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Homemade baby food stage 3

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

758 total posts


Homemade baby food stage 3

How do you get the right texture? When DS moves to a new stage i start out with jarred food so i could get a sense of the textures. I don't want to set DS back, and he likes the textures of stage 3 foods - how do I keep the little chunks and right texture of stage 3?

Posted 2/22/13 10:19 AM
Long Island Weddings
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My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Homemade baby food stage 3

By the time DS hit stage 3, I was basically giving him regular food but cut into tiny pieces. I no longer pureed anything.

Posted 2/22/13 10:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Homemade baby food stage 3

I never gave stage 3. I give stage 2 or regular purees still at 10 months but am starting to give less and less. DD prefers to feed herself so I give her pieces of squash, bananas, carrots, peas, etc.

Posted 2/22/13 10:58 AM

Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08

6765 total posts


Re: Homemade baby food stage 3

Posted by FirstMate

By the time DS hit stage 3, I was basically giving him regular food but cut into tiny pieces. I no longer pureed anything.


Posted 2/22/13 11:18 AM

you rang?

Member since 6/08

5573 total posts


Re: Homemade baby food stage 3

Posted by FirstMate

By the time DS hit stage 3, I was basically giving him regular food but cut into tiny pieces. I no longer pureed anything.

Same here...I don't think I even necessarily went to an official stage 2. I started out pureeing and then once they started with things like puffs I just moved to soft, cut up foods and let them feed themselves.

Posted 2/22/13 11:20 AM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/11

758 total posts


Re: Homemade baby food stage 3

he has two teeth - but for some reason im so nervous to really give him little peices of food! Hes eaten the cheese puffs and does really well with them - i guess ill have to try eventually!

Thank you!

Posted 2/22/13 11:49 AM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

7790 total posts


Re: Homemade baby food stage 3

Posted by KatieP

he has two teeth - but for some reason im so nervous to really give him little peices of food! Hes eaten the cheese puffs and does really well with them - i guess ill have to try eventually!

Thank you!

I was very nervous at first also but my ped assured me that their gums are as strong as our teeth so they can chomp the food very well. DS did fine with it.

Posted 2/22/13 3:42 PM

Mom of 3

Member since 11/05

13118 total posts


Re: Homemade baby food stage 3

Posted by KatieP

he has two teeth - but for some reason im so nervous to really give him little peices of food! Hes eaten the cheese puffs and does really well with them - i guess ill have to try eventually!

Thank you!

DS1 was fully on table food by 10.5 months, but didn't cut his first tooth until 13.5 months. They don't need teeth to eat food. Give him small pieces of cheese or cut up soft food like banana and avocado.

Posted 2/23/13 1:02 PM

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