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BTDT: Not sure what to think

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/13

263 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

My due date is tomorrow. I've had on and off cramping for about a week. Starting two days ago, I had cramping in my lower back. Yesterday, I lost part of my plug. Today cramping is gone and I feel normal. What gives?

Eta: just got back from the doctor. She did an internal and said my cervix is still closed but I am 50% effaced (last week I was 0). But she already scheduled me for an induction next Friday. I really don't want to be induced and feel bummed. She told me that she doesn't want me to go past 41 weeks.

Anyone have a similar experience and end up going into labor naturally?

Message edited 2/12/2014 2:52:16 PM.

Posted 2/12/14 11:14 AM
Long Island Weddings
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A new beginning

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Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

I'm surprise your doctor is talking induction already. Are you at risk? I posted on a facebook page on what to do to get things going. Some suggested chiropractor or acupuncture. Reflexology also. I am going to try the chiropractor and see if this gets things going. Tomorrow I will be officially past due.

Posted 2/12/14 3:38 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/13

263 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

No, I'm not high risk. I'm really annoyed by it. I have another appointment on Friday and will talk to them again. It made me feel so stressed out.

Posted 2/12/14 3:45 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

You can always try some stuff at home that works for some people -

Spicy food, sex, pedicure w/ foot massage

If those don't work, at least you got a good meal, some relaxation, and a good time lol.

Posted 2/12/14 3:52 PM


Member since 1/12

6105 total posts


Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

i had a similar experience last year with DD
she was due on 2/8, i went to the doctor on 2/4 and had zero progress (was .5 cm dilated and 0% effaced which is how i was for the 3 prior appts).
had my next appt on Monday 2/11...still no progress, so we spoke about being induced. i really didnt want to be but she didnt want me going past 42 weeks...and bc it was a holiday weekend and the fact that i wanted her to deliver we planned to be induced on saturday 2/16. on 2/12 i get a call that the hospital cant schedule me - they are booked with inductions/csections so i have to wait to be induced until 2/19. i went every other day for non stress tests and on 2/14 i had one and an internal...same lack of progress (.5cm 0%). later that same day i lost my mucus plug and i woke up at 3am with contractions on 2/15. they came and went all day (i would have an hour with contractions, then 4 hours without any)...around 9pm i went into actual labor. dd was born at 5:20am on 2/16 (which was my original induction date - 41w1d)

so the point of my detailed story is....hang in there - things can change very quickly and you still have 9 days before the induction. but if you are really concerned, ask if you can wait until 42 weeks bc i think that is the latest you can go (my dr wanted to do it early bc they estimated dd at around 9lbs)
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Message edited 2/12/2014 3:55:12 PM.

Posted 2/12/14 3:54 PM

different, not less

Member since 7/09

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Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

I would not stress it. You never know what could happen. I had a OB appt at 39w 1 day and although I had been cramping on and off for a few days, nothing was going on.. he started mentioning scheduling an induction for the following week. The next night my water broke and I delivered DS the next morning! Good luck!

Posted 2/12/14 3:56 PM

I am a mom :-)

Member since 6/06

3433 total posts


Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

I wouldn't stress about it.

my doctor put me on the schedule to be induced like 3 days after my due date and i was not really wanting to be induced.

I ended up going into labor on my own the day after my due date and the induction was not necessary.

Posted 2/12/14 4:06 PM

Dreams do come true

Member since 2/12

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Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

Posted by jams92

i had a similar experience last year with DD
she was due on 2/8, i went to the doctor on 2/4 and had zero progress (was .5 cm dilated and 0% effaced which is how i was for the 3 prior appts).
had my next appt on Monday 2/11...still no progress, so we spoke about being induced. i really didnt want to be but she didnt want me going past 42 weeks...and bc it was a holiday weekend and the fact that i wanted her to deliver we planned to be induced on saturday 2/16. on 2/12 i get a call that the hospital cant schedule me - they are booked with inductions/csections so i have to wait to be induced until 2/19. i went every other day for non stress tests and on 2/14 i had one and an internal...same lack of progress (.5cm 0%). later that same day i lost my mucus plug and i woke up at 3am with contractions on 2/15. they came and went all day (i would have an hour with contractions, then 4 hours without any)...around 9pm i went into actual labor. dd was born at 5:20am on 2/16 (which was my original induction date - 41w1d)

so the point of my detailed story is....hang in there - things can change very quickly and you still have 9 days before the induction. but if you are really concerned, ask if you can wait until 42 weeks bc i think that is the latest you can go (my dr wanted to do it early bc they estimated dd at around 9lbs)
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Strangely similar story here. Last year, DD was due on 2/8 (we did IVF, so due date was very clear). My doctor didn't want me to go beyond 41 weeks. She wanted to schedule induction for 2/15, but I pushed it to 2/17 because of DH's work schedule. I wound up having contractions all day on 2/15. DD was born on 2/16. I was so glad I pushed for the extra couple of days because it saved me from an unnecessary induction. Things can progress quickly.

