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I know this has to be illegal....

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My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


I know this has to be illegal....

if you live in an area with not so good schools, and you don't want to send your children there, so you find someone who tells you to use their address in a different town, with better schools, to send your children to that school district. Are ya with me still??

OK, now, this has to be illegal, right? (Think I'd know this)
Does anyone know what the punishment could be if it were ever found out that the children do not live in that town, what would happen to the person that let them use their address in the better school town??

It not me doing this, but someone very close who is thinking of doing this, to which I am trying to talk them out of it because I think they'll get in major trouble if found out.

Thanks!!! Chat Icon

Posted 8/5/06 2:53 PM
Long Island Weddings
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designer mutt

Member since 5/05

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Re: I know this has to be illegal....

My best friend's parents moved away right before her senior year, so they got someone to let them use the address.

The school found out right away because her report card got sent back to the school.

No one cared. The school told my friend's parents that as long as they had their own transportation, no one would care.

The address people never got into trouble. IMO, they could just say "I didn't authorize my address to go on there"

Posted 8/5/06 2:57 PM

My Love

Member since 5/05

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Re: I know this has to be illegal....

it happens all the time, i dont kno what happens if that person got caught--i cant see how they would rpvoe that person doesnt live there unless they confessed to it

Posted 8/5/06 2:59 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

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Gerty ®

Re: I know this has to be illegal....

I do know it's illegal, I just don't know what the repurcussions are. My friend did it, not so much because of the quality of the schools but because she and her DH worked. The kids went to school at her MIL's house so her MIL could pick them up after school and keep them until she or DH were able to pick them up.
She never got caught and now they go to their own schools as they are old enough to take a bus and be home for an hour or two alone.

Posted 8/5/06 3:05 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: I know this has to be illegal....


Message edited 8/18/2011 1:45:19 PM.

Posted 8/5/06 3:26 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

It is illegal and very common and going on in probably every district on LI...many times the districts know about it and do nothing

Posted 8/5/06 3:29 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Not for nothing but I think it s*cks that people do it. Sure "lots of people do it" but its the homeowners in the good school district who are the ones who pay. Its another student that needs money allocated towards their education and since its obviously a common practice, its not just one kid that were talking about. As a taxpayer in a good school district, it doesnt seem right that I pay taxes for my kids to go use the schools and Im also paying for children who dont even live in the district, whose parents arent even paying for their education. Does the person whose address she will use have to pay as if she has school age children? Why should I foot the bill??? I think its worse, if its true, that there can be knowledge on the part of the school, and they look the other way. I'm all for kids getting a better education, but why on my dime?? If they want to create some sort of program that is not swept under the rug, I'd love to hear about that at a school district meeting but otherwise, its stealing IMO.

Posted 8/5/06 3:41 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Posted by Elizabeth

Does the person whose address she will use have to pay as if she has school age children? .

YES!!! The person whose address will be used, has all grown children and pays a pretty penny for school taxes.

My main issue is them getting caught.
I think if this person feels they MUST do this, which I am against, they should create a contract of sorts, stating that the parents of these children will pay any penalty the homeowner will incur, if they were to out them in the longrun.

Posted 8/5/06 3:45 PM

Peace out Homies!

Member since 5/05

20046 total posts

Gerty ®

Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Posted by Elizabeth

Not for nothing but I think it s*cks that people do it. Sure "lots of people do it" but its the homeowners in the good school district who are the ones who pay. Its another student that needs money allocated towards their education and since its obviously a common practice, its not just one kid that were talking about. As a taxpayer in a good school district, it doesnt seem right that I pay taxes for my kids to go use the schools and Im also paying for children who dont even live in the district, whose parents arent even paying for their education. Does the person whose address she will use have to pay as if she has school age children? Why should I foot the bill??? I think its worse, if its true, that there can be knowledge on the part of the school, and they look the other way. I'm all for kids getting a better education, but why on my dime?? If they want to create some sort of program that is not swept under the rug, I'd love to hear about that at a school district meeting but otherwise, its stealing IMO.

I agree...but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. In my friends case, they are both excellent districts and of course she was paying school taxes where she does was just more convenient for her children and MIL.

Posted 8/5/06 3:45 PM

designer mutt

Member since 5/05

4239 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Posted by Mrs-Boop

I think if this person feels they MUST do this, which I am against, they should create a contract of sorts, stating that the parents of these children will pay any penalty the homeowner will incur, if they were to out them in the longrun.

I don't think there can be an enforceable contract between people who are knowingly doing something illegal.

Posted 8/5/06 6:00 PM

My miracles!

Member since 12/05

23902 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

I am not a homeowner yet but I'd be damn pi$$ed if I knew of someone doing this and I might just be that rotten neighbor who turns them in. Sorry to be a party pooper.

Posted 8/5/06 6:22 PM

Kasey & Me! Lurves it!

