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Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I love the look of clean white bedding.
Yay or Nay on this set? Is it too feminine (meaning would DH balk if you got this for the master bedroom)
Posted 1/8/13 9:46 AM |
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LIF Adult

Member since 8/12 6937 total posts
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
It's a little feminine, but my DH wouldn't even blink. He could not care less what he sleeps on.
I wouldn't get it though because I have two dogs who like to sleep on the bed.
Posted 1/8/13 10:00 AM |

Member since 4/07 22952 total posts
Name: J
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I like it, I just refuse to do white bedding while our children are small.
Posted 1/8/13 10:19 AM |
And then there were 4

Member since 1/10 5224 total posts
Name: Kayla
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
my dh would say nope lol-and we have white bedding
Posted 1/8/13 10:41 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 8/11 1164 total posts
Name: Michele
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
it looks beautiful! But I don't think it would stay that white.
Posted 1/8/13 10:51 AM |
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I love the look of all-white bedding (so clean and tranquil), although I would never get it for practicality reasons.
The set you posted is very nice, but a little frilly for my personal taste.
Posted 1/8/13 11:00 AM |
Life's Beachy <3

Member since 2/08 6765 total posts
Name: Heather
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I have white bedding. I love it. No real issues with.
Posted 1/8/13 2:01 PM |
let's be nice

Member since 9/07 10208 total posts
Name: Wifey
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
Posted by halfbaked
It's a little feminine, but my DH wouldn't even blink. He could not care less what he sleeps on.
My DH is the same! I would get it, it's very pretty!
Posted 1/8/13 2:07 PM |

Member since 5/05 4230 total posts
Name: .
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
We have white bedding. I love it. it looks so clean.
If you like it, go for it!
Posted 1/8/13 3:15 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/11 4798 total posts
Name: Pomegranate5
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
As much as I love the look, I always say Nay to white bedding because it is not practical for us with small children and dogs.
Posted 1/8/13 3:38 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 6/10 2348 total posts
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I like it and honestly, I think it's probably easier to keep clean than other bedding because you can just bleach it when you wash it. I don't have white bedding but I can see the appeal, you always know its clean!
Posted 1/8/13 3:50 PM |
My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11 9145 total posts
Name: Phyllis
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
if I didn't have 2 black dogs I would get it in a heartbeat!!
I absolutely love the look of all white bedding. And it's like sleeping on a cloud.
Posted 1/8/13 5:29 PM |
Ohh... baby

Member since 5/06 2527 total posts
Name: D
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I have what once was white bedding... I'm not sure what I was thinking. I have 2 small kids and there are at least 4 mystery stains, chocolate (from a granola bar), red jell-o (thank you babysitter) and as of last week red & purple marker
If you have no kids and no pets I'd go for it otherwise... I wouldn't :(
Posted 1/8/13 6:19 PM |
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
Posted by Pomegranate5
As much as I love the look, I always say Nay to white bedding because it is not practical for us with small children and dogs. I agree!
Posted 1/8/13 9:50 PM |
LIF Adult Cat

Member since 6/12 1308 total posts
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
we had white bedding (with a toddler) and i absolutely loved it. it was serene, and that's the feeling i wanted in my bedroom. did not get any more dirty than any other bedding. i washed it just as much.
Posted 1/9/13 9:04 AM |
Member since 8/05 25463 total posts
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I have white sheets. Dont do white. There is no amount of bleach, oxy, majic whatever to keep them as white as they are the day you put them on.
Posted 1/9/13 9:12 AM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
We just recently had this debate. We love the clean look of white, but we have two young kids. What we wound up doing was keeping our comforter the same, it's pretty new and very comfortable, but I bought a really nice white coverlet/quilt for on top. I love the way our new bed looks. I figure since its solid white, I can bleach and it. And when it really goes to sh!t ill just buy a new one- it was only $40 at Home Goods. I bought the white coverlet, a gray throw blanket for the foot of the bed, and new shams and accent pillows for about $150 and it completely transformed the look of my bed.
Posted 1/9/13 2:50 PM |
Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05 27567 total posts
Name: Janice
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
i can't see pic but i only have white sheets, white comforter, white duvet. i love the look. i wash with bleach-no stains
Posted 1/9/13 3:10 PM |
Is it summer yet?

Member since 8/06 7392 total posts
Name: Holly
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
Thanks! I think I will do the white bedding but keep looking for something less frilly.
Posted 1/9/13 3:58 PM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 3/13 1 total post
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
If I might ask, where did you find that? It's absolutely gorgeous.
Posted 3/28/13 5:31 PM |
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I vote no. White bedding reminds me of hotel rooms.
Posted 3/28/13 8:08 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I have only white bedding. Never has looked dirty.
Eta. I have a 15 m old and a 80 black dog. Never had issues. Wash as normal.
Message edited 3/28/2013 9:14:57 PM.
Posted 3/28/13 9:13 PM |

Member since 6/07 2618 total posts
Name: Laura
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
We just bought this set from West Elm and LOOOVE it. Praying it stays as white as it is now, West Elm Duvet set
Message edited 3/29/2013 5:56:34 PM.
Posted 3/29/13 5:54 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I think it's beautiful but DH would probably think it's girly but wouldn't care enough to hate it. I wouldn't get it b/c I'd be afraid AF would show up unexpectedly and ruin it lol.
Posted 3/29/13 8:40 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/13 1843 total posts
Re: White Bedding - Yay or Nay
I have a nice white set we got for our will stay in the packaging bc i can see how my son is with our bedding now...he has gotten chocolate and crumbs and milk all over our bed. We have to wash our sheets often.
Posted 3/31/13 9:12 PM |