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LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1350 total posts
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Right now I have a pretty roomy 4 door sedan and DH has a 2 door coupe. Bought the coupe cash so no payment there and the last finance payment on my car is in January. We were really looking forward to no car payment, but we are expecting our first little one in the spring and I'm thinking we made need an SUV. I don't think a 2 door is very practical with a baby so was wondering if DH should take my car and then I'd get a new SUV. But, DH has always been anti-SUV b/c of gas mileage. What do you ladies think? Do we NEED an SUV or at the very least, two four-door cars?
Posted 12/26/13 9:08 PM |
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource |
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I feel safer with a child and my Jeep, honestly.
Maybe it's all in my head, but at this point, I will not go back to a small vehicle and I used to be anti-SUV too.
I also don't think the gas is that much more expensive.
I have a commute and I only use 1/2 tank off gas back and forth Monday through Friday.
You could also always do a crossover vehicle if you aren't ready for something "truck-based" yet.
To be honest though, my Jeep is about the same size as my last crossover (Mazda CX9) and the gas is so much better. I'd have to fill the Mazda up at least twice a week.
In the end, I don't think we "need" bigger vehicles, but if the option is there, I say go for it.
You could also wait until after the baby to make your decision. This is what I did.
Or lease too before making a longer-term commitment ;).
Posted 12/26/13 9:15 PM |
Hello Kitty

Member since 1/08 7542 total posts
Name: Catt
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I was going to suggest a crossover also. I have a Ford Edge & its perfect for me. Im not into big fat SUVs.
Posted 12/26/13 9:26 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 9/09 12167 total posts
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I had DD in my honda civic hybrid for at least the first year before I borrowed DH's jeep and never really gave it back. The hybrid has an extra small trunk but I had no problem with the snap and go in there along with my groceries or whatever I needed. We used the jeep for road trips but if you have a roomy sedan you might be okay for that type of thing too. 99% of the time, the civic has all the room I need and was easier to get the infant seat in and out of.
Posted 12/26/13 9:31 PM |
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
We bought an SUV. My car was older (2006) and I felt it lacked the new safety features. One day in my car on our way out east we saw a horrible crash. I was scared. My DH drives an older SUV but our DD is rarely in there! Do I wish we didn't have a $$$ payment...of course but I feel some peace of mind.
Posted 12/26/13 9:48 PM |
Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11 5570 total posts
Name: S
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I do not think you need an SUV or 4 door car with a baby. I am having a baby in March and have no intentions of buying a new car. I have a small 4 door car. My DH has a truck that he mainly uses for work. My car is our primary family car.
Message edited 12/26/2013 9:52:20 PM.
Posted 12/26/13 9:51 PM |
I love my baby boy!
Member since 6/08 2804 total posts
Name: H
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I posted this same exact question when I was pregnant with #2. IMO you definitely do not need an SUV with one child. I drive my roomy 4 door sedan with a 3.5 year old and almost one year old and have not had a major problem with space. I have been able to fit a double city mini and snap and go in the trunk with room to spare. In the summer I manage to fit my huge beach cart, the double stroller, plus the snap and go. That next car will likely be some sort of SUV b/c it will be helpful on longer trips. We also don't use a double stroller anymore so that is not an issue. With one child, I wouldn't rush out to buy an SUV just yet.
Posted 12/26/13 9:56 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1280 total posts
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
We bought our SUV when I was 6 months pregnant. Just felt more secure
Posted 12/26/13 10:04 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/07 1165 total posts
Name: Jackie
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
SUV are more prone to rollovers so they can actually be less safe. I drive a sedan and have no plans of getting an SUV and I have had no need for one for 18 months so far.
Posted 12/26/13 10:07 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/11 7391 total posts
Name: Name
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I have a 4 door VW and I have no problems. Dh has a crossover Personally its easier for me to get dd out of my car then it is His crossover.
Posted 12/26/13 10:14 PM |

