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Do you ever let DC play hooky?
DS is only in Pre-K.
We let him stay home earlier this week on that one day when it was insanely cold outside.
Today I am staying home as per doctor's orders and I am feeling a little under the weather.
I decided to let him stay home with me because I didn't feel like getting us bundled up twice to go to drop off and pick up.
Plus I work F/T so do not get a lot of quality time with him.
Part of me feels guilty though, like I'm doing something wrong.
I did notify the school as well.
Posted 1/10/14 9:33 AM |
Member since 5/05 11726 total posts
Name: Stephanie
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
When they were in pre-K/daycare, we did it at least once or twice a month. My inlaws often would ask to spend the day with them. When my older one was in K, if he didn't have school we'd keep the pre-schooler home sometimes.
Posted 1/10/14 9:39 AM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Thanks for responding.
What I find hysterical, is usually he gives me such a hard time about going to school.
When he woke up this AM I told him I had a surprise and I was going to let him stay home.
He started whining saying "But I havvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve to go to school. I wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnt to go to school."
Then I felt really guilty.
Let's hope he keeps that attitude come Monday morning!
Posted 1/10/14 9:51 AM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
I feel like I am in the minority (at least from people on Facebook) but no. I feel as long as you are not sick and can get to school, that is where you belong.
Kids need to learn that they can't just be out because it is cold or raining or that mommy is bored and needs something to do or misses them (not saying that is how YOU are just from what I have heard from other mothers). Bosses at their future jobs are not going to give them time off because of every little thing. My job is to teach them that things like school is a responsibility and you need to be there when you should and can.
Posted 1/10/14 10:10 AM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
If DD was still in pre-k half day k I may have considered keeping her home because of cold and if I still worked f/t I could see letting her be home with me as you did- but only because she is rarely sick. I have a friend whose child was sick a lot and then they took her to Disney in May, she probably missed 15 days of school.
As a general rule DD does not stay home unless she is ill and I would never take her out of school for vacation, etc but if she had generally good attendance and there was an especially bad weather day I'd not rule it out while she's still little. MS/HS would be different.
Posted 1/10/14 10:48 AM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Posted by afternoondelight828
I feel like I am in the minority (at least from people on Facebook) but no. I feel as long as you are not sick and can get to school, that is where you belong.
Kids need to learn that they can't just be out because it is cold or raining or that mommy is bored and needs something to do or misses them (not saying that is how YOU are just from what I have heard from other mothers). Bosses at their future jobs are not going to give them time off because of every little thing. My job is to teach them that things like school is a responsibility and you need to be there when you should and can.
Yes, for the most part, I agree with you.
And I think this is very important, especially in the upper grades.
I have a "young" Master's student intern right now at work and I worry about their ability to find a job down the road because they have such a different mentality then DH and I do when it comes to work.
I personally feel like I should be at work too, but don't want to infect everyone else if I'm still contagious.
My mom is also a retired school teacher (2nd grade) and I know it used to bother her when parents pulled their kids out during the school year for vacations.
Posted 1/10/14 10:49 AM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Posted by MorningCuppaCoffee
Posted by afternoondelight828
I feel like I am in the minority (at least from people on Facebook) but no. I feel as long as you are not sick and can get to school, that is where you belong.
Kids need to learn that they can't just be out because it is cold or raining or that mommy is bored and needs something to do or misses them (not saying that is how YOU are just from what I have heard from other mothers). Bosses at their future jobs are not going to give them time off because of every little thing. My job is to teach them that things like school is a responsibility and you need to be there when you should and can.
Yes, for the most part, I agree with you.
And I think this is very important, especially in the upper grades.
I have a "young" Master's student intern right now at work and I worry about their ability to find a job down the road because they have such a different mentality then DH and I do when it comes to work.
I personally feel like I should be at work too, but don't want to infect everyone else if I'm still contagious.
My mom is also a retired school teacher (2nd grade) and I know it used to bother her when parents pulled their kids out during the school year for vacations.
Posted 1/10/14 10:50 AM |
LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07 833 total posts
Name: Erin
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
At your child's age, I don't see a problem with it . But once they enter elementary school , I think it is very important to instill in them the importance of school and being accountable. If you let your child stay home, because they " just don't feel like going" , what is that teaching them? That when they get older and " they just don't feel like going to work" that it's ok.
My DS's are now 14 and 10 and I have never once let them stay home from school for that reason.
Posted 1/10/14 12:09 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 7/08 22665 total posts
Name: Erica
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
For PreK? Yes... absolutely. Most kids in PreK that I know don't even go full time and this is the time you can spend with the family bc yes, once they get older you don't get this time and it's important to teach them that playing "hooky" is a No. For a 4 yr old... I don't think they're missing much.
We went on vacation in October so I took my 4yr old out of school for a week. I spoke with his PreK teacher who's been his teacher in preschool as well and she said, "Go now! Family time is just as important as school time." Last year when I took him out of school for vaca it was just around the time he started potty training. When he came back to school his teacher said what a difference vacation made and he's doing better and 100% potty trained and refreshed. If the preschool teacher encourages family time at a young age then I was ok with it. As I said, I don't necessarily think it's right when they're older, but take advantage now while they're young and do as much family stuff as you can. They will remember and cherish these days.
Posted 1/10/14 1:38 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 7/13 1280 total posts
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Rules are made to be broken
Yes I keep the kids home on occasion if they seem tired or the weather is bad.
Posted 1/10/14 4:32 PM |
loving life

