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LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Older kids and getting pregnant again
Anyone with older kids go back and have more?? My kids are 9, 7.5, and 3 and its becoming more and more of a discussion to have one more...I'm a little nervous to start again, since we are just out of the baby stage again (for the second time!), but I honestly would like 1 more. Are your kids all close even if there is a big age gap?
Posted 8/1/16 5:34 PM |
Member since 5/05 26975 total posts
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
I have a 12, 10 and 4 year old. Not that big of a gap, but we did start all over and I don't regret one minute.
Posted 8/1/16 7:20 PM |
Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06 27915 total posts
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
My son and daughter are exactly 4.5 yrs apart, they are currently 3 and 7. They are inseparable, the absolute best of friends. They bicker and have their moments but even with that, they can't stand to be apart and have so much fun together.
Posted 8/1/16 10:42 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
I think I'm more concerned about my older kids and the baby...they would be probably 10+ years apart!
Posted 8/2/16 6:57 AM |
LIF Adult

Member since 11/11 9141 total posts
Older kids and getting pregnant again
My cousin has 3 kids and is probably an extreme example - her first two kids are 10 years apart and her third is 6 years younger than her 2nd (so 16 years between her first and third). Although they are all at different stages in life, they are very close as siblings. The oldest one was soooo excited for both of her younger siblings and actually loved helping to care for both of them, so much that she is studying to become an early childhood teacher, in college
Message edited 8/2/2016 10:13:47 AM.
Posted 8/2/16 9:50 AM |
Love my little girl!

Member since 2/06 3621 total posts
Name: Jodi
Older kids and getting pregnant again
I have a 10 year old stepson and an 8 year old daughter from my first marriage. My current DH and I now have a 5 month old dd and honestly it has been amazing!! The older kids love her so much and they are not jealous at all. They are helpful and have an almost parental love for her. It's also easier because they are more independent themselves and they can and want to help (give a bottle, play with her, entertain her when she's fussy, manage her in the backseat when driving etc). There hasn't been one ounce of jealousy or resentment. It's been way better than I expected. HTH!
Message edited 8/2/2016 10:20:18 AM.
Posted 8/2/16 10:18 AM |
and one more girl on the way!

Member since 5/10 2954 total posts
Name: D
Older kids and getting pregnant again
I have a 12, 10, 6 and our daughter just turned 1!
I honestly love the gap and it's probably the only way I could have handled having 4 children. My kids are so helpful with her and they honestly adore her that they love being around her and teaching her things.
Posted 8/2/16 11:23 AM |
Big Brothers to Be

Member since 1/07 4521 total posts
Name: Maureen
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
We have a 8,7, almost 3 and a 8 month old
I love having them all, and they all adore the baby. I will say having older ones and very little ones is challenging as when it comes to vacations and recreational activities.
Message edited 8/2/2016 12:20:05 PM.
Posted 8/2/16 12:19 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Posted by 2boys1girl
I have a 12, 10, 6 and our daughter just turned 1!
I honestly love the gap and it's probably the only way I could have handled having 4 children. My kids are so helpful with her and they honestly adore her that they love being around her and teaching her things.
Your age gaps are similar to what mine would be...thanks for your positive words! We already know it will be hard (having a gap between our older two and youngest) but I needed some positive stories to even consider it more. Thanks!
Posted 8/2/16 12:26 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Thanks everyone!
Posted 8/2/16 12:26 PM |
Member since 8/10 6011 total posts
Older kids and getting pregnant again
My brother and SIL have an almost 12 year old, an almost 3 year old and she's due with another one next month! It's a huge age gap between the first and second, but they really get along so well. They are very cute with each other and the older one definitely protects and take cares of the younger.
Posted 8/2/16 12:32 PM |
and one more girl on the way!

Member since 5/10 2954 total posts
Name: D
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Posted by Lauren82
Posted by 2boys1girl
I have a 12, 10, 6 and our daughter just turned 1!
I honestly love the gap and it's probably the only way I could have handled having 4 children. My kids are so helpful with her and they honestly adore her that they love being around her and teaching her things.
Your age gaps are similar to what mine would be...thanks for your positive words! We already know it will be hard (having a gap between our older two and youngest) but I needed some positive stories to even consider it more. Thanks!
I haven't really found the age gap to be hard (I myself have a brother and sister I am 16 and 17 years apart from and I couldn't be closer or love them more than the siblings I'm 2 years apart from) my older two are boys who are busy with sports and school but they are obsessed with having a baby sister (my one son begs me for more...yea right! lol) they spend so much time with her they will even beg to take naps with her or take her to their room to play and hang out which in turn gives me a break.
Posted 8/2/16 1:40 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Posted by 2boys1girl
Posted by Lauren82
Posted by 2boys1girl
I have a 12, 10, 6 and our daughter just turned 1!
I honestly love the gap and it's probably the only way I could have handled having 4 children. My kids are so helpful with her and they honestly adore her that they love being around her and teaching her things.
Your age gaps are similar to what mine would be...thanks for your positive words! We already know it will be hard (having a gap between our older two and youngest) but I needed some positive stories to even consider it more. Thanks!
I haven't really found the age gap to be hard (I myself have a brother and sister I am 16 and 17 years apart from and I couldn't be closer or love them more than the siblings I'm 2 years apart from) my older two are boys who are busy with sports and school but they are obsessed with having a baby sister (my one son begs me for more...yea right! lol) they spend so much time with her they will even beg to take naps with her or take her to their room to play and hang out which in turn gives me a break.
The hard part for me is balancing everyone's older girls dance, act, and play soccer...the baby dances as well...poor kid has been a fixture at their activities since day 1, which has gotten harder as their activities are more time consuming. Its really just me doing most of the after school activities, so there isn't anyone to leave the baby with.
Posted 8/2/16 1:57 PM |
and one more girl on the way!

