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How Trump Won the Election using Big Data

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Member since 1/06

7538 total posts


How Trump Won the Election using Big Data

If you can get past the computer science jargon in this fascinating (and horrifying) Vice article, it describes exactly how Trump's camp used Big Data to specifically target people in swing states.

The scariest thing to me is that although it seems ethically wrong to target people in this way (and the creators of this method WARNED people that it could be used to change the course of elections and history), I really believe that unless the Democratic Party employs these tactics in 2020 that we will be faced with another 4 years of Trump. He's so confident that he ALREADY filed his intent to run.

Posted 1/29/17 9:39 AM


Member since 5/05

8129 total posts


Re: How Trump Won the Election using Big Data

Obama used similar big data mining techniques.

How Big Data analytics helped Obama win

How Obama used BigData to rally voters

I work for a company that gathers data to create profiles and uses them to personalize experiences on our website. And oh yeah we sell that data to other companies. We make more money selling data then selling products.

People these days are very open about the information they will share. Even when you don't think you are sharing data, you are. Take this survey to find out what Walking Dead star you would be!!! There is more going on here then learning and sharing with your friends that you would be Darryl.

Posted 1/29/17 9:55 AM

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