Member since 1/07 5413 total posts
Name: D
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
my dds are only 3 1/2, so I would but I don't because I am a full time teacher, so there is never really a chance for me to keep them home, one time my parents wanted to do a sleepover with them so I let them miss school, and I would do it again, I may even have them miss a few days in april for vacay since our vacations don't match, (im doe and they are in catholic school)
Posted 1/10/14 5:04 PM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
I don't think I've ever done it, that I can remember. My DS really wants to take a day off with dh and I alone and ride the subway. Lol. I'm considering it.
Posted 1/11/14 4:19 PM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
I can't. My job is too intense
Posted 1/11/14 7:49 PM |
too excited for words

Member since 10/05 18538 total posts
Name: Nicole
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
I've never let them stay home "just because." But they have missed school for family vacations. And I honestly don't feel bad about it at all.
Posted 1/12/14 8:18 AM |
I need a nap!
Member since 5/05 22140 total posts
Do you ever let DC play hooky?
DS is only 2 but I'm a teacher and although I don't condone excessive absences, I hope that when DS is in school, once a year, he and I will both play hooky and enjoy a day together. While it's important to instill a sense of responsibility in children, it's also important to teach them to enjoy life.
Posted 1/12/14 8:52 AM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Pre-k? Sure if they were up late for something special or not feeling right or weather is horrible. Pre-k doesn't bother me. I would not just keep my kid home for no reason though once they hit K and up. Kind of see that as mandatory. Pre-k to me, as well as, nursery school I see as similar to an extracurricular activity. I am more likely to keep my younger one home an extra day after being sick until she she 100%, whereas my 1st grader I feel more pressure to return at the 24 hour fever free even if she is not 100% but is not contagious. I should add that we do not have universal pre-k so not sure if they have different policies versus a traditional preschool.
Etd to add I haven't actually kept her home just for fun bc I haven't had a reason to...and she loves school and begs to go so she probably wouldn't stay if I wanted her But I am not against at preschool level.
Message edited 1/12/2014 11:30:04 AM.
Posted 1/12/14 11:24 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/07 1712 total posts
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Absolutely. My kids get 2 hooky days per school year.
One is spent on "family fun day". My DH takes off of work and we do something really fun together. Sure it could be done during the weekend but for some reason it being a school/work day makes it more thrilling and enjoyable It's also a lot less crowded and depending on the activity cheaper too.
If I ask my DC what they did on XYZ date at school two months ago I'm sure they wouldn't be able to answer me. If I ask them what we did for family fun day last year, or even the year before that they can tell me. Those memories and extra time we get to spend together mean so much more then anything they could learn in school that day. I also make sure it's a day with no tests, projects or reports due, etc. Usually its towards the end of the year when things have slowed down. This year it was before Christmas break. We saw the radio city Christmas spectacular, saw the tree, had lunch and dinner in the city, did some shopping and sight seeing.
The other hooky day they get is to use at their discretion . If they are struggling/failing tests/ not doing well then they don't get the privilege. If they are bringing home good grades, working hard, and need a mental health day I don't see the big deal. Adults need them and IMO kids need them too. They burn out too. But all classwork and homework needs to be made up. It isn't a totally free day and they know that, so they use the day responsibly.
I treat my kids the way I would want to be treated and some days you just want to sit home in your pajamas and do nothing. I don't think once a year is going to make them become an irresponsible adult. In fact I think its the opposite. From a young age letting them be responsible for SOME of their own decisions, and being responsible for the outcome ( making up any missed work) is teaching them more responsibility then just saying " Nope gotta go to school" the "power" they have with choosing that one day a year to stay home is such a huge deal to them.
Posted 1/12/14 11:45 AM |
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
I can see what you mean by only these 2 days (and only if they are doing well and do have to make up any work) and I don't find that a problem at all. Yes, some days I just want to sit home in my pajamas but I have responsibilities at work to take care of and I see the young girls I work with do this and then have to come in sick because they took all their sick days to sit home in their pajamas. It doesn't sound like your kids will have a problem later on as long as it doesn't become excessive because it will matter later in life.
Posted 1/12/14 3:55 PM |
Do you ever let DC play hooky?
not often.......but yup......and it's always for something special.
not the end of the world, IMO.
Posted 1/12/14 8:25 PM |
Mom of 2 Boys
Member since 5/05 4381 total posts
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
I have never let my kids stay home even in early years "just because". I do believe it setting the precedence young. Although I have taken them out for family trips. I have friends who let their kids have hooky or cut days and I don't believe in that at all.
I think it is different when they are in Preschool and you are sick or the weather isn't great. That isn't just because to me and I feel like preschool is optional school. Once elementary comes - I don't feel the same.
Posted 1/13/14 6:39 AM |
Resident Insomniac

Member since 4/13 2051 total posts
Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Just as adults need a mental health day sometimes, I feel my kids do too. Not very often, but if they seem burnt out I will let them stay home. I don't think it will hurt them at all. My daughter is in 8th and my son in 5th. Obviously, I make sure they are not missing anything important like a test or anything.
Posted 1/13/14 3:36 PM |
it's me

Member since 5/05 11234 total posts
Name: Christine
Re: Do you ever let DC play hooky?
Posted 1/13/14 3:55 PM |