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Gift for DH

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Only God knows His plan for us

Member since 4/13

7238 total posts


Gift for DH

I want to make up a gift box for DH - something to help make this feel more real to him. He's the kind of person that until the situation is upon him, he doesn't feel like it's real. Silly example, but whenever we go on vacation, he doesn't get excited until the morning of - meanwhile I'll be packed and ready to go the week before. I'm sure that after our anatomy scan in 11 days (yes I have a countdown going) and we find out what the little one inside there is (boy or girl) it'll make it more real for him. I still want to make a little gift for him with some things in it to help move that along. I definitely want to get him a book, but I am not sure which one. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!

Posted 7/18/14 1:12 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/14

180 total posts


Re: Gift for DH

Very nice idea, and as I was reading I was thinking "once you find out gender it makes it sooooo real".

Even for me as the mom a carrying the baby....I have to admit I felt a little disconnected until I found out gender and I think there were many factors but one being I just felt like sh$T so I was getting bummed out even though I am so excited.

Then once I found out it is a boy, it changed my entire when I don't feel well, I just think of the little boy and it makes it all OK!

And that being said, once DH found out the sex, he became so super excited and started really participating in baby related things, like I catch him at night on his ipad looking up baby clothes to match his .....haha

I dont really have any suggestions on a gift, but once you find out gender, things will change!!! they did for us!!!

Posted 7/18/14 1:18 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/09

12167 total posts


Gift for DH

You could look for one of those CD's of lullabies of a favorite band's music. A cute onesie with I love my daddy or something related to his interests. Cafepress has a ton or of course if he has a favorite sport team you can always find something for the baby with the logo. As far as a book, we all love My Dad by Steve Smallman. It's not the traditional sappy book that appeals more to moms but hits on true Dad type stuff.

Posted 7/18/14 1:23 PM

Our miracle is here

Member since 12/12

2507 total posts


Re: Gift for DH

i bought my DH a pic frame that said daddy and me - and added our sono pic in it to start him off-

I also bought him a T-shirt that he roamed around the hospital in that said New dad

Personalization mall has so many great ideas

Posted 7/18/14 2:13 PM


Member since 7/12

4376 total posts


Re: Gift for DH


There are A LOT of cute ideas! Look up "Daddy Survival Kit" on pinterest! So many cute ideas! Also, a first time daddy shirt is cute!

Posted 7/18/14 2:48 PM

Love my little girls <3

Member since 8/10

1418 total posts


Gift for DH

I bought DH a diaper bag.
The Diaper Dude to be exact.
It's camo and far as diaper bags go.

After that he started looking and talking about things that he could put in it for when the baby came.

Posted 7/18/14 8:30 PM

My loves

Member since 2/11

2131 total posts


Gift for DH

This is a sweet idea, but DH always says it didn't become real to him until he was holding DS while I was dying on the table and he couldn't ask me what to do. It'll never be as real for the guy until they're holding baby. They can get excited, but they don't have the baby with them all day reminding him that s/he is there!

BUT- to get him excited maybe start a baby pool with family, or get him a book. My parents got DH Help My Baby Came Without Instructions.

Posted 7/19/14 12:17 AM

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