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Sagamore Day Treatment Program

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St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Sagamore Day Treatment Program

CSE and dr. recommended this program for my daughter. We have intake interview next week. Has anyone had experience with this program?

Posted 3/22/19 5:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Sagamore Day Treatment Program

Which part of the program? Autism? Mental health?

Posted 3/22/19 6:44 PM

The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05

4431 total posts


Sagamore Day Treatment Program

We were offered as well but I declined. Just do your research and ask a ton of questions while you are at your intake. All children are different so what is great for one might not be for the next. Good luck!

Posted 3/22/19 6:51 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Sagamore Day Treatment Program

Posted by TwinMommyToBoys

Which part of the program? Autism? Mental health?

Mental health.

Posted 3/25/19 8:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


Re: Sagamore Day Treatment Program

Posted by donegal419

Posted by TwinMommyToBoys

Which part of the program? Autism? Mental health?

Mental health.

Is this for permanent placement or is it temporary in hopes of transitioning back to school? I think in the short term it’s a good and intensive program when all else fails but I would also consider other programs too. I work in psychiatry and our children in our unit will often transition there if we can’t safely discharge them home. Parents have mixed feedback. Personally I feel the system needs a total overhaul but that’s me. We have had kids be successful in their program, more specifically the autism program but that’s not to say other kids haven’t done just as well in the mental health side.

Posted 3/26/19 1:08 PM

St. Gerard, pray for us.

Member since 7/07

7650 total posts


Re: Sagamore Day Treatment Program

Posted by TwinMommyToBoys

Posted by donegal419

Posted by TwinMommyToBoys

Which part of the program? Autism? Mental health?

Mental health.

Is this for permanent placement or is it temporary in hopes of transitioning back to school? I think in the short term it’s a good and intensive program when all else fails but I would also consider other programs too. I work in psychiatry and our children in our unit will often transition there if we can’t safely discharge them home. Parents have mixed feedback. Personally I feel the system needs a total overhaul but that’s me. We have had kids be successful in their program, more specifically the autism program but that’s not to say other kids haven’t done just as well in the mental health side.

Thanks for your response. This is the 45 day program with hopes of transitioning back to district. She has PANS and so I think all the psychiatric symptoms are related to that. I have been doing weekly therapy, psychiatrist, and work with an integrative doctor for the PANS. I am not seeing an improvement on either end. I don't know if perhaps she may have a true mental illness like bi-polar. she is dx with generalized anxiety. But she does have OCD thoughts and compulsions, skin picking, tics that come and go, etc. She looks like a textbook case of PANS/PANDAS yet the dr. treating her also treated my son for PANS and he has made HUGE improvements, where she has not. The school, while they have been great, don't seem to know what to do so they suggested this. She is extremely bright and would never qualify for special ed. based on her cognitive functioning - and the self-contained classes at her school are not a functional group for her because those kids are really low IQ and developmental. she is depressed every day, tired, etc. Basically not functioning at school, but will get some work done with the resource room teacher. Right now, she is just existing at school. She is not a behavior problem so I am a little worried about her being exposed to a kids with ODD and rage, etc. I agreed to the program more to see what they think and perhaps they can give me any insight on what is wrong. This year has been basically a wash anyway, so I am fine with it being more therapeutic and not academic. If you have any thoughts or ideas or other resources and don't mind PMing me, I would be so greatful.

ETA: DH is administrator in BOCES for a school with kids for ED and feels like this would be a better placement than a BOCES placement for now. Even though i'm a special ed. teacher, I work in a regular public school, so my students are more LD, high functioning autism, ADD and so I don't know what a placement like this really looks like. also, this is my kid and I hope I am doing the right thing.

Message edited 4/1/2019 10:40:09 PM.

Posted 4/1/19 10:34 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 2/11

3534 total posts


Re: Sagamore Day Treatment Program

My step son was in a similar program, it was 16 weeks, last summer. He went back to his elementary school for 2 months and we had to find him permanent placement in a therapeutic school.

He is almost 11. He has been dx with a mood disorder most likely bi polar, ADHD and ODD

ETA: your daughter sounds just like my step son

Message edited 4/2/2019 10:59:07 AM.

Posted 4/2/19 10:58 AM

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