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feeling the baby for days then nothing

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 3/08

663 total posts


feeling the baby for days then nothing

I am about 18 weeks with my 3rd. I was feeling the baby move constantly for over a week. Felt like she was dancing in there lol. Now all of a sudden yesterday I only felt her a few times and today nothing. Could she be facing my back. I've tried laying down and drinking something sweet. Nothing is helping. Has this happened to anyone else. I'm trying not to worry myself

Posted 2/14/14 2:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13

530 total posts


feeling the baby for days then nothing

I just asked my OB about this Wednesday. I am 20 weeks with my first and I was feeling baby move a lot and then for 3-4 days I didn't feel anything. She said it depends on position of the baby and was not concerned at all. She found the heartbeat quickly as usual and everything was still great. Today is day 4 of nothing, I hope baby moves back into a different position soon. I love feeling those kicks!

Posted 2/14/14 2:35 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/13

665 total posts


Re: feeling the baby for days then nothing

your only 18w, i wouldnt worry. feeling movement at that point is SO sporadic & they are still so tiny!

Posted 2/14/14 2:52 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

7626 total posts

Momma <3

feeling the baby for days then nothing

At 18 weeks, I think inconsistent movement is normal. I did not feel ANY movement until almost 24 weeks (probably due to my anterior placenta)

I am almost 30 weeks and there are days when I feel him moving throughout the day (usually when I am really focusing on it) and other days I feel very little to nothing (days when I am running around and busy).

Posted 2/14/14 4:01 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/10

321 total posts


feeling the baby for days then nothing

I also agree with the others. I remember have active days and non active days in my early 20 weeks. Now I am 34 weeks, and it is at the point where if I don't feel her, I can just lay down and usually she starts up. She is still so tiny at 18 weeks. Try not to worry :).

Posted 2/14/14 6:20 PM

Just call me Mommy.

Member since 1/11

5570 total posts


feeling the baby for days then nothing

I was told not to expect to feel consistent movement until 22-24 weeks. It is still early do not worry.

Posted 2/14/14 6:35 PM

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