Member since 7/06

8703 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

ppl tried to do this to get into my hs and it cost them a pretty penny in legal fees, i am sure the homeowner got into a bit of legal trouble too. i would not reccommend this.

Posted 8/5/06 6:23 PM

big brother <3

Member since 5/05

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Re: I know this has to be illegal....

I think it is awful. Remember on 90210 when Andrea Zuckerman did this with her grandma's address? It's weird to think now that they got away with it on TV.

Anyway, in some districts you can pay out of district tuition so they could go anyway...I just hate when people abuse the system. I would think that if they got caught they would probably have to pay the amount spent on the student in that district, which could be $15,000 or more per student per year, but maybe it would even be more than that..

Message edited 8/5/2006 6:27:35 PM.

Posted 8/5/06 6:26 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/05

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Re: I know this has to be illegal....

This happened to a family in my district. They are now being sued for back taxes that are owed for going to these schools. Their oldest is a senior this year, so the mother is renting a house so that her kids could stay in the district (plus they still have their other house)

Posted 8/5/06 6:27 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Posted by Goldi0218

I am not a homeowner yet but I'd be damn pi$$ed if I knew of someone doing this and I might just be that rotten neighbor who turns them in. Sorry to be a party pooper.

Ok, I am totally against it too, but just curious why you'd be the rotten neighbor if the person doesn't have kids in the system anymore and is still paying high school taxes just like you and the people whose kids it is are still paying into their district as well. Would it really bother you that much? I mean no harm, just asking!!

Posted 8/5/06 7:30 PM

My Babies

Member since 5/05

4956 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Posted by suvenR

Posted by Mrs-Boop

I think if this person feels they MUST do this, which I am against, they should create a contract of sorts, stating that the parents of these children will pay any penalty the homeowner will incur, if they were to out them in the longrun.

I don't think there can be an enforceable contract between people who are knowingly doing something illegal.


Posted 8/5/06 7:30 PM

is not the girl you knew

Member since 5/05

14266 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

i dont see it as a huge deal. why would you turn someone in? i mean, isnt the childs education and safety more important? to me it is.

i went to a REALLY bad school so i know how it can be. finally we moved.
then wheni moved out of my moms house i was a senior and i'd be damned if i was going to switch schools!! i just drove to school. that was my school, and my mom still lived there and was paying taxes, so....

Posted 8/5/06 7:58 PM

Mom of Three

Member since 9/05

7900 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

Posted by Lolita4Life

i mean, isnt the childs education and safety more important? to me it is.

The child? Which child? Everyone who wants their child to attend the school but doesnt live there's child?? Because its not my responsibility to pay taxes to cover the cost of children who dont live in the district who are attending the school by misrepresenting where they live. People can get a tax break when they no longer have children in the school system so the person who has grown kids and is allowing someone to use their address is not carrying their weight in supporting the childs cost to the district. I have 3 kids of my own, Im far from coldhearted about kids in general and I care about their welfare but these are people who are doing something dishonest and Im supposed to pay?

ETA: I know this is not the l direction the original post was trying to go in, but it happens all the time on threads. I know the poster is concerned about her friend so Im not trying to hijack it but its one of those things that as a taxpayer, is really annoying.

Message edited 8/5/2006 8:19:06 PM.

Posted 8/5/06 8:14 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 5/06

95 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

i think it shows bad character in front of the kids. lying is bad... and one's kids are watching from your example... i wouldn't do it bc of this... sorry to be the pooper here too, but i am the girl that got stopped by the police for speeding with the kids in the car and asked the cop to give me a ticket just so my kids could see it was wrong to break the law. lol!

Posted 8/5/06 8:36 PM

me and baby #3!

Member since 5/05

12013 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

have they asked if they can PAY to have their kids go out of district? They can do it here in GA if the schools are on a particular level and if the parents pay a certain amount....maybe the equivalent of the school taxes?? And the parent has to transport.

Posted 8/5/06 8:39 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

I have to agree with most of the responses I've read on here. it's dishonest, it's stealing. I would never do that.

Posted 8/5/06 8:50 PM

I hate hypocrites!!!!!

Member since 5/05

6905 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

When they are caught in our district they have to pay back the tution that they would have had to pay to have attended the school and they are usually removed. My district is over crowded as it is. It is not that aggressive in finding things out but if it is suspected they will investigate it and the child is removed and the parents are served.

Posted 8/5/06 9:52 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 7/05

268 total posts


Re: I know this has to be illegal....

This year EVERYONE in our school district had to reregister in order to attend the schools here in Glen Cove. I filled out the forms for my younger brother (who has been in this district since K), and it seems that our town is cutting down on those attending "illegally". The forms were very thorough, many which needed to be notarized, as well as copies of deeds, tax bills, mortgage and utility bills had to be included. The forms also clearly stated that if you are found to be lying about your residence, you will be required to pay back $13,000 per child, per school year to the GC schools.

Posted 8/5/06 10:00 PM

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