphysis pubis dysfuction
Unfortunately, no. She is in eastern Nassau. But I would call around and find a chiro who treats pregnant women regularly. Not sure where you are but I know there is someone in the Woodbury area who works with pregnant women. It's much closer to Suffolk than my chiro.
And agree with PP- maternity belt helps A LOT! I have the Boppy brand. Wish I used it in my first pregnancy.
Message edited 5/24/2012 2:09:58 PM.