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AF after the D&C

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Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


AF after the D&C

How long after the D&C procedure should i expect Af to come?

My doctor said anywhere from 4-6 weeks just seemed like a long time

Posted 4/30/13 1:34 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 3/13

164 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

I would say 4-6 weeks is an accurate number. I have had 2 D&Cs, and I got my period 4 weeks later with both.

Posted 4/30/13 2:58 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

thanks- when do the preg symptoms go away?

Posted 4/30/13 3:04 PM

Just call me mommy :)

Member since 7/08

19084 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

Posted by JWG421

thanks- when do the preg symptoms go away?

pregnancy symptoms should end with a negative beta.

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Posted 4/30/13 3:25 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

Posted by PennyCat

Posted by JWG421

thanks- when do the preg symptoms go away?

pregnancy symptoms should end with a negative beta.

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Thanks, so frustrating
my RE was great, but its an incomplete feeling. We are having the D&C in the morning, and hopefully i will be back to normal soon and we can start over.
Just wish i knew why this happens

Posted 4/30/13 3:30 PM

LIF Toddler

Member since 12/10

491 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

I had a D&C on March 21st... just make the day about you and your significant other and getting through it together.

My cycles are 34 days and I got AF 34 days later following the D&C - I have heard you can count that as Day 1 of your cycle and it was true for me... while I had to wait a cycle to TTC again, I did use OPKs just to see if I Od and I did on Day 16.

I am still so saddened by my MC but I am trying to tell myself "you have learned from this and soon you will be pregnant again!" and I really hope that's true for both of us :)

Good luck to you! Chat Icon

Posted 4/30/13 7:45 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

Thanks girls. Just got home from the D&c. The re is sending it out for testing. Unfortunately it will take 4 weeks

Posted 5/1/13 2:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/12

676 total posts


AF after the D&C

Hope you feel better soon. The physical part is pretty easy. The emotional part stinks. I got my period 5 weeks after D&C (for a 12 week mmc).

I hope the genetic tests maybe provide an answer for you. Unfortunately, a lot of the times it provides no explanation. Mine came back "genetically normal female" (My husband and I didn't want to know the sex, but the dr didn't even ask... just blurted it out... so annoying!). My RE told me that there's a chance that the cell(s) they looked at were mine and not even from the fetus, but of course we'll never know.

Take it easy. Lots of Hugs!!

Posted 5/1/13 7:43 PM

We have our miracle!

Member since 8/08

3634 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

I'm so sorry for your loss :( AF came 4 weeks after my D&C.
I hope you got some rest today...emotional recovery will take more time...but I hope physically you start to feel better soon

Posted 5/4/13 10:04 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/12

155 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

SO sorry for your loss!! I had a d&c at 12w2d and the baby stopped growing at 9w1d. It took me 6 and a half weeks to get my AF. (I bled the 1st 2and a half weeks after D&C).. My only words of advice is it still hurts but I no longer cry every day, I guess I'm saying it gets easier... Lots of hugs to you! All of our times will come!

Posted 5/5/13 12:43 AM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

Thank you, I recently stopped bleeding and cramping(which was pretty intense) so now it's just the waiting part.
Hopefully this won't be as long as my doctor says - we really want to start over again

Posted 5/12/13 7:44 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: AF after the D&C

Maybe a dumb question but I think of them as time goes by

When Af came, did your body have the Pms symptoms? I am currently 24 days post D&c and my cycle s normally 28 days

I'm trying to keep positive

Posted 5/23/13 6:38 PM
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