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Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
I had read and put in my notebook Jenn627 experience. Thanks for sharing!!!!
Here's mine.
I EBF my tiny tot who is 5.5months. I also pump for daycare. Since she was 8 weeks I started the routine after bath time(depending on the night) I read and nurse her at 8pm. That could last 15-20mins. I would put her in her crib. At that age she would wake up twice for a feedings but as weeks went on she she would wake up once and then poof she started sttn. Maybe once in a while she would wake up but I would just nurse her and she would go back to sleep in 5-10mins.
For some strange reason a little over a week ago she stopped sttn and would wake up once. No big deal. Then she started waking up twice. Then three times!! I didn't make a big stink about because I thought she might be going through a growth spurt so I didnt want to deny her any food. Growth spurt my ass. She's been using me to soothe. This is a big no no for me. I say for ME because Montessorri (which I love to death) is very big on self soothing. I don't want it to be one way at daycare and another way at home.
Night one - Nice bath. Started nursing and reading to her at 8pm. At 8:20pm I put her in her crib. Here's when the fun A little after 12:15am she started crying Did the 3, 5, 7, 10, 10, etc. until a little after 2am when she finally fell asleep and slept til 630am. It seems long but it really wasn't This is because she did soothe herself a few times and would fall asleep for a few minutes. Once that happened I needed to RESTART THE CLOCK. I did the stern voice which wasn't to hard because at that time my voice is I did change her diaper at one point but I can't remember the time. DH is a very good sleeper so he would wake up every 30mins saying WE SHOULD GIVE HER A BOTTLE. I said in a very stern voice Good thing is her cries weren't very hard. No tears. I feel it went very well.
Night two- Started nursing and reading to her at 8pm. Put her in her crib at almost 830pm. She woke up a little after 12am. Did the 5 minutes, 7, 10, . This time it took about 20mins. When I went in the last time she stayed quiet for a few seconds looking at me with this face. ummmm why are you speaking to me that way? lol She slept til 630am
Night three- Started nursing and reading to her at 8pm. Put her in her crib at 830pm. I HAD TO WAKE HER UP AT 6:40AM FOR DAYCARE. At 5:45 I heard her making some sounds and she was moving around in her crib but she soothed herself back to sleep.
I'm sure I will need to do this going foward but knowing that it works is GREAT!!
Method pinned in the mom support thread at the top of this page.
this is the progressive waiting approach...
so, nite one: progression is 3 minutes, 5, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10....
nite 2: 5 minutes, 7, 10, 13, 13, 13, 13....
nite 3: 7 minutes, 10, 13, 15, 15, 15....
nite 4 (usually not needed) 10, 13, 15, 17, 17, 17....
progress as such if needed for more than 4 nites...
these times simply mean this:
when DD/DS starts to cry, look at your watch, after the 3 minute mark, go in, tell them in a STERN voice "mommy's here, i love you, but its time for nite nite...its nite nite time, ill see you in the morning, mommys here...."
Do not stay in the room for longer than 1-2 minutes...the point is to reassure them that you are not abandoning them...and I say STERN voice bc, well, dont use your mommy voice, that soft voice that they love so stern and matter of fact....
the crying will probably intensify as you leave the room, but look at your watch again as u leave, and you wait until they have been crying for 5 minutes before you go in again....repeat at 7 minutes, 10 10 10....etc...
BUT, and this is a HHHHUUUUGGGEEEEE but....
If, at any time, they stop crying or start to whimper, do not go in!! Even if you are due to go in, don't- this is a sign they are soothing themselves, which is what you want....
say you are on a 10 minute wait, and at 7 minutes they stopped crying, but a minute later, started crying again, this does not mean wait 2 minutes and go in...this means, you RESET the CLOCK!!! Make sure they are crying the full amount of time....
and thats that, continue with nite 2, and for me, nite 3 was a breeze....
Posted 1/16/13 9:29 AM |
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Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted 1/16/13 10:40 AM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted 1/16/13 12:17 PM |
Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08 2776 total posts
Name: Melanie
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Great job! I believe this is ferber. Any tips? Is there a certain age to start this? Works for naps too?
Message edited 1/16/2013 12:39:16 PM.
Posted 1/16/13 12:37 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/10 1110 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by MRsFaTThead
I had read and put in my notebook Jenn627 experience. Thanks for sharing!!!!
