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To Do??

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LIF Infant

Member since 8/13

151 total posts


To Do??

Does anyone have a to-do list of things you want/need to complete before the baby comes? I am 29 weeks now and know I have so much to do but I'm not sure WHAT I need to do and when!!!
Any help would be great!!!

Posted 6/17/14 3:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

i need sleep ;-)

Member since 2/14

2008 total posts


Re: To Do??

oh i love to do lists, I am going to follow this post :)

Posted 6/17/14 3:39 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/12

2637 total posts


Re: To Do??

Here's a few general things that have been on my to-do list:

- Complete nursery
- Pre-register w/ hospital - just sent this in today
- Wash all the baby clothes - doing it next weekend
- Pack hospital bag (will do this around 35-36 weeks)
- Install carseat and get it inspected (around 35-36 weeks)
- Find pediatrician
- General house organizing/cleaning (finally done)
- Need to go and get all the remaining things we need from our registry now that the shower is complete - doing it this week

Posted 6/17/14 3:44 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


To Do??

Are you having a shower? I would start by making sure you have your invite list and addresses ready for the host. Make sure your registry is exactly as you want it and nothing has gone out of stock.

Once you have the shower you can see what you have, organize it, and make lists of what you definitely need to buy before the baby comes.

Find out about scheduling a hospital tour.

If you plan to bf, do some research (read a book, check out, or take a class).

Consider making some meals for the freezer for those early weeks. If anyone you know owns a foodsaver, see if you can borrow one for a few weeks and stock the freezer. I also stocked up on paper plates and cups for all the visitors we had in the first few weeks.

Make a complete list of people you want to send birth announcements to with updated addresses and stock up on baby themed thank yous and stamps. You may want to order cute address labels too.

Talk to the appropriate people at work to make sure your maternity leave is squared away and if you need to do anything there. Find out how to add the baby to your insurance once they're born.

Posted 6/17/14 3:52 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 8/10

885 total posts


Re: To Do??

I ordered the nursery furniture at 21 weeks. I'm glad I did, because everything was on back order and did not arrive until I was 33 weeks.

During that time we also painted the nursery and started clearing stuff out of it.

33 weeks is when I had my shower and I didn't have a single baby item in the house until then. I'm 37 weeks now and it took us a good 3 weeks to set up, organize, wash, return/exchange stuff from the shower.

I also just finished packing my hospital bag last weekend.

If you plan to have a shower, you can register and make your guest list. What really helped me was setting loose deadlines for the things I needed to do and then creating separate lists for those things so I wouldn't feel overwhelmed by seeing EVERYTHING that needed to get done!

Posted 6/17/14 5:28 PM
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