Member since 5/10 2954 total posts
Name: D
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Posted by Lauren82
Posted by 2boys1girl
Posted by Lauren82
Posted by 2boys1girl
I have a 12, 10, 6 and our daughter just turned 1!
I honestly love the gap and it's probably the only way I could have handled having 4 children. My kids are so helpful with her and they honestly adore her that they love being around her and teaching her things.
Your age gaps are similar to what mine would be...thanks for your positive words! We already know it will be hard (having a gap between our older two and youngest) but I needed some positive stories to even consider it more. Thanks!
I haven't really found the age gap to be hard (I myself have a brother and sister I am 16 and 17 years apart from and I couldn't be closer or love them more than the siblings I'm 2 years apart from) my older two are boys who are busy with sports and school but they are obsessed with having a baby sister (my one son begs me for more...yea right! lol) they spend so much time with her they will even beg to take naps with her or take her to their room to play and hang out which in turn gives me a break.
The hard part for me is balancing everyone's older girls dance, act, and play soccer...the baby dances as well...poor kid has been a fixture at their activities since day 1, which has gotten harder as their activities are more time consuming. Its really just me doing most of the after school activities, so there isn't anyone to leave the baby with.
That's my baby lol she's just become a tag along. I work full time and my kids are all in competitive travel sports. She's become so used to it and the kids love having her there...especially when she's wearing a cute onesie rooting them on lol.
Posted 8/2/16 2:17 PM |
LIF Infant
Member since 12/06 369 total posts
Name: L
Older kids and getting pregnant again
When my brother was born, I was 9 1/2, my sister was 7 and my other sister was 3 1/2. I am just as close to him as I am to the others despite the nearly 10 year difference. Yes we are far apart but our other siblings help to bridge the gap.
Posted 8/2/16 3:12 PM |
LIF Adolescent
Member since 8/15 619 total posts
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Mine are 12, 11 and 8 and I have ZERO desire to back to the baby stage again. I had mine close in age because once I was done with diapers and middle of the night feedings, I was NOT going back to it again
Posted 8/3/16 2:46 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Posted by NextChapter
When my brother was born, I was 9 1/2, my sister was 7 and my other sister was 3 1/2. I am just as close to him as I am to the others despite the nearly 10 year difference. Yes we are far apart but our other siblings help to bridge the gap.
Thanks! I appreciate the encouraging words and experiences.
Posted 8/3/16 6:22 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 1/08 2379 total posts
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
I have a 7.5 year old DD and a 13 month old DD. This wasn't by choice; it took almost 4 years for us to have our second due to intertility and many losses.
That being said - so far, it's been amazing. My older girl is so in love with her sister and tells her every day how much she loves her. She has only made jealous comments once or twice the entire time. My older DD is my baby's whole world; she lights up whenever she walks in the room. My DH and I hope they will be close as they get older too.
Posted 8/3/16 6:45 PM |
it's only forever

Member since 11/10 1598 total posts
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
my sister is 12 years younger than i am and she is my best friend! we have always been close. first she was like my baby and then it gradually turned into friendship. i couldn't imagine life without her
Posted 8/3/16 8:30 PM |
Member since 7/07 2160 total posts
Name: Dana
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
My DS was 5 when my DD was born last October.. They are the cutest thing ever together. The way they make each other laugh melts my heart every day. I was so worried about a 5 year age difference. and my son ADORES her, takes such good care of her.. love the age difference! He also has never felt threatened by her at all or jealous which i think is because of the age difference
Posted 8/4/16 12:20 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 2326 total posts
Name: Ms. Brat
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
My friend from HS has a 25 year old son, a 12 year old daughter and a 5 year old daughter. She and her husband love the huge age gaps and are considering a 4th in a year or 2.
Posted 8/6/16 5:20 PM |
baby boy coming spring '11
Member since 5/05 3133 total posts
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
My dd is going to be 9 in Nov, son is 5 and after years of going back and forth, we decided to have a 3rd. I'm due in Oct. I'm sure it's going to be tough starting over but we also know that it goes so fast and the sleepless nights won't last. I think it'll be easier than my last baby b/c I won't have a baby and toddler home. I'm hoping I enjoy it more and I won't sweat the small stuff. The kids are super excited and I think will be great helpers.
Posted 8/14/16 8:59 PM |
love my little girl !

Member since 9/10 5777 total posts
Name: Me
Older kids and getting pregnant again
I haven't experienced it personally , but I have seen it alot and I have noticed that large age gaps usually make for very positive sibling relationships. The older children are not threatened or jealous and usually view the younger sibling in very material / paternal way and love caring and helping out. It is probably easier on the mom too because she has willing ( built in ) help.
Posted 8/21/16 7:51 PM |

Member since 7/12 4376 total posts
Name: E
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
Posted by MrsA1012
I haven't experienced it personally , but I have seen it alot and I have noticed that large age gaps usually make for very positive sibling relationships. The older children are not threatened or jealous and usually view the younger sibling in very material / paternal way and love caring and helping out. It is probably easier on the mom too because she has willing ( built in ) help. \
Don't have kids but just wanted to say, me and my older (and only) sibling are 8 years apart. We have SUCH a good relationship and always did growing up. We never really fought or anything like that.
Posted 8/22/16 1:07 PM |
Liam's Mommy!

Member since 1/07 9764 total posts
Name: Tricia
Re: Older kids and getting pregnant again
I have a 7 year old. We have been trying for years but won't do fertility treatments again for a myriad of reasons. I wonder the same thing. Am I going to ruin my child's life if I have a baby when he is 8,9, 10?
Probably does matter much... Doesn't seem to be happening.
Posted 8/23/16 8:55 AM |
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