Here's mine.
I EBF my tiny tot who is 5.5months. I also pump for daycare. Since she was 8 weeks I started the routine after bath time(depending on the night) I read and nurse her at 8pm. That could last 15-20mins. I would put her in her crib. At that age she would wake up twice for a feedings but as weeks went on she she would wake up once and then poof she started sttn. Maybe once in a while she would wake up but I would just nurse her and she would go back to sleep in 5-10mins.
For some strange reason a little over a week ago she stopped sttn and would wake up once. No big deal. Then she started waking up twice. Then three times!! I didn't make a big stink about because I thought she might be going through a growth spurt so I didnt want to deny her any food. Growth spurt my ass. She's been using me to soothe. This is a big no no for me. I say for ME because Montessorri (which I love to death) is very big on self soothing. I don't want it to be one way at daycare and another way at home.
Night one - Nice bath. Started nursing and reading to her at 8pm. At 8:20pm I put her in her crib. Here's when the fun A little after 12:15am she started crying Did the 3, 5, 7, 10, 10, etc. until a little after 2am when she finally fell asleep and slept til 630am. It seems long but it really wasn't This is because she did soothe herself a few times and would fall asleep for a few minutes. Once that happened I needed to RESTART THE CLOCK. I did the stern voice which wasn't to hard because at that time my voice is I did change her diaper at one point but I can't remember the time. DH is a very good sleeper so he would wake up every 30mins saying WE SHOULD GIVE HER A BOTTLE. I said in a very stern voice Good thing is her cries weren't very hard. No tears. I feel it went very well.
Night two- Started nursing and reading to her at 8pm. Put her in her crib at almost 830pm. She woke up a little after 12am. Did the 5 minutes, 7, 10, . This time it took about 20mins. When I went in the last time she stayed quiet for a few seconds looking at me with this face. ummmm why are you speaking to me that way? lol She slept til 630am
Night three- Started nursing and reading to her at 8pm. Put her in her crib at 830pm. I HAD TO WAKE HER UP AT 6:40AM FOR DAYCARE. At 5:45 I heard her making some sounds and she was moving around in her crib but she soothed herself back to sleep.
I'm sure I will need to do this going foward but knowing that it works is GREAT!!
Method pinned in the mom support thread at the top of this page.
this is the progressive waiting approach...
so, nite one: progression is 3 minutes, 5, 7, 10, 10, 10, 10....
nite 2: 5 minutes, 7, 10, 13, 13, 13, 13....
nite 3: 7 minutes, 10, 13, 15, 15, 15....
nite 4 (usually not needed) 10, 13, 15, 17, 17, 17....
progress as such if needed for more than 4 nites...
these times simply mean this:
when DD/DS starts to cry, look at your watch, after the 3 minute mark, go in, tell them in a STERN voice "mommy's here, i love you, but its time for nite nite...its nite nite time, ill see you in the morning, mommys here...."
Do not stay in the room for longer than 1-2 minutes...the point is to reassure them that you are not abandoning them...and I say STERN voice bc, well, dont use your mommy voice, that soft voice that they love so stern and matter of fact....
the crying will probably intensify as you leave the room, but look at your watch again as u leave, and you wait until they have been crying for 5 minutes before you go in again....repeat at 7 minutes, 10 10 10....etc...
BUT, and this is a HHHHUUUUGGGEEEEE but....
If, at any time, they stop crying or start to whimper, do not go in!! Even if you are due to go in, don't- this is a sign they are soothing themselves, which is what you want....
say you are on a 10 minute wait, and at 7 minutes they stopped crying, but a minute later, started crying again, this does not mean wait 2 minutes and go in...this means, you RESET the CLOCK!!! Make sure they are crying the full amount of time....
and thats that, continue with nite 2, and for me, nite 3 was a breeze....
Would you do this even if LO cried &just wanted pacifier once or twice a night. Or would youjust gave back paci bc eventailly they will be able to grab it themselves.
Posted 1/16/13 12:45 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by Melmel821
Great job! I believe this is ferber. Any tips? Is there a certain age to start this? Works for naps too?
3-5 months seems to be the range. I believe it works for naps too. I'll be trying it over the weekend.
Don't have any tips. Just follow the rules and don't give in.
Posted 1/16/13 12:47 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by TNT1005
Would you do this even if LO cried &just wanted pacifier once or twice a night. Or would youjust gave back paci bc eventailly they will be able to grab it themselves.
I would but that's because DD doesn't use a paci at home or daycare. Not sure how this method works with LO who use a paci.
Posted 1/16/13 12:50 PM |
aries+cancer= pisces&gemini