Member since 5/05 15952 total posts
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I had twins and we had two four door sedans for the first 18 months of their life.
We do have a mini-van and a Camry now.
The only challenge when they were babies was doing a large shopping with the stroller in the trunk. Honestly, grocery shopping by yourself if such a luxury once you have kids... it's a
You do not need an SUV once you have kids.
Posted 12/26/13 10:21 PM |
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
For one child, I don't see the need for an SUV but I'd be frustrated with a 2 door car.
Posted 12/26/13 10:32 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1350 total posts
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Thank you everyone...I appreciate your responses.
Seems the consensus is that I don't need an SUV. I do think my car will be fine for now--pretty big back seat and big trunk. I'm more concerned with DH's 2-door. I guess maybe we'll just wait and see how it goes
Posted 12/26/13 10:36 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 12/12 977 total posts
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I don't think you need an SUV for one child. I have a new Altima and its totally fine- my DD is 5 weeks
Posted 12/26/13 10:59 PM |
Here's to new beginnings

Member since 10/07 7260 total posts
Name: Danielle
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I have 2 kids. Ive owned 2 elantras in my time as a mom of 2. No SUVs here & haven't even considered it- were fine in the elantra.
I will say though my car was in for a repair after after an accident & I had a 2 door car- fine temporarily but a definite no-no as a permanent car with kids.
Posted 12/26/13 11:11 PM |
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Posted 12/26/13 11:12 PM |
My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09 20494 total posts
Name: Me
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I don't think so and while we'll need a new car within the next 1-2 years, we do not plan on getting anything bigger than a 4 door sedan.
Our primary vehicle is a Prius. It is extremely roomy and has more than enough trunk space. I don't anticipate any problems even if we were to have a 2nd child.
Posted 12/26/13 11:32 PM |
St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07 7650 total posts
Name: K
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Definitely not. We have a Honda Civic and a Hyundai Elantra touring (just like a regular elantra, just more trunk space.) and I have a 4 yo and a 2.5 yo. We have never had an SUV with the kids. yes, are there times that I wish the car was bigger so someone else could travel with us (i.e. Grandma) or maybe more trunk space if we did a big shopping---ye but it was never often enough for me to justify the cost of an SUV (life without a car payment is a great thing!) also, we live near Huntington and DH works in Queens and I work in Nassau co. (almost in Queens) and so what we would pay in gas would rise substantially. honestly, i think you're fine.... i wouldn't spend the money. you will have more money because you won't have a car payment plus what you will save in gas.
this all said though, I am now pregnant with twins, so we will have FOUR kids....and now, I have to go to a mini-van. i was eco-conscious for as long as possible! :)
Posted 12/26/13 11:50 PM |
My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10 7790 total posts
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
I had a sedan and now I have an SUV. I miss the sedan for various reasons and would go back to it in a heart beat. You do not need a SUV
Posted 12/27/13 12:04 AM |

Member since 2/09 18986 total posts
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Nope. I have a 2000 impala and believe me we are just fine 
Posted 12/27/13 12:11 AM |
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Not for one.
But 2 or more? I think it would be way convenient. I have 2 and a crossover and it's cramped. Especially since safety regulations changed as far as how long kids are in backseat and boosters and all that (I think I'm saying that right).
One of my biggest regrets was not purchasing a 3 row vehicle.
Message edited 12/27/2013 12:39:25 AM.
Posted 12/27/13 12:38 AM |
my little love

Member since 12/09 5054 total posts
Name: Me
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Of course you don't NEED an SUV, but it sure is easier to load/unload your baby with one. I can foresee a 2 door car getting annoying after a while. When traveling, you have the stroller, often a p&p, maybe a travel high chair.. It gets tight IMO
Posted 12/27/13 6:38 AM |
Happy boy!
Member since 5/10 2867 total posts
Name: Jess
Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
You absolutely do not need an SUV. I have a Camry and it's totally fine. It would be nice to have more space, sure. But it definitely isn't necessary.
Posted 12/27/13 7:49 AM |
Love my babies!

Member since 8/11 4096 total posts
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Posted by Kerie-is-so-very
For one child, I don't see the need for an SUV but I'd be frustrated with a 2 door car.
I agree. We have a four door sedan and a 2 door SUV and we never take dd in the 2 door SUV because its so hard to get her into her carseat.
Posted 12/27/13 8:19 AM |
Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09 54921 total posts
Name: ..being a mommy and being a wife!
Re: Do We NEED an SUV with a Baby?
Absolutely not. I have a mid sized 4 door sports sedan and it's fine for my one child. In fact, it's roomier than my husband's small SUV. I am not sure how one baby would create a need for a truck.
Posted 12/27/13 8:40 AM |
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