Message edited 2/12/2014 4:14:51 PM.

Posted 2/12/14 4:11 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 10/13

352 total posts

Triple A

Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

Posted by ElizaRags35

You can always try some stuff at home that works for some people -

Spicy food, sex, pedicure w/ foot massage

If those don't work, at least you got a good meal, some relaxation, and a good time lol.

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Posted 2/12/14 5:02 PM

You are my I love you

Member since 7/09

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Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

Posted by Tiggeruth

I wouldn't stress about it.

my doctor put me on the schedule to be induced like 3 days after my due date and i was not really wanting to be induced.

I ended up going into labor on my own the day after my due date and the induction was not necessary.

similar situation..they put the induction on the calendar but you will likely go on your own, also they check your fluids and if the level is good the doctor will let you delay induction.

Posted 2/12/14 5:05 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 6/13

263 total posts


Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

Posted by ElizaRags35

You can always try some stuff at home that works for some people -

Spicy food, sex, pedicure w/ foot massage

If those don't work, at least you got a good meal, some relaxation, and a good time lol.

I've tried all of this and more. The point is that I'm not trying to rush things along. I just don't like being told that I'm being scheduled for an induction when it's not what I want. The average length of a first pregnancy is between 41-42 weeks. The scheduling is a little premature IMO. I didn't like that I expressed my concerns to my doctor and she scheduled me anyway.

Posted 2/12/14 7:04 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/07

1165 total posts


Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

Posted by KroertGS

Posted by ElizaRags35

You can always try some stuff at home that works for some people -

Spicy food, sex, pedicure w/ foot massage

If those don't work, at least you got a good meal, some relaxation, and a good time lol.

I've tried all of this and more. The point is that I'm not trying to rush things along. I just don't like being told that I'm being scheduled for an induction when it's not what I want. The average length of a first pregnancy is between 41-42 weeks. The scheduling is a little premature IMO. I didn't like that I expressed my concerns to my doctor and she scheduled me anyway.

This statement will get me lots of hate around here, but you can refuse an induction. I was 4 days late when I delivered, but I used a midwifery group and they didnt induce until 42 weeks, which is when research shows the risks to baby actually increase. If I had gone to 41 weeks the would have done biophysical profile and a non stress test then, and if everything looked good, I would have been allowed to go to 42 weeks. Perhaps you can discuss this with your doctor. They can't do anything you don't consent to. Just make it clear and even use the words I do not consent.

But there's still time, I was not dialated at all, no contractions until labor started. I delivered 6 hours after my first contraction.

Posted 2/12/14 7:53 PM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

Posted by KroertGS

Posted by ElizaRags35

You can always try some stuff at home that works for some people -

Spicy food, sex, pedicure w/ foot massage

If those don't work, at least you got a good meal, some relaxation, and a good time lol.

I've tried all of this and more. The point is that I'm not trying to rush things along. I just don't like being told that I'm being scheduled for an induction when it's not what I want. The average length of a first pregnancy is between 41-42 weeks. The scheduling is a little premature IMO. I didn't like that I expressed my concerns to my doctor and she scheduled me anyway.

If you do not want an induction and it's not medically necessary, I'd refuse it were me.

Posted 2/12/14 8:14 PM

my little love

Member since 12/09

5054 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

Induction was scheduled for a Monday morn. Went to dr the thurs before, no progress. Went to sleep that night and my water broke and had DD late Friday night at exactly 41 weeks.

Posted 2/12/14 8:50 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/11

2140 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

I was induced at 41 weeks and had a successful induction and delivery. I had the same situation, cervix was effaced but I was barely dialated. My dr did not want me going past 41 weeks either bc the baby could become too big after that and harder to push out, so that may be something to consider too.

Posted 2/12/14 8:57 PM

Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11

5570 total posts


Re: BTDT: Not sure what to think

If you do not want an induction and it's not medically necessary, I'd refuse it were me.

I agree.

My sister was scheduled for an induction with her first at 41 weeks 4 days and she went into labor naturally the day her induction was scheduled. Her labor started around noon at 4 pm she went to the hospital as scheduled for the induction- she was 3 cm by 5 pm she was 5 cm and got an epidural and my niece was born at 8:41 pm after about 20 minutes of pushing. Once my sister went into labor the doctors were shocked how fast she progressed-- my niece was 8 lbs 2 oz.

Posted 2/12/14 10:03 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/11

719 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

Ugh I hate how they rush things and everything now has to be on such a tight schedule. Mine started talking induction at my last regular appt and I wasn't even due yet lol

Posted 2/13/14 10:05 PM

LIF Adult Cat

Member since 6/12

1308 total posts


BTDT: Not sure what to think

i wish i had known i could refuse an induction with my 1st.
i ended up with a c-section.

Posted 2/14/14 7:54 AM

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