Member since 3/06 4268 total posts
Name: Jen
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Can you really do this at 5 months???
DS is 7 months now and dh and I thought it was too young to ferber/cio.
We are also scared to do bc of older dd who we dont want to wake up
Posted 1/16/13 1:10 PM |
Two girls!

Member since 12/09 2971 total posts
Name: Cari
CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Woohoo - YOU GO MAMA! So proud and happy for you!!!! You are my inspiration to start this when Juliet is feeling better!!!
Posted 1/16/13 1:15 PM |

Member since 5/08 9818 total posts
Name: Jenn
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
I did it when DD turned 7 months.
I don't think it would work on a baby who needs a paci because this all about them learning how to self-soothe and with a paci it's the paci that soothes. I would imagine you'd have to do away with the paci for this method.
DD regressed last night. She just wanted to be held!!!! So we gave in. OMG that face. I changed her diaper around 345am when she woke and she had big smiles. Then when I put her back down she wailed. Broke my heart. I didn't want to give in so I made DH give in. So technically he's the one that ruined CIO last night.
Posted 1/16/13 1:18 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by Arieschick29
Can you really do this at 5 months???
DS is 7 months now and dh and I thought it was too young to ferber/cio.
We are also scared to do bc of older dd who we dont want to wake up
From what I read if your LO is physically and emotionally ready (which I know mine is) it's not a problem. You need to start when you want/ready to. Don't go by when others do. You're the mommy. Go with your gut
Posted 1/16/13 1:20 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by Cacarina
Woohoo - YOU GO MAMA! So proud and happy for you!!!! You are my inspiration to start this when Juliet is feeling better!!!
haha. As a bf mama I've always been worried that tiny tot was not getting enough milf from me. Even fatthead was convinced she needed more. After 5.5months I TOLD HIM he was putting his daughter to I gave him a nice warm 6.5oz bottle which is more than my one tata has at her last feeding before she starts to get sleepy. And guesssssssssss who decided to wake up at 12:13am after that nice big bottle? Now he understands she's not hungry.
When you decide to start. I'll give you my cell so you can text me. That way I can give you some strength not to pop out that boob 
Hope you guys are feeling better
Posted 1/16/13 1:28 PM |
Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08 2776 total posts
Name: Melanie
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by MRsFaTThead
Posted by Melmel821
Great job! I believe this is ferber. Any tips? Is there a certain age to start this? Works for naps too?
3-5 months seems to be the range. I believe it works for naps too. I'll be trying it over the weekend.
Don't have any tips. Just follow the rules and don't give in.
I meant any tips for not giving in! I've tried it and didn't get very far. Thought maybe she was too little still. I felt like the crying woke her up more. Maybe it's just not the method for us.
Posted 1/16/13 2:24 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by Melmel821
I meant any tips for not giving in! I've tried it and didn't get very far. Thought maybe she was too little still. I felt like the crying woke her up more. Maybe it's just not the method for us.
I watch a movie on my cell or mess around on fb and lif. It makes the time go by fast. If the crying woke up my LO she would never be asleep.
Daycare lets her CIO/soothe herself. Her class as 7 other kids with all different sleep schedules. She gets 3 naps there between 40mins-2.5 hours depending on the part of the day.
Posted 1/16/13 2:58 PM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Note booking this for later.!
Posted 1/16/13 3:13 PM |
Love being a mom!

Member since 5/08 2776 total posts
Name: Melanie
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Thanks for your insight and advice!
I was just looking for something and I knew DD needed a nap. I put her in her swing and she start screaming I knew she wanted to be held. I had to get my uniform washed and find my badge for work tonight. I just couldn't hold her. So I unintentionally let her cry it out in her swing. But I had to. I have to get things done sometimes! So now I'm thinking maybe this will work.
Posted 1/16/13 3:58 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by Mrs213
Note booking this for later.!
You better!
Posted 1/16/13 8:48 PM |
Baby Girl #2 is Here!

Member since 7/11 1652 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
I really want to do this, like NOW. DD will be 6 months in about a week and she has been waking up a bunch of times during the night. The thing is, she is sleeping in my room right now because we are still displaced from Sandy. Do you think this method could still work since I'm in the same room ? I guess it's worth giving it a shot
Message edited 1/16/2013 11:53:42 PM.
Posted 1/16/13 11:53 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by LoveBug302
I really want to do this, like NOW. DD will be 6 months in about a week and she has been waking up a bunch of times during the night. The thing is, she is sleeping in my room right now because we are still displaced from Sandy. Do you think this method could still work since I'm in the same room ? I guess it's worth giving it a shot
Give it a go. It can't hurt. Let us know how it goes.
Posted 1/17/13 8:55 AM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by MRsFaTThead
Posted by LoveBug302
I really want to do this, like NOW. DD will be 6 months in about a week and she has been waking up a bunch of times during the night. The thing is, she is sleeping in my room right now because we are still displaced from Sandy. Do you think this method could still work since I'm in the same room ? I guess it's worth giving it a shot
Give it a go. It can't hurt. Let us know how it goes.
We did CIO with DS in our room. It worked. We recently had to do it again because he started wakign in the middle of the night for no reason. This time it only took one night....
Posted 1/17/13 9:18 AM |
Graceyn=My World <3

Member since 10/08 4173 total posts
Name: Kimberly
CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Just wanted to add that I tried this approach last week after reading Jenn627's post. It took us a little longer 5 nights instead of 3 but DD has STTN for the past 3 nights. I should also add that she feeds to sleep. I give her a bottle and she falls asleep in my arms and then I put her down in her crib but, she is learning to self soothe bc she will toss and turn and maybe wake up for a few min but goes back out.
She still however wakes up at 5! Goes down at 7! Wish I could stretch her just another hour!
ETA: DD is 7 months.
Message edited 1/17/2013 11:56:47 AM.
Posted 1/17/13 11:55 AM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by KimberlyScott
Just wanted to add that I tried this approach last week after reading Jenn627's post. It took us a little longer 5 nights instead of 3 but DD has STTN for the past 3 nights. I should also add that she feeds to sleep. I give her a bottle and she falls asleep in my arms and then I put her down in her crib but, she is learning to self soothe bc she will toss and turn and maybe wake up for a few min but goes back out.
She still however wakes up at 5! Goes down at 7! Wish I could stretch her just another hour!
ETA: DD is 7 months.
Can you get her to bed at 8pm or is she super tired at 7pm? My DD can be tired before 8pm but if I give her bath she will stay awake and happy.
Posted 1/17/13 12:38 PM |

Member since 8/07 3732 total posts
Name: Crystal
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
do you think this will work on my 22 month old?
Posted 1/17/13 2:08 PM |

Member since 6/10 5483 total posts
Re: CIO - Progressive Waiting Approach - GREAT SUCESSSSSSS!
Posted by DC HJJ M
do you think this will work on my 22 month old?
A friend of mine said she had no problem doing it with an older child.
Posted 1/17/13 2:25 PM |