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Two ladies and a gentleman!

Member since 5/05 12165 total posts
What can you tell me about chiropractic?
I am thinking of seeing a chiropractor before I go the "medical" route with some minor issues I've been having, but I don't really know too much about it. So...
Can anyone describe what goes on at an appointment? I'm very squeamish with doctors, etc so I'm worried I'll be freaking out if there's a lot of cracking and popping Next, is this something you can go two or three times and be done with it? Because I'm not interested in getting institutionalized with the whole thing. Lastly, do any of you have a recommendation in eastern Queens or western Nassau?
Posted 11/18/13 11:02 AM |
He is my world!

Member since 6/12 3009 total posts
Name: Theresa
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
My mom has been going to a chiropractor for years. I went once! I'm not a big fan...there will be a lot of popping and cracking. That part scheeved me out
I think most chiropractors would want you to go more than just two or three times.
What about trying acupuncture if you want to try a different approach before going the medical route.
My mom sees Dr. Stacy Bila-Cassidy in Franklin Square.
Posted 11/18/13 11:44 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 2/07 1424 total posts
Name: Kim
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
I felt the same as you, but was desperate for sciatic relief during my last pregnancy.
Then again lady year, I had intense upper back pain, saw my pcp, got meds, had a sonogram, no relief. Went back to chirp and felt better after one adjustment. I went 2x a week for a few weeks each time, then stopped.
I saw dr Priestley in farming sale at the recommendation if people on lif and will go back to him if I need to.
I drive from western nassau to see him, a good 30-45 mins.
Posted 11/18/13 12:24 PM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
I haven't gone in a long time but I really should. All i can say is that when I was going regularly I felt so much better. My upper back and neck are a mess and the regular doctor's answer was drugs. Take Motrin, take this, take that. Yeah OK, but that isn't solving anything- just masking the pain. The chiro really helped. But you do need to commit to it. At first i had to go like twice a week. Once I was feeling better I'd go once a month to maintain.
Posted 11/19/13 9:56 AM |
LIF Zygote
Member since 9/11 27 total posts
Name: Barbara
What can you tell me about chiropractic?
Chiropractic is a complementary and alternative medicine health care profession and an approach to healing concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects of these disorders on general health.[2] Chiropractors emphasize manual therapy including joint adjustment and manipulation with particular focus on joint dysfunction/subluxations
Posted 12/3/13 12:55 AM |
My family is complete!

Member since 11/08 12970 total posts
Name: Diana
What can you tell me about chiropractic?
IMO chiropractic care is a bandaid. don't get me wrong...while you're going you feel MUCH better. but you have to go at least 2 times a week and unless you have no fault or workers comp its expensive for co-pays. and once you stop going the pain (usually) comes back.
having experience with back problems, also go to an ortho or neuro to get properly examined before seeing a chiropractor. they could be making the issue worse.
Posted 12/5/13 1:07 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
IMO, chirpractic has helped me a lot, but mainly when i was actually hurt. Once I slipped a disc in my neck and went once a day for almost a week and it really helped.
i also had bad sciatica pain with both pregnancies and it helped a lot.
my mother goes quite a bit as she has chronic back pain (eroded discs, etc.) and she will tell you (and so will a chiro.) that you really need to be consistent with going to see the best effect. other wise, it helps for a bit, but then goes away. essentially, they adjust your spine and neck. when everything is aligned correctly, there are health benefits for any back pain obviously, but other things as well. however, most people need to be adjusted weekly.
i say go for it but it can be pricey if your insurance doesn't cover it. some will only cover a certain number of visits or will only cover for an injury or workers comp.
i have a great one in Baldwin if you want a referral.
Posted 12/5/13 10:33 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/06 4357 total posts
Name: jennifer
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
I completely agree with iansmommy... been to chiros for years and tried my hardest....but I knw in my heart something else was wrong....ta da it was and just had a spinal fusion. make SURE there is nothing anatomically wrong FIRST before seeing a chiro.
Posted 12/5/13 11:37 PM |
Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09 18388 total posts
Name: Allison
What can you tell me about chiropractic?
The key is to find a Chiro that doesn't just crack and move on. My chiro did tons of massage therapy also. A good chiro will not just crack you and send you on your way.
Posted 12/9/13 9:07 AM |
Rocking the party

Member since 5/05 4937 total posts
Name: Vicki
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
Posted by IansMommy23
IMO chiropractic care is a bandaid. don't get me wrong...while you're going you feel MUCH better. but you have to go at least 2 times a week and unless you have no fault or workers comp its expensive for co-pays. and once you stop going the pain (usually) comes back.
having experience with back problems, also go to an ortho or neuro to get properly examined before seeing a chiropractor. they could be making the issue worse.
I disagree that it's a band aid. I find just the opposite - it could be because my chiropractor is awesome - I have nothing but great things to say about him. So many chiros are not that great. Yes, in the beginning you need to go 2-3 times per week, but then you should only go for maintenance at your feeling when is right for you. I go maybe every 3 months to my chiro for maintenance, and I used to have major back/hip pain.
Since seeing my chiro I have severely reduced the frequency of my migraines, I can actually get out of bed in the morning pain free and I feel better overall.
I find that so many Orthos only want to treat you with pain meds, which only mask the pain for a while and doesn't solve anything at all.
Posted 12/9/13 5:23 PM |
Mommy of an angel

Member since 10/09 5911 total posts
Name: Dina
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
Posted by mrsm-2011
My mom sees Dr. Stacy Bila-Cassidy in Franklin Square.
This is who I use also and I love her! She was a godsend and helped throughout my pregnancies with my sciatica.
Posted 12/13/13 8:15 PM |

Member since 6/05 9987 total posts
Name: Grammie says "Lora Gina"
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
Huge fan of chiropractic care. I can't say enough about Dr. Anthony Perrotto, DC 14 Stevens Ct Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516) 328-8195
He's wonderful. I'm VERY picky on my chiropractic care too!
When I was PG I traveled from Suffolk to FS see Dr. P weekly & never suffered from back pain - says the girl with pinched nerves, bulging discs, herniated discs...etc.!
Posted 12/26/13 2:11 PM |
Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05 30683 total posts
Name: D
Re: What can you tell me about chiropractic?
Message edited 1/10/2014 9:09:13 AM.
Posted 1/10/14 9